Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses for Fibroids

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Artistgirl (Detroit, Mi) on 12/05/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

I'm back to check in for month number 3: I have just had my third period since starting ACV, BSM and BS. Just like last month, I was on for only four days. I did flood for a few hours, but just like last month, I went back to normal later that day and everything went on swimmingly.

Here's why I think some ladies feel they do not have results and become discouraged: I think the reason I still flood, even for a little while, is because of multiple fibroids that are taking time to dissolve. I had a lot of little ones along with the big 2cm one I had, so even though a major amount of fibroids have dissolved, some are probably dissolving slower. But they ARE dissolving, so I plan to keep on with the ACV, BS and BSM. I also dropped diet cola, aspartame and high fructose corn syrup out of my diet. When I drink soda it is only soda made with cane sugar, not high fructose corn syrup because it aggravates fibroids. I have not seen my gyn yet, but will post when I do. Stick with it, ladies, it works. Be patient!! I expect to stop flooding period soon. I am losing weight and feeling much better about myself, so things are good. Good luck, ladies and keep the faith. This works, believe me!

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Artistgirl (Detroit, Mi) on 11/03/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Hello, I'm back again with an update! I am pleased to post that I have just come off my second period after finding the ACV and BSM thread on this site. Well, I have to say, I have good news! This month my period started with a light flow on the first day, no cramps, the second day was a little more intense with flooding for about four to five hours but I could handle it, then normal flow for the rest of the day, the third day was a normal day and the fourth day I was done! That's right, I have knocked one whole day off my period, it's shorter since I started the ACV/BSM.

Before, I would flood for TWO DAYS and my period lasted for five days. Last month, I flooded for about six hours but it was the first month after starting the ACV/BSM. This month I was pleasantly surprised that my period came right on, no spotting, no cramps and one day shorter! I can touch my toes now, before I would get a very bad dull stabbing pain whenever I bent from the waist, but now I don't so I can go back to yoga now. My lower abdomen has decreased by at least three inches. I believe castor oil packs have something to do with that. I'm a believer, ladies, don't let them cut on you, keep your parts! Tomorrow I have an appointment with my Gyn, I'll give you all an update on what he tells me when I come home.

ACV/BSM is the best thing you can do for yourself, ladies, try it and stick with it, it worked for me, it can work for you!

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Artistgirl (Detroit, Mi) on 10/05/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I came across this site three weeks ago and got excited about the apple cider vinegar and baking soda treatment for fibroids. The science made sense to me so I decided to give it a try. I have been using the ACV and BS three times a day for the past two weeks for fibroids. I have been plagued with flooding (heavy periods)that were ruining my life! I have had embarrassing accidents and have been diagnosed as anemic. I have been in the process of scheduling a uterine fibroid embolization procedure, but decided to try the natural way as I feel a little funny about having plastic injected into my body. I had been given the option of hysterectomy (NO, NO, NO! )which is why I chose UFE.

Anyway, I want you all to know THAT IT WORKS! My period started on Sunday, and for the first time in over twenty years it is light! I flooded for about six hours (this is my first period since starting the ACV-BS program) but when I took a teaspoonful of unsulphured molasses, it stopped within thirty minutes! Seriously, dead cold stopped! Normally I flood for TWO DAYS! My period is light and manageable; instead of six to eight sanitary napkins a day for two and a half days, I am down to three a day! My fibroids feel as though they have shrunk and after the third day on the program I could touch my toes without a stabbing pain on the left side of my pelvis. The heaviness eased after 4 days, the lower back pain eased up by 90% after 7 days, the upper shoulder/neck pain died after one day! I stayed home from school because I did not know if I would flood or not and didn't want to be in public in case I did, but it was all good and I don't feel so afraid to go out anymore!

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Texastea (Cedar Park, Tx) on 09/10/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I started drinking baking soda with my Apple Cider Vinegar and honey to help with my fibroids around a month ago. I recently went to the doctor only because my sudden headaches and dizzy spells wouldnt go away. I was diagnosed with ANEMIA. I am wondering if the baking soda added to my mix is the problem.

