Apple Cider Vinegar for Fibroids

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Carly (Pbs, Usa) on 07/11/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Tameka, I would take one ounce (approx. a shot glass full) of ACV with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda... When it stops fizzing, add about 12 to 16 ounces of water. I drink this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, then make another one and sip throughout the day when I am bleeding too heavily. It really, really helps! When a couple of hours goes by without sipping it.... I can tell by how heavy my flow gets. During really bad periods, I also take a glass to bed, and sip it in the night. Use a straw to keep it off your teeth if needed. When I am bleeding that heavy I don't care if I have a straw or not though!

Blackstrap molasses is also very good for this, but does not have as immediate of an effect for me personally. I take a tablespoon of it daily in my coffe. Love the taste.

Good luck to you, I know how miserable it is.... Take care.

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Iowama (Pella, IA) on 07/11/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I also had success fixing excessive monthly bleeding with the vinegar tea remedy and an alkalizing diet. At the same time, the little urine leakage that had crept up when I coughed or laughed went away. It lead me to believe both issues were caused by pressure from fibroids. Anyway, it is one of those nasties that life can throw at women. I learned the cure right here and I'm thankful this forum was available when I suffered through it.

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Meckab1 (Mobile, Al) on 02/25/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

6/2006 I found out that I was pregnant and diagnosed with 3 large fibroid tumors. I miscarriage at 7 month term then returned to the hospital a month later to remove the tumors. Over the years since my surgery I had weight gain (60lbs), heavy menstural cycles last sometimes up to 8 days, severe anemic, severe constipation so I decided to see my obgyn 8/3/2012.He ordered a ultra sound of the abdomen and pelvis. A week later I was told that my tumors has returned (6) and they are larger then prior. I was advised the only option would be a hysterectomy. I'm 39 years old and no kids so I decide to research online for cures to prevent surgery.

I have been taking 2 tsps twice a day of ACV with the mother since 10/4 and I now have a normal cycle. I have lost 59lbs have changed my eating habits whole wheat, lots of vegetables, baked/broil chicken and fish, cut out all sugars including drinks and fast food, drink 8 glasses of H20 daily and exercise occasionally. My before weight was 298lbs and currently I weigh 239. I have my iron under control and I feel wonderful. I visit my obgyn two weeks ago and he scheduled another ultrasound just got my results back and he and the staff was amazed that no tumors exist on the ultra sound. I was so happy to hear the great news but I know to maintain future occurences I will have to take care of myself. I continue to take ACV daily and I just wanted to share my story here and hope that my story can be a help to others. Also I prayed constantly daily because I know at the end of the day God has the last say.

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Susana (Young, Uruguay) on 12/27/2012:
1 out of 5 stars

Hi: I have been diagnosed with several fibroids. Seems like surgery is the only opcion according to the doctor. I did some research and I found your webpage. I started the apple cider cure about 2 months ago, I do it 3 times a day but so far I haven't see any relief (the only thing is I am not so tired now). I still feel the fibroids and I have pain. I am taking normal apple cider vinager (we don't have fancy stuff or organic things). My question is: is this cure for real?, I am sort of dissapointed. Thank you.

Mary (Bethel Island, Ca) on 10/22/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Ok... I have never offered a testimonial before but here goes... 4 years ago I was diagnosed with fibroids (6 over 10 cm each). I had transfusions in hospital and was given progesterone. 2 years ago I went off of it and things were relatively normal until this month when my period was back to gushing and clotting. The doc phoned in a prescription for more tablets but I haven't made it to the pharmacy yet. Why? Because, as I am sure you are familiar with, the last two days have been period hell. The furthest I have gone is bathroom to bed.

Lying in bed at 4 am today I realized I was going to miss my usual Saturday women's group breakfast. I grabbed my iPad and found this site. Apple Cider Vinegar? Really? so I went out to the kitchen swallowed two huge tablespoons, choked back some nausea and hit the shower. I felt better than I had so I got dressed and headed to town... Half an hour away... Armed with supplies to make a quick change when I got there, but didn't need to. Sat for an hour and got up last making a mad dash to the restroom to stop the gushing. But, no gushing, hardly a trickle. Could it have worked so fast? Stopped by the market for a few things. The more I walked the better I felt. Bought ACV tabs. Drove the half hour back home... Went to the bathroom, no gushing or even bleeding. No pain. Not even that tired...... I can't believe this is happening but I am glad for it. Can't wait to update you all on the results of my next ultrasound. God bless you for this.

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Shake44 (Marrero, Louisiana, United States) on 08/16/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I've Fibroids too, heavy did normal periods this month. I was crying last night because I went to the bathroom and its still here and yesterday was my 8 day. I got up out of bed and by the Gods will found this site. When I read about acv, I said to myself no this is not that easy. So i got from the computer went into the kitchen 2tsp of acv. 2 hours past light. While, this is real 6 hours past gone, I have a gas problem I also notice that the Apple Cider Vinegar help me on that too. Thanks

Starmaker (Saskatoon, Sk, Canada) on 12/31/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

I have tried to submit this a couple of times. I'm not sure if I have been successful or not. Will try one more time. I don't as a rule respond to online testimonials. However, I am very aware that the ACV I have been consuming the past couple months is worthy of a serious mention here. I suffer with uterine fibroids. And at 46 yrs old, the doctor wanted to apply watchful waiting to see if they would start to shrink once menopause hit me. My mom didn't go into menopause til her mid 50's so I was not about to wait that long for relief. Besides, the pain, flooding, fatigue, clots and not being able to leave my toilet has been getting progressively worse over the past couple years. I'm a lead singer in a rock band and I can recall recent gigs that I did where I was bleeding so heavy, I had to wear a flippin bladder pad (and black clothes) to simply get through an hrs worth of performing before our set break when I could run to the can and fix things up for another hour. Very embarrasing. But there have been even more embarrasing moments let me tell you. (sad face)

I first read about apple cider vinegar on this site, and if it weren't for the many many believable testimonials, I probably would have laughed it off. But after taking this miracle juice for the past 2 months. I feel I really have to contribute my story. I always believed most testimonials were crap that were written by fakers trying to sell their product. However, there is nothing anyone can gain here except relief from the shared knowledge. So I am happy to add my story. Hope it helps one or more of you.

My fibroids which the doc claimed were few and very small (and shouldn't be causing me any distress) made my life a living hell. Periods were 5 to 7 days of gushing blood and clots. Clots so big I swore I was miscarrying. I had many days each month where I sat on the toilet with my laptop. Afraid to even get up. If I did, I gave birth to another huge painful to pass clot. My breasts were always sore a week before my period, during and sometimes after for a couple days. I blew threw maxi pads in less than an hr, and the pain and fatigue was terrible. Sex and penetration was also becoming very painful. I started taking regular Heinz store brand ACV 2 months ago. I will go to the health food store and pick up some higher end stuff now that I know it works well for me.

The first thing I noticed on month 1 was zero PMS, my period literally snuck up on me. No breast swelling or tenderness the whole period. Wha? I'll take it! Period was what I would deem as normal. It has been so many years since having a normal period, I almost didn't recognize it. I passed 1 small clot and barely even noticed. Period slowed by day 4 and by then I was no longer wearing any sanitary protection. Wow... Just Wow! Pain was manageable. Still took a couple advil once or twice during the heavier period days. But used to take 10 advil a day for 7 days. What a difference! The biggest shock was the absence of the gushing. Sorry TMI but no way to really explain this properly without being frank. Seriously... Gushing was gone. Clotting all but gone. That cycle, I did a stage show with my band and wore a WHITE dress. Haha never would have been that brave before. Waited another month to see if I was just as fortunate before posting my findings here. Happy Happy happy to report that I just finished another period that was as easy and managable as last months. Oh happy day! Again one very small clot. No gushing. I am taking 2 tbsp of ACV twice a day in a bottle of water which I drink down fast a few mins before meals. I was also surprised and thrilled to note that the last 20 lbs that I have been struggling to lose (I am a zero to low carber) have been coming off since taking ACV. Seems as if water weight is the first to go. I'll take that thank you very much!! Lol

I don't know if the ACV is shrinking my fibroids so soon. I hope it is. And will ask for an ultrasound sometime this next year to see whats happening with them. But what I do know for sure. Is the pain, distress, and emotional upheaval I experienced with each and every period for the past 7 years is now all but gone away. I would have tried the Black strap molasses, but when I read the carton how many carbs and calories are in there... Ummm nope, not for this kid!

I hope someone out there who is a skeptic like me, reads this, and gives it a whirl. What do you have to lose anyway? I was slowly losing my mind and my sex life before this. Should mention that the pain from sex hasn't yet gone away, but it is less noticeable. I suspect the fibroids are pressing on my cervix, bladder and intestines. Thanks for reading my lil story. Sammy

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Sarah (Chapel Hill, Nc) on 01/05/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

I was admitted into the hospital in Oct. for excessive bleeding after fainting in the shower. I found this website the following week. I began drinking a shot-glass of apple cidar vinegar daily immediately. I also ordered the blackstrap molasses tablets, which I've been taking daily for 2 months. So I would say I started seeing positive results during my Nov. and Dec. menstral cycles. I just received my shipment of ACV tablets. Good Luck!

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Sarah (Chapel Hill, Ncc) on 12/17/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I started taking ACV about a month ago for fibroid relief and I noticed a significant, positive change in my heavy flow and cramping. For the last year or so, I would have to remain inside and well medicated for the first few days of my cycle. I even had a recent, 3-day hospital stay in October for severe anemia, due to blood loss and received a blood transfusion during that time. It was a scary ordeal. In November, after trying ACV, I noticed my cramping had subsided and my flow was lighter. The first two days were still a little heavy, but I could visit my family during Thanksgiving and enjoy the holidays without any "accidents". I'm still taking it and can't wait to see how this month goes!

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Cathy013 (Monroe, Louisiana, USA) on 11/10/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I suffered from VERY heavy bleeding and was diagnosed with uterine polyps and possible fibroids. First was told hysterectomy; I didn't want this so I was prescribed a hormone; made the cramping, etc., WORSE; a year later I had more tests - same problem, heavy bleeding & cramping - the tests (such as saline ultrasound) were so UNCOMFORTABLE and no relief, still recommended surgery which I really didn't feel comfortable about. I searched "natural remedies for fibroids, heavy bleeding, etc." and found this site. Tried ACV and black strap molasses first (1 dose of the molasses-could NOT handle that!); then tried the ACV with baking soda (2 TBSP natural ACV from health food store and 1/2 to 1 tsp baking soda dissolved in 8 oz water once daily has worked for me). I started this in August; it is now November and I feel SO MUCH BETTER! It is unbelievable - very little bleeding at regular cycle time - little to no cramping; and I was in misery before-periods lasted for weeks and would only stop for a few days and then start again. I no longer have that problem-haven't since I started the ACV & baking soda in August. It WORKS!
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