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Quail Eggs for Hay Fever

Tessa (Nz) on 01/01/2023
5 out of 5 stars

I have been having the worst hayfever for the past few years with no way to curing it until I did some reaserch on the benefits on quail eggs. I have been eating raw quail eggs for only a couple of days and I am already noticing the improvement! Quail egg has been scientifically proven to cure around 5000 problems in the body, so I’d love quail egg on the list for more people to reap the benefits.
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Prune Juice for Hay Fever

Nothy (Ontario) on 08/24/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I began taking prune juice to address low iron levels but at the same time, I was experiencing hay fever for weeks. I found half a cup of prune juice twice a day has eliminated my hay fever symptoms (and improved my iron)
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MMS for Hayfever

A4givn1 (Evans Colorado) on 08/09/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Recovered from hay fever allergy after 40 years of torture.

I started taking clorine dioxide(MMS) and followed the hourly protocal .. I am fully recoveryed from any hay fever symtoms... can breath summer air from late june to mid aug... What a treat.

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ACV for Hay Fever

Deneen (Kansas City, Usa) on 07/08/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Back of throat, eyes and nose itch from allergies:

A little Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water always helps me with respiratory allergies. You know the feeling of the back of your throat itching? Sneezing? Stuffy nose? and watery itchy eyes? Add a capfull of ACV into a cup of water. In about 10 minutes the harshness of the allergy symptoms will lessen dramatically.

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Ginger for Allergies and Sinuses

Laura (Hanover, Nh) on 06/13/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I take ginger root (1 capsule a day) every year starting in March for allergic rhinitis. When I have a cold, fresh ginger tea keeps my sinus passages open. When people are sick in my office, I make up a big batch of ginger root tea that I steep for 20 minutes with a cinnamon stick and bring it in for everyone to drink. 
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Quercetin, Bromelain for Hay Fever

Ladyliza (Los Angeles) on 02/04/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I have found something quite by accident that works for my hay fever. I have rhinitis constantly and in the morning I can't take a deep breath. I have a lush garden and cats and dogs. I use quercetin with bromelain and after several days I realized my symptoms were gone. I couldn't remember why I had purchased this bottle and had it a long time so I thought I would just finish up the bottle and throw it away. Good luck!
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Turmeric for Allergies and Hay Fever

Maddy (Sacramento, Ca) on 05/01/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Five Stars! Turmeric has been amazing for me. Everything is lush and blooming since the drought is over in California this year. Both my ears were clogged from the inside, everything sounded muffled, and there was pain and pressure. Even though I could breathe I though it must be allergies. Psuedofed decongestant and loratadine antihistamine were not helping and an over the counter nasal spray helped a bit, but you were supposed to stop after 3 days.

After visiting this site, and since I don't mind the taste, I did 1 teaspoon of turmeric with a little black pepper (read somewhere that helps the turmeric do its job) mixed into a paste with about the same amount of coconut oil or butter. I eat it off the spoon. I did it twice a day for 3 days, then went down to 1/2 t twice a day, then 1/2 t once a day. Now I'm forgetting to do it - a good thing, but since I'm feeling a little ear pressure today I think a 1/2 t once a day may be a good maintenance dose until spring is over. Capsules are easy, but much more expensive. It can be added directly to food too. I'm going to an Indian Grocery this week to get a bag of the powdered spice. I shared my success with my pharmacist who is from India and she got excited telling me how she boils turmeric powder and cardamom in milk. When her kids start to feel a cold coming on, they say Mommy, it's tea time!

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Sea Salt Cure for Hay Fever

Dewald (Johannesburg, South Africa) on 03/06/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I use the saltwater cure for hayfever. I tried everything else, but saltwater is like an instant miracle cure for me.

This is how I do it: I dissolve a half teaspoon of sea salt and cayenne into a glass of water. The cayenne makes it more drinkable, and helps when I have an itchy throat that often goes together with my allergies.

I noticed that this cure is not featured on the reviews for hayfever, I guess it's because it sounds too simple to work. But I've tried everything before, and this is the only method that cures my hayfever instantly.

Regards, Dewald

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Baking Soda for Hay Fever

Qigongbill (Fremont, Ca) on 05/07/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Baking soda for Hay Fever:

It works for me and my friends. I am over 65.

1/2 teaspoon baking soda, in 4 oz of water. Results can be seen within 1/2 hr. It is more effective, last longer, cheaper than those non drowsy tablets.

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Apple Cider Vinegar Not Helping Husband's Constant Hacking From Hay Fever

Patrice (Modesto, Ca) on 12/16/2015
1 out of 5 stars

Not sure just symptoms of hay fever .. But my husband is driving me crazy.. We can't hardly sleep together and or be in the same room even during the day he has this hacking and clearing of his throat! ., thought it was because of wheat or cheese and tried taking him off it and it still goes on! .. Not just at night but morning too and sometimes during the afternoon?.. Help! .. Given him vinegar and honey and baking soda .. Doesn't seem to do much! .. Homeopathic hay fever tablets don't help either.

