Avoid Coconut Oil for Heart Palpitations

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Gerard (Independence, Missouri) on 12/06/2014:
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Having heart palpitations in the evening after using coconut oil when hypothyroidism is present may be explained as having the thyroid finally kick in and induce those rapid heartbeats. Those with thyroid problems report on curezone that use of coconut oil cleans this condition up. Try "Oil Swishing" forum as regards orally swirling coconut oil in the mouth for 20 minutes and spitting it out. This sucks lots of infection out of the sinuses and gums; cleans and whitens teeth by cutting biofilm; and can start clearing up what may be a sub-acute fungal infection of the thyroid suspected because coconut oil has a powerful anti-fungal, caprylic acid. Blessings!

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Carrie B (Williams Lake, Bc, Canada) on 04/09/2012:
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I only started with 1tsp of coconut oil and it absolutely DID cause me to have a rapid heart beat later in the evening. I tried 2 days in a row and the same thing happened. I have no heart problems and my blood pressure is 110/70 on average. I also do not have high cholesterol problems. I do, however, have hypothyroidism which is why I wanted to try the virgin coconut oil. There was no other thing I changed that would account for the heart palpitations. It was unsettling.
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