B12 for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

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michelle (florida) on 08/23/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

hi, I am looking for help for my daughter. I am new to all this. found your post to be very interesting. could you give me further tips. would love to connect with someone that has been through this. thank you

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Bee (Tampa, FL) on 02/14/2022:
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Just an update to my prior comment. The high dose B12 (2,000 mcg) was keeping me up at night so I stopped it. I then switched to a B complex that had more than the 100 mcg from the one I had been using (400 mcg) and thankfully it was enough to maintain the therapeutic effect. I can still eat nightshades and other trigger foods without causing a flare. So play around with the dosage and find the one that is right for you. 100 mcg daily was not enough but the 400 mcg in my new B Complex was enough to keep the flare ups at bay.

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Bee (Tampa, FL) on 01/18/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

I have several auto-immune conditions, one of which is Hidradenitis Suppurativa. I manage all of them by monitoring my diet. Over the years I have found several things to ease the HS but by far the best was just avoiding nightshades and other trigger foods. I found citric acid to be especially problematic. It was no fun avoiding my favorite foods like mashed potatoes or tomatoes, but I did so in order to achieve clear skin. Then one day I came across an old book called, "The Ultimate Healing System" where the author mentioned something I hadn't heard before. The author stated that if someone has a "sensitivity" to a food, there is usually an antidote for it, which is typically a deficiency. Meaning, that the "sensitivity" would be reversed if one corrects the deficiency. So I began to focus instead on making sure I was consuming all vitamins my body needed. I am unable to take anything, not even supplements, on a daily basis otherwise my body tends to become sensitive to that item.

So I started with taking a B complex supplement that contained about 100 mcg of B12, every other day (making sure to take only supplements with limited amounts of "extra" ingredients). I saw some improvements in my overall autoimmune symptoms. But when I went to get my B12 levels checked with my doctor, they were found to still be in the 400s range, which is not optimal at all. He recommended I take a higher B12 dose.

So I purchased a B12 supplement that contained 2,000 mcg per capsule. I began take 3 capsules per week (one on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). I continued with my regular B complex on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. A couple weeks after beginning this regimen with the added higher B12, I noticed I was no longer breaking out at all. I tested this by going for Mexican food and had enchiladas drenched with tomato sauce. No reaction. A few days later I ate mashed potatoes. Again no reaction. Since then I have eaten nightshades so many times with no reaction! The HS was gone!

I decided to stop the B12 for a week to see what would happen when I ate nightshades. The breakouts returned. I started the B12 again, and my skin cleared pretty quickly. I googled to see if there was a connection between B12 and HS and I did find one small study where someone's HS was cleared with higher doses of B12.

Anyway, I wanted to share this to hopefully help someone. Raise your B12 levels and other vitamins and minerals to optimal levels and you will see a marked improvement in your symptoms.

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