Kathi's Hay Fever Salad Dressing

Kathi (New Brunswick, Nj) on 04/28/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Faced with sudden and strong symptoms from tree pollen yesterday (sneezing, itchy throat, itchy eyes), I tried a concoction based on several of the currently posted hay fever remedies. The concoction includes turmeric, local honey, ACV, and olive oil. I had no problem with bad taste from the turmeric since it was mixed with honey. Two shots of this about 3 hours apart, and I had no need to resort to my backup OTC that makes me feel drowsy and drugged. Have taken two more shots today, one added to my lunch salad as a dressing! I'm so glad to be able to stay "clear headed" in this spring allergy season!

The recipe is:

~ 1/4 teaspoon turmeric
~1 TBSP local-sourced honey
~1 TBSP Olive Oil
~1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar
~1 TBSP water

Mix in jar with lid by shaking vigorously, or use a whisk (I love my battery operated milk frother for tasks like this).

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Apple Cider Vinegar for Hay Fever

Frabika (California) on 11/14/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I took ACV for several months, every day. I hated it. One teaspoon in water, followed by a full glass of water to drown out the taste. And it did nothing at all for my hayfever. I was miserable, my eyes were watering constantly, nose dripping out of nowhere, completely embarrassing.

So then I thought, if everyone else is raving about it, why isn't this working for me? I upped the dose: yesterday after a particulary awful hayfeverish day, I took three tablespoons of it in water three times. Today, I took it at 6:30 am then again at 9am at the same dosage. And guess what...no symptoms at all. Crazy. I will take another strong dose when I get home and perhaps tomorrow reduce it a bit.

If the ACV isn't working for you, increase it!!

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MSM for Hayfever

Cat (Tauranga, New Zealand, New Zealand) on 08/21/2013
5 out of 5 stars

This last few weeks have been the worst for pollen in our area that I've known and so many people are suffering with the sneezing and itchy nose/eyes/mouth...it's seriously driven me crazy. I was reduced to going to the pharmacy and getting Telfast for the sneezing (should have read earthclinic first lol) which I was relieved of but the itchy eyes continued and it became embarrassing to go to work with one red, swollen, watery eye so I went and got the anti-itch eye drops (again silly me! ) - they didn't really work at all and I was wondering how long I'd be left with this horrid ailment! So going through the kitchen cupboards one day recently, I came across a big bag of MSM that I'd purchased last year for terrible skin on my hands, I decided to start taking it again and voila!! Within the first 24 hours, the itch in my eyes had COMPLETELY disappeared! The pollen is still coming thick and fast from the trees up on the hill as it's all over everyone's cars and windows etc but I am no longer affected by it and can only put it down to the fabulous MSM, which by the way, is also making my hands look and feel soooo smooth once again. Might not work for everyone, but worth a try folks.
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Jennywren (Perth, Western Australia, Australia) on 02/12/2012
1 out of 5 stars

NAY - I wish I could make this a Yay, but ACV ingested doesn't seem to help me much with anything. I use _____'s, a tablespoon twice a day and still have hayfever. I've been taking it for 2 weeks. I find ACV mildly helpful with colds/sore throats and have found it works topically best for me. It hasn't helped my rheumatoid arthritis at all either, or with my 5yo's asthma. Darn it!
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Grapes Helped Allergy, Sinusitis, and Digestive Problems

Tony (Sydney, Australia) on 02/02/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Hi my name is Tony and I am 22 years old. I have been suffering from things like hayfever, sinusitis and digestive problems for around 8-9 years. I cannot remember the exact date or year but have been suffering as far as I remember. But now I believe I am cured and I believe finally I have found cure for all these ailments. I will tell the exact cure later but firstly I will say but I had for treatment for last 6- 7 years and what I did to get rid of all my problems. Firstly the doctors prescribed me all those usual hayfever sprays and tablets such as Beconase and Zyertac etc. I started using these intially I got better but the things got worse by time. I will cut it short so I tried all the pills but later got rid of it, later used Neti pot also have been exercising for 4-5 years. Also have been taking vitamin C ans zinc tablet to strengthn my immmune system. All these things did work and really improved my condition but I still would suffer from allergy symtoms specially sinusitis. I would feel pain in my sinusis every single day and I would ask myself that what in the world would it take to cure this damn thing. Forgot to mention I also tried detoxing, some garlic tablets and some natural hayfever tablets and other stuff. All these things would work in the short run but I would never ever totally feel better. I would also mention I tried apple cider vinegar with cayene and honey for a past month, it helped but not as much. Even after trying all these things I was determined to cure my allergies. I would even google like cure for allergies to find any cures.

If there was one thing that I was convinced about was that my sinusitis was related to my digestive system. Then I also read on many places that allergies may be caused by not enough digestive enzymes in the digestive system. I donot know for sure If I have low digestive enzymes or what ever because there are no tests to confirm.

But 4-5 days ago accidently I discovered something. I was watching tennis at night Australian open and was eating grapes. I consumed around say like a cup of grapes and I felt so much better. I felt like the dinner I had like an hour ago digested rather quickly and I was feeling really hungry again.

I had found the misssing link for myself it were grapes I mean not just grapes but fruits. Then I just googled for benefits of grapes I was surprised to see the many benefits included asthma, heart disease, digestion etc. Since then I have been eating friuits like grapes and blueberries after every single meal I have. I start eating fruits during the breakfast and ends with dessert at night. And I have never felt better in my life. I would recommend any one with allergies hay fever or what ever problem you have to eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day and get rid of any sugar stuff you eat and see the result for your self.

I know this may seem like a long story but I just want to help everyone who is suffering like I used to, so they could get rid of all these ailments and be healthy. I wish I had done this 7-8 years ago just eat more fruits and I would not have had go through all the sufferings I did. How simple it sound eat more fruits. I would recommend every one to google benefits of grapes or benefits of blueberries or other fruits you will be amazed by the health benefits they provide. I just want to share my experiences and hope it will help others.

thanks for being patient and be healthy.

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Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation for Hay Fever

Lilydy (Alice Springs, Australia) on 10/02/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I did not find much remedies here for hay fever. I was suffering from hay fever badly this year from bush fire, climate changing to spring and a lot of people around me getting viral and bacterial infection. With the hay fever I started sneezing every so often that my lower back pain was triggered by it, my nose, eyes and throat itch and my nose got so sore from constantly blowing my nose from all the sneezes I tried antihistamine but it only made me very sluggish so I only took it once and stopped. I decided to try one of those supermarket's herbal supplement for hay fever and still no relief. The last stroke was I started coughing and I didn't lke the sound of that as my workmate just got worse from flu infections. I was constantly gargling with ACV before drinking it and it soothes my itchy throat and gargling with Hydrogen peroxide also helps get out the phlegm.

Anyway as a last resort and fear of the cough worsening I decided to give the hydrogen peroxide inhalation a try. I have previously tried it but can't seem to work it out properly without wanting to gag. Anyway as soon as I spray it directly into my throat, within minutes I stopped coughing. It was after an hour or so that I realized it also took care of my hay fever symptoms. My nose and eyes stop itching and I stop sneezing which was a huge relief. I immediately felt much better and not sluggish. God is good.. All of nature's problem can be remedied by natural healing provided for free.. Or at least cheaply by our heavenly Father. It is good to do the inhalation every hour or so initially and then I only do it now as needed specially when the air is getting smoky around here from all the bush fire.

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Apple Cider Vinegar for Hay Fever

Cheryldelf (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 09/03/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I had 40 years of suffering hay fever, taking all known drugs on the market without much sucesss. My eye lids would fill with fluid and I appeared drugged from September to March. My sister told me to try Apple Cider Vinegar as a shot or mixed in water twice a day. I did this for the whole season. After a few days my nose and sinus dried up. I had to use honey to stop the throat itch. I no longer suffer with hay fever and the best part I have not had any asthma either. This was 3 years ago. When I get a little tingle I drink ACV for a week and it's all gone.
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Turmeric for Allergies

Steve (Epsom, England) on 09/14/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I've had hayfever for 35 years and have tried every box of pills on the chemist's shelves, some worked and some didn't. After reading this wonderful site I had started taking Turmeric 3 times a day to heal a great big boil I had (half a teaspoon in warm milk)I have to be honest and say it tastes REALLY BAD but so what just get it down! To my surprise I noticed that I stopped waking up in the night with a runny nose and during the day no sneezing etc. For the first time in 35 years I have been free of hayfever all summer thanks to Turmeric 3 times a day, many thanks Earthclinic
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Prune Juice for Hay Fever

Squid (London, Uk) on 06/25/2010
5 out of 5 stars

For hayfever try using half a glass of prune juice before you go to bed and when waking up. This will reduce the symptoms hay fever with a few hours. You can take more prune juice during the day but since it contains fibre, excess might cause constipation. So you will need to find your own balance. But taking half a glass twice a day should not be a problem.
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Apple Cider Vinegar for Hay Fever

Theo (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 11/20/2009
1 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar for Hay Fever:

This didn't work for me. All of last year I took ACV every night in hopes that I would beat my hay fever in the summer. Unfortunately, when summer came this year, my hay fever was just as bad as ever.