Turmeric for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

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Jhanalyn (Greensboro, NC) on 04/25/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

I have just founf this website (thank goodness because I was running out of the pills that were prescribed to me by my doctor and I no longerhave any health insurance to get more) I just started the Tumeric yesterday. So far everytime I take it my groin area where I have the biggest problem right now starts to burn so bad and I cant move. IS this suppposed to happen is this natural. Also I have a question about taking the powder tumeric in a capsule how much a day works the best or can you take as much as you like. I really appreciate this site with some new inforamtion because I was getting to the point where I Was just goign to give up.
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Jessica (Detroit, MI) on 04/25/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been taking Turmeric powder for about a week now to treat my H.S. It has been fabulous!!! It's also clearing my acne as well. The taste may take a little getting used to but it's all worth it. I take 1 tsp three times a day with 1/4 cup of warm water.
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Bobbie (Locust Grove, Ga) on 03/08/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

H.S. Wow, I came on here looking for answers because the Dr's sure don't have any. I used the turmeric and it really worked, it worked so well that I didn't have ANY bumps and I forgot to take the turmeric for a couple of days...... I paid for that, I got 6 bumps. I'm back on the Turmeric and they went away, so I know for sure it works, now I'm just waiting on something to cure it for good.
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Leila (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on 03/07/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

First, let me tell you that this site has become one of my favourites and has helped me get back in touch with my affinity for folk remedies. Thank you for that!

Yesterday evening, I tried the Turmeric Tea recipe that Anna from Union County, NJ, shared. It tasted so much better than I thought it would, it's actually delicious! I like drinking warm milk before bedtime :D
More importantly, only one large cup of this tea already reduced a boil in my armpit to half its size overnight. It also doesn't hurt any longer. I stopped using commercial deodorants about a year ago, because I kept getting awful boils under my armpits and suspected the aluminium in deodorant to cause these. Used green clay compresses, but they only work temporarily and the boils kept returning. I also get boils on my breasts - horribly painful and embarrassing.

I'm absolutely amazed at how quickly the Turmeric had an effect! Thank you, Anna, and thank you, EC!

EC: Anna's Recipe:

09/06/2007: Anna from Union County, NJ writes: "Turmeric truly is the cure for boils. I have been struggling with boils for over 10 years! I have been to countless doctors and dermatologists for this embarrassing and painful ailment to no avail. I stumbled upon this website and tried it. When I saw a huge difference in 48 hours, I cried. Thank You.

 Here is a turmeric tea recipe that is truly delicious, from Yogi Bhajan, founder of the Yogi Tea brand INGREDIENTS:

 * 1 tsp turmeric powder
 * 4 cups water
 * 1 cup milk (soy or dairy)
 * 2 tbsp almond oil
 * liquid sweetener, to taste, optional (honey, agave, maple syrup)

 Bring water to a boil and add turmeric. Allow to simmer for 8-10 minutes, stirring to make sure the turmeric is fully dissolved. Reduce heat, add milk and oil and stir well. Add sweetener if desired and enjoy!

 This just shows how we should look to Mother Earth a little more often instead running to a physician.

 Also, instead of using Neosporin on those nasty things, a little manuka honey and vitamin E salve goes a long way."

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Ann (Hartford, CT) on 12/06/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

HS and pregnancy:

I'm so glad to have found this site. This disease can make you feel so alone. But I am lucky to have supportive people in my life. I have had HS on my groin for 10 years. I was on spirolactone 10mg 2x aday for the last 4 years and had surgery 2 years ago. Things were in check until I decided to go off the meds to try to have a baby. 7 months later and I have the worse and the most painful outbreak ever and never did get pregnant. The doctor gave me antibotics and the lump went down but not alot. My lumps do not usually burst and drain. I try to get some fluid out but I barely got any this time. The fluid seems buried under the skin. I want to try the tumeric remedy but I need to know if it is safe to take while still trying to conceive. Thanks for the advice.

EC: Turmeric contraindications here: http://www.herballegacy.com/Alter_Contra.html.

Melissa (Jacksonville, Florida) on 10/16/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Turmeric cure for Hidradenitis suppurative: I have been taking 3 tsps of Turmeric in water 3 times a day for 29 days now. I have had Hydradenitis Suppurativa for many years. I had 2 cysts on my bottom for many months that would always be there but would flair up often. a month ago 1 of them was the size of a baseball and the other a golf ball. In much pain for a long time, i found this site. Thank God! Anyway, I have been drinking Turmeric for a month now and they are almost gone completely (except the scarring and bruising). 1 is completly flat and I can feel No bump and the other is the size of a pea now. I was wondering How Long Should I take this...Can I take it forever? Should I? Is it ok for me? Thanx in advance 4 advice.
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Melissa (Jacksonville, Florida) on 10/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been taking 3 tsps of Turmeric in water 3 times a day for 29 days now. I have had Hydradenitis Suppurativa for many years. I had 2 cysts on my bottom for many months that would always be there but would flair up often. a month ago 1 of them was the size of a baseball and the other a golf ball. In much pain for a long time, i found this site. Thank God! Anyway, I have been drinking Turmeric for a month now and they are almost gone completely (except the scarring and bruising). 1 is completly flat and I can feel No bump and the other is the size of a pea now. I was wondering How Long Should I take this...Can I take it forever? Should I? Is it ok for me? Thanx in advance 4 advice



Janet (Weyburn, Canada) on 10/10/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Tumeric for Hidradenitis suppurativia: 1/4 tsp. of tumeric taking in foods or i cup of boiling water with a little honey will shrink the lesions..and take the pain away...
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Tempest (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 10/05/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Absolutely amazing! I started getting HS symptoms when I was 11, when it was ALL OVER my body and spent the next 12+ years jumping from doctor to doctor, diagnosis to theory, hormone supplements to diets, allergy tests to (five years on) antibiotics before I said to myself 'bad skin is not worth all this.' I have had to just put up with it for the last few years and it has seemed to be confined to certain areas (buttox, face, underarms) but a month ago it came back so viciously that I turned to the internet for help.

I found this site and the Tumeric/anti-bacterial soap solution and it worked like nothing else has! I was so amazed - I have been adding the tumeric to my cup of tea every morning, minus the milk, plus a teaspoon of sugar for taste, and it ever tastes great! (just don't chew on the powder at the bottom). It even got rid of one that has been plaguing my chin for over 3 months now (and has left a huge scar). I couldn't believe how quickly it dried up!

Thank you so much!

One question though; how long do I have to take it for? Is this a lifetime thing? Is this an everyday thing? Won't my body become used to it eventually (like so many remedies before)?

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primrose76 (Sacramento, CA) on 09/28/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

H.S. i have been using turmeric and im very thankful for this site because this is where i first got the idea of using turmeric a few months back. im clear right now and has been so ever since i started using turmeric. im drinking powder put in a soft rice wrapper (because i tried taking it with warm water and i could not stand it). also, the last time i had a boil i used crushed ginger with castor oil as instructed by one of the sufferer in this forum too and it does work. thanks so much! it changed my life too a lot. i was very depressed and this gave me real hope and a new light! goodluck to everyone!
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