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Sandy (Sherman Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/03/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I can't begin to express my gratitude for having found this website! My story is like many of you. I'm 49 years old and have been suffering for the past several years from periods that lasted 3 weeks with a short break in between, extremely heavy flow and lots of clotting, to the point where my quality of life had really deteriorated. I finally saw a doctor (no insurance) and was diagnosed with multiple fibroids, enlarged uterus, and too much endometrium. I was also very anemic, naturally. The doctor prescribed birth control pills to alleviate some of the bleeding, but said I would not get 100% relief and that my only choice was a hysterectomy. At first, I thought, "surgery, great! It will all be overwith! " But after having a moment to think, I realized major surgery is not something I want. So I consulted the web, and found this wonderful website! I pored over the testimonials for hours and finally came to the decision to try the ACV, BSM and baking soda route. I rushed out to Whole Foods and bought everything I needed. Coincidentally, I started the program on the first day of my period. I am taking 1 tbs ACV, 1/2 tsp baking soda in 8 oz. Water, followed by 1 tbs BSM straight from the spoon ( I don't mind the taste) morning and evening. The first two days were pretty light. Then, the usual much heavier flow began for the next two days. Then, on day 5... All hell broke loose!! I began hemorrhaging at around 11:30 am, passing multiple giant clots about every five minutes for about 4 hours straight! I thought I might have to go to the hospital for a transfusion. It finally subsided, leaving me exhausted and dizzy and wondering what had I done to myself?! By the next morning (day 6) the flow had decreased to moderate, but the strange thing was, my uterus no longer felt full, tight, and heavy AND believe it or not

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Tammy (Pikeville, Ky) on 08/04/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I used the BSM for Fibroids before and had found them helpful and felt more energy overall also but they are nasty tasting to me and I got lazy and stopped. But my periods had gotten to the point of almost immobilizing me for 3 or 4 days and having to change clothes because of the sudden gushes. It seemed as if they lasted forever and I would be getting dizzy and lightheaded by the end and I was spotting almost all the time also. So I was reading on here and decided to get the BSM back out and start them again and also add ACV this time. I have been having 2 spoonfuls of BSM of the morning full strength (UGH) and then having a tablespoon of ACV in a 1/4 cup of tomato juice for lunch and supper. I have been at this for 2 weeks and then got my period. I still had pain but only lasted 1 day and could control with advil. Only had to change pads 2 times a day and I didn't bleed through or even come close to overflowing. I am so happy. Hopefully, next month will be even better since I will have been at this longer and maybe it will be doing something with the fibroids. I had been having the severe cramps and gushing for over a year straight so to see this change now I have to attribute it to the BSM and ACV. I don't think it was just a difference this time by nature because it has been so severe without change for so long.

Madie (Madison, Al) on 05/01/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I just want to THANK ALL THE POSTERS on this board. I planned to have my fibroids removed this summer as I have had enough of taking pain medication for many years. For the last couple of years, the pain felt like I was in labor whenever i had my period not to mention the "flooding, clots and bloating stomach". I learned about this site a couple of months ago and started taking the recommended 2tbsp ACV with 1/4 tsp baking soda mixed with 1/2 cup of warm water then followed by 1tsp of BSM then a whole glass of warm water. I took this in the morning and evening. My period in March was much better than when i used to have my period before I had fibroids. It was "normal", no bloating, little clots and I did not even know it came until i went to the bathroom. I used to get pains on my lower back and legs a couple of days before it started. I did not have to take pain medication at all. I waited for my next period before writing my comments and appreciation on this board for validation. The next period felt even better. I lost 8lbs for the last couple of months too. I hope the ACV with baking soda the BSM have shrunk my fibroids. I'll find out after my next OBGYN appointment.

Again THANK YOU everyone for sharing your experience/s and comments..


