Apple Cider Vinegar for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

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Diamond (Hamilton, Ohio) on 05/07/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I had tried so many remedies for excessive menstrual bleeding all helped a little but did not stop my bleeding. I was told my only option by my physican was surgery yet my blood count was so low that she could not even do that. ACV stopped my bleeding completely in 2 days! So after 8 months of non stop bleeding and numerous natural remedies I found relief in 2 days from ACV. I tried the liquid but switched to tablets due to stomach upset. I now can address my anemia caused by my blood loss. I am not sure how or why this worked, only know that it did!!!
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Joonie (York, Uk) on 03/03/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar and nightmare period issues!! Oh my goodness! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! After three years of continuous bleeding and hellish, frightening pain I find this fantastic site, Earth Clinic. I have been to hell and back since all this period saga started [ I'm 45 by the way].

Doctors find it easy to shove pills in your face and send you away. I was put on norethisterone for 21 days and off for 7 days which turned out to only make the matter worse plus awful side effects. Anyway, I decided to take myself off these horrendous pills which made the bleeding a hundred times worse, the clots remained the size of mobile phones and the cramps remained the same as those I experienced during childbirth, yowser - not to mention the flooding and not being able to leave the home, shop, drive or be Mum! [ having to use 19 pads and tampons in less than 24hrs for days! ] Absolute nightmare - infact at my worst I thought I may die - really - it was that bad. I was fainting, needing a chair to sit at the cooker to try and cook for my family as I was so weak. I could hardly wash myself as I was pooped all the time. I was having to crawl up the stairs. Our bed had to have plastic sheeting on it, not that I slept as I was up every 20 mins changing. I had to sit on rolled up bath sheets on the sofa and at one stage I had to sit on my kitchen floor as I could wipe away spilage, oh goodness I'm getting rather teary, whoops.

My poor husband and son were worried to death.

BUT NOW AFTER TAKING ACV I'VE GOT MY LIFE BACK. I've been swilling ACV for a month [ 1 tbls in 1 tabls of water 2 or 3 times a day using a straw to look after ones teeth ] and it took effect almost immediately. The bleeding became lighter and lighter and then stopped for a whole 11 days - that was fantastic for me. I then had what appears to have been a normal period with no pain, no flooding and no need to take spare knickers and clothing when I left the house. This period has lasted 8 days and stopped [Been great to sleep too]! Before I was bleeding for 45 days stopping for 1 - 16 days with constant spotting and then heavy again for days. In one year I only had 29 days WITHOUT bleeding. Did the Doc care much? NO!

I have stocked up on ACV and I am so positive it's gonna keep on working - it's truly amazing. I even look like my old self again - HURAH! I've been out shopping, walking and enjoying myself I even went to my friends house this week, before I was too scared I would bleed on her furniture or be in a mess on the street.

Loving life, being positive and loving myself again. Thank you Earth Clinic and all the Ladies comments I read on this Lady Matter. I will spread the word, deffo!

I can hardly believe it! In fact it makes me quite emotional.

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Lat11698 (Grady, Al) on 02/11/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I am so excited to share this story with you ladies. I came across this website a few days ago because I was trying to obtain some information about missed menstrual cycles. I found the cure for it right here on this website.

Today is February 11, 2012. I had not seen my cycle since December 5, 2011. This is not the first time it has happened to me. The early part of last year, I had gone almost 3 months without getting my cycle. One day without notice, it came and it was a massive overflow. Luckily for me, I was in a pasture fishing with my mom and there was no one else around. It freaked me out because I was thinking at the time, what if I had been in a grocery store or a public place when it happened. Anyways, I got over that time. Months went by and my cycle was normal. Then, after it went off in December 2011, it never came back on again.

After researching this website, I decided to try the apple cidar vinegar.

Yesterday morning, I put 1/2 cup of water in a cup and 2 Tablespoons of apple cidar. The taste wasn't lovely but it was bearable. I sucked it through a straw because I had heard also that the acid in the vinegar is not that great on your teeth. I love pickles so I guess it doesn't really matter to me.. :) I also drunk another dose of it last night before I went to bed.

Around 11am this morning when I used the bathroom, I could tell that my cycle was beginning. I was so freakin amazed by this. It truly works.... And even more, it came without the flooding effect. I was so worried about my cycle because I have a trip planned to Destin, FL next week and I had all kinds of thoughts going through my head about what if it floods while I am out with the girls, etc.

I hope anyone reading this will use this remedy. I also think I have figured out what causes my cycle to do this and why the apple cidar works. This is just my opinion and observation but here goes. The uterine lining sheds each month when our cycle comes on. However, for those times our cycle don't come on, the uterine line actually blocks the menstruation from happening. Just imagine this lining that's there blocking the area where the blood flow comes through. Each month that your cycle does not come on, that lining is there starting to sag heavily from the built up menstruation. Weird I know. But then I think the reason the apple cider vinegar helps start your period is because the acid in it is so strong that it helps eat away the lining. Just a thought but something is going on for this to work as well as it does. I can't really explained the part about why the blood flow does not come out uncontrollably. Maybe it also dissolves some of the blood while it's working on the uterine lining. Like I said, just a thought. I am curious though.

