Coconut Oil, Turmeric for Endometriosis

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Erin (Tampa, Fl) on 03/16/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

I'd like to add my qualified 'yea' to this method. Eating Jalfrezi Curry which contains these two ingredients makes me feel much better, for a little while. When I'm suffering pain from a cyst it's hard to find foods that won't increase my discomfort, so it's nice to know there's a food that will ease it a bit.

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EC: More about this Indian curry dish here:
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Stella (South Portland, Maine) on 06/27/2008:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

Update on my experience with coconut oil and tumeric. To my fellow sufferers out there like everything else this seems to have only had a one time relief effect. So without many options I am soldiering on to the next maybe-cure. What I am trying now is large doses of b-complex vitamins along with liver supportive teas such as milk thistle and nettle. The theory behind this being that the liver is what balances hormones and excretes excess hormone. The belief being that a body suffering from endometriosis has an overload of estrogen or estrogen mimickers (ex. plastic, bisphenol-a etc.) That being said... