Kale for Genital Herpes

5 star (1) 

Max (New Jersey) on 12/05/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I used to have outbreaks faithful every month. Especially around my period & worse with higher amounts of STRESS, & CAFFEINE. Honest to goodness, this works...!

Whenever I feel an outbreak coming on, I buy Kale at the supermarket, rinse it, and eat a leaf (raw). Twice a day for 2 days makes it virtually non-existant. If I've already broken out, I eat a leaf or two and in about an hour, maybe two- I've forgotten they were there; No itching or pain from lesions. The next 2 days, lesions are shrinking and almost dried out- day 3 DONE and on with LIFE!

I now eat Kale at least once a month, especially around "breakout time" and I don't "break out". I do also watch how much caffeine I take in and have just about eliminated most nuts out of my diet. If I go overboard on Arganine's, I load up on more Kale.

Hope this helps.

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