Goldenlady Kaiecie (London, Uk) on 02/02/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

Hello Everyone!

I've been reading the posts on this site with great many of us have similar stories! So, I'd like to share mine with you...

I'm a (very young!) 45 year old black woman. Up until last year I had normal periods, heavy flow & cramps on the 1st day, gradually tailing off and coming to an end on day 4. However, last year I was diagnosed with one submucous fibroid (which was the size of a 3 1/2 month foetus) and several small intramural fibroids. My periods went up to 8 days (heavy for at least 5 days and very bad cramps for the first 2-3 days). I was getting through a 12-pack of pads per day for Days 1-3. Plus, regardless of my exercise regime, my once-flat tummy now resembles a woman who is 3-4 months pregnant. Not fun at all.

I visited 2 gynaecologists who gave varying drastic "suggestions" for treatment, including "microwaving the lining" of my uterus and a hysterectomy: I'm 45 with no kids, so I suppose that's why the male doctor felt these were options for me. I soon set him straight and put a flea in his ear in the process!!

My dear friend Janice sent me the link to this site, and I decided to try the apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses. A few days after my last period, I started with 30 mls ACV (2-3 large tablespoons), 1 tablespoon BSM, the juice of 1/2 a lime, mixed with 150 ml of hot water, twice a day.

Almost immediately, I started getting period cramps. Sometimes quite severe! I used a positive mental attitude to think that the cramps were related to my shrinking fibroids (lol!)

My period started on Saturday 3oth Jan. On the 1st day the flow was lighter than it has been in ages! On the 2nd day the flow was quite heavy and the cramps were awful. I went to a party, got home in the late hours of the morning and was tired all day Sunday, so I don't know if that was a contributing factor. However, in the past I wouldn't have felt comfortable leaving my house, let alone attending an all-night party!

BUT on Monday (Day 3) the flow had reduced to a trickle! Today is Day 4 and I'm only on panty-liners. I won't know if the fibroids have actually shrunk until my next check-up (next month), but I'm just glad it seems to have had a positive effect on my period!

This stuff has worked for me in a short space of time. My stomach has gone down a LITTLE. I just wish I'd known about this remedy before. I shall keep taking it and will let you know if the fibroids have shrunk.

Hope it works for everyone as well as it worked for me!

Peace & Blessings
Goldenlady KaieCie


Claire (Sterling , Va, Usa) on 01/23/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

ACV & Black Strap Molasses for Fibroids

I discovered last year that I had a fibroid a little smaller then a golf ball, which explained the heavy bleeding and large clots. I tried an herbal remedy for about 4 months, which seemed to be help up until last month. I an alternative that I could try, since it seemed that the pills I were taking were no longer helpful, and found this site. I read the other comments, and figured that I had nothing to lose. So I ran to Wholefoods and got the ACV(undistilled)and the Molasses and started immediately. I tried 2 tablespoons of ACV, and 1 of the Molasses and a little warm water(about quarter cup). At first I had to get past the taste, but found that it was more like drinking prune juice...really not that bad. I figured that I would do it twice a day, In the morning and before dinner. Well I have to report that my period this month was good! Cramps weren't an issue, barely any clots and only one day of somewhat heavy flow and I didn't have to run to the bathroom to change...I was pleasantly surprised. I'm going to continue this and see if it continues. Now if anyone has a remedy to get rid of the spotting before and after the normal flow, I'm all ears!!!

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Mary (New York, Ny) on 12/16/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

Have any fibroids shrunk with ACV and Black molasses?

I have been using 1 tb of acv and 1 tb of black unsulphured molasses for the past 3 weeks after I was diagnosed with large fibroids. While I did not have too much pain initially, the remedy helped ease the pain that started almost immediately after I was diagnosed. Also, my period was much lighter and much less clotted than in prior months.I am scheduled for surgery in March and am wondering if for anyone at all the fibroids have shrunk???

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