Apple Cider Vinegar for Toenail Fungus

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Bill (St. Louis, MO, USA) on 02/02/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

My lady friend developed a severe case of some type of yeast or fungus overgrowth. It began as a red area under one breast, and soon spread to both breasts, upper chest, stomach and groin area. I suspect a recent injection of steroids (to relieve poison ivy) to be the cause, but that is only speculation. This rash was severe. She was Dr. prescribed a cream and then a powder-- with little effect. I recommended the Apple Cider Vinegar Cure, along with making sure the affected area stayed clean and dry. We applied (again, use only), organic, unfiltered, non-pasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar. She applied the ACV directly to the affected area. It is important to note that applying the ACV to a severe rash is Very Painful! I suggest that if you cannot tolerate the pain, you might start with a diluted (50%?) mixture until some of the "rawness" disappears. RESULTS: 100 Percent CURE! Absolutely amazing. She continued the application for about two weeks, with results beginning immediately. Her skin dried completely, the rash and finally the redness disappeared. Thank You Earthclinic, Thank You Ted!
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Sam (Scipio, IN) on 11/18/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

After reading about using apple cider vinegar to cure toenail fungus, I decided to give it a try. Not being a patient person, & wanting it GONE ASAP, I applied ACV relentlessly. I dabbed it on morning & night, as well as soaked a cotton ball with ACV, placed it on the nail, & wrapped a strip of tape around it to keep it on the fungus during the day. Sometimes I wore old socks & poured the ACV directly on the socks over the affected toes. The pressure of my shoes kept the vinegary sock in contact with the fungus all the time. Let me just say this - ACV works! In less than a month, I have a healthy pink toenail.
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Shelly ( Iowa, Iowa) on 10/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found this website when looking for cures for my daugher's warts, she has several on her hand. We taped small pieces of banana peel to each wart every night and two are gone, two are getting much smaller, so I'm positive they will disappear. I can't remember how long it has taken, but I would guess at least 1 month. We would forget several nights too.

Also, I found the rememdy of ACV for toe fungus and have soaked my foot every nite for about 1 or 1-1/2 months. The toenail isn't completely grown out yet, but this new growth is looking very clear, so I think that worked and it will grow out clean.

Thank you for cheap and easy remedies.

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Walt (Buena Park, CA) on 08/09/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Nail Fungus: At the Veterans Hospital they told me to use Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, mixed with one part water. Not beliving it I tried it anyway and wala it worked. However I mixed it to one part each with Hydrogen Peroxide. The pills my private doctor gave me did'nt work.
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Solomon (Ottawa, Canada) on 06/05/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I got nail fungus two three years ago. more than a year I used penilac which does not help me anything. I bought "No more nail fungus" online but help little. I read online about apple cider vingar, it was unbelivable with in 15 days I saw white nail is growing and black staf coming out form my nail. (i had sever nail fungus) now I am happy with the result. solomon
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Linda (Clyde, Texas) on 02/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I've used ACV for many problems including fungal infections. When my son came back from Iraq he had a horrible case of athletes foot. I used 1 cup ACV and distilled water as a foot soak and the infection cleared up completely. He only needed to do the foot soak 1 night. Also, I developed that horrible toenail fungus like my mother had...thick yellow nails with a flaky exudate underneath...I started soaking my toenails in ACV straight from the bottle. After a 10 minute soak, I would use a q-tip and get the ACV up under the nail. Within a week, I had healthy growth of my nails. Now they are completely normal. The prescription for this was $600 which I couldn't afford. The ACV was $3.95 and I only had to use a shot glass of it every night for a week to clear up the problem. Once new growth was healthy, I stopped the toe soaks and have not had to use it again.

I've used ACV to get rid of ringworm too. It works as quickly as black walnut hull extract. Just dab it on with a cotton ball, and BLOW as it burns. It may burn, but it works.

Finally, I worked in Iraq for a year and developed a horrible fungus in my sinuses and had to have emergency surgery. The fungus would always come back and I finally cleared the infection by using ACV in my nasal irrigator every day. I put 1 mL of ACV in a WaterPik bowl, with warm water. It burned and made my eyes water, but I could BREATHE! Anytime I have symptoms of that fungal infection, I immediately start using ACV in my nasal wash. Anytime I have the slightest symptom of cold or sore throat, I use a shot glass of plain ACV and the symptoms are gone with 1 dose. Now my BP is getting high, so I know what to do...I never should have gotten off of it. This is a great site by the way. For beauty, I've used a water/ACV mixture to tighten pores and to eliminate dulling from shampoo. My dogs get 1 mL of ACV in their drinking water every day and NEVER have fleas or ticks. I don't have to purchase expensive flea remedies. Just a little ACV will do it, but you have to be consistent with it.

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Jim (Gainesville, FL) on 08/23/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I had a fingernail fungus develop on every finger on one hand, and didn't want to take prescription meds. A doctor friend of mine advised that soaking the nails in ACV every day would eventually kill the fungus. He said it would take time but be patient. I started soaking my fingernails for 15 minutes every day a year ago. All of my nails have SLOWLY grown out healthy except the tip of one nail is almost healed. It has been a slow process, but it works - with no meds!
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Trac (Ireland and Dubai) on 10/31/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar with water 50-50 soaked my feet as per advice on this board for about 10-20 min. at night. and if I had time in the day on the weekends I would do it twice. It cured nail fungus the fastest time ever and completely !!! This works but you must do it everyday and you will see a difference.
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R Moore (Cincinnati, OH) on 03/01/2004:
5 out of 5 stars

I had fungal toe for years, could not take the huge green pill, so tried ACV and have been free of the fungus for 10 years. I stopped taking ACV and within a week the fungus was back, so now I take a shot in the morning and at night.
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Jeff (Mnassas, VA) on 03/01/2004:
5 out of 5 stars

Soak each foot in at least a 50/50 water/acv solution for 2 to 3 days, for 30 minutes each and you will rid your feet of any fungus/ athlete's foot and soften and exfoliate your skin to boot. Much harder to get at the nail fungus though.
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