If anyone has a better explanation, please explain it to me. Good luck ladies. I hope you all have as much success with this as I have. Thank you so much to all the ladies who posted their situation on here. You never know how valuable the information you share is until you do!!

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Maylin (Providence, Ri) on 02/11/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

WOW this really worked for me. :) I just had my second baby two months ago and I had my period ever since. My flow was real heavy and crampy so I decided to look in google for a remedy to help me slow it down a lil bit. THANK god I came across this website!! . I started drinking 3 spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar yesterday 3 times a day along with 8oz of water, today is my 2nd day drinking ACV and my period totally stopped!!! Is this really happening????...... I still can't believe it. :) god bless Apple Cider Vinegar. I recommended it to everyone with heavy menstrual period.
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Kristen (Arcata, Ca) on 01/11/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I am so thankful that I found this site and saw all of the other women's experiences by using ACV. I am a 45 year old so I am in perimenopause and my symptoms have been horrific. For the past two years I have had excessive bleeding, flooding, clotting, anemia, and pain with my periods. I have missed many days of work and I have had to stay literally locked up at home for fear of having constant accidents out in public. My periods were every 3 weeks instead of 4 and they would last for say 10 days. Just recently I went to the doctor and she put me on birth control pills. Well I didn't have a period for 5 weeks.... Then midway in taking my birth control pills I started to flow again. It was light so I thought I was doing good. Then, I just continued to flow for days. Then on day 13 of light bleeding I started to flood and huge clots again only this time it was worse than ever before. Just to say this as of day 18, yesterday, I was about to go to the hospital thinking that I would need a blood transfusion.

But I came across this website while I was looking for natural remedies for my heavy menses. I have organic ACV and I put some in some water with honey and drank it three times yesterday and I am pleased to say that I am having a much lighter flow. I have used it today as well and it has made such a difference for me so far! I have found my saving grace!

Thank you so much for this site and all of the helpful comments from women like me. I am spreading the word so other woman will have to suffer like I have! So ladies reach for the ACV for your period!

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Motivated2012 (Jacksonville, Florida) on 12/04/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi all,

I was diagnosed with PCO about five years ago... I'm 45 years old, married with no children. I been having abnormal cycles all my life and at times none at all. I found a website which made reference to ACV Organic Raw (unfiltered). I begin taking about six months ago and I tell you NO lie. I have had a cycle every month. I'm also type II diabetic and my numbers are AWESOME! I have always exercised (walking) on a regular. Sometimes the "Natural" elements work. I wished I had knew about this years ago but hopefully this information can be helpful to someone:)


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Krista (Sherman, Ny) on 12/01/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I just wanted to thank those of you that have posted their experience with using ACV for prolonged periods and for providing this site. I missed my period for two months. When it came it lasted for nine weeks. It flowed through tampons and pads. I could not leave my home for fear I would leak through. I also had very large clots. My doctor did a sonogram and said nothing was wrong so she scheduled an appointment for a gyn. I was sick of bleeding so heavy. I was getting exausted and anemic from the blood loss.

So, I decided to find a home remedy for the problem. That's when I found this site. I thought I need to try this. I mixed one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 8 oz. of water and drank it two times a day. My period completed stopped in a day and a half. I have cut back to once a day but the bleeding did not come back yet. I am very happy that I didn't have to spend lots of money and go through unnecessary medical procedures to stop it. I wish doctors would share this kind of information. Thanks again earthclinic.

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Shelley (Halifax, Ns) on 01/20/2011:
1 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar had the total opposite effect on me than most women. It was like someone turned the faucet on, it was horrible, I started the Apple Cider Vinegar a week beforehand, guess it only works for some.
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Onemoretime (Indianapolis, In) on 12/28/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

This is amazing. I was actually looking for validation to a claim that I am ready to scream to the top of my lungs and I found it here! After my last period, someone told me about drinking ACV for cleansing my digestive tract and relieving myself of excess water. Well, I think I was so focused on my increased number of bowel movements that I missed another wonderful discovery!

Let's go back... For years, menstruation has been a nightmare for me. I was to the point where my doctor told me that if I wanted to have any more children, I needed to do it now because what she wanted to do about my ABNORMAL bleeding would prevent pregnancy. Well, I've since battled infertility issues (for which I am looking to resolve naturally before I go back to the fertility specialist), but I just came off my period and realized that I didn't have debilitating cramps, my monthly headache, nor those big monster clots that hit the comode water and splash back up at me! Could ACV be a part of my healing?! ?! ?! ? I mean, no one knows how depressed I would get knowing that my period was coming... Nights of miserable sleeping, nervous anxieties of messing up my clothes... I'm gonna do this for another month and if it still works, I'm telling everyone I know who deals with periods from HADES!

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Michele (Coffeyville, Ks Us) on 11/07/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple cider vinegar helped so much with my problem of heavy bleeding, I am 53 and was having such a terrible time.

I tried 2 tps ACV with a bottle of water and orange flavored drink mix. I drank it 3 times that day and it slowed down the flow so much, it made my period so much more easier to deal with. I recommend the ACV treatment each day of your period, you won't need any other medicine at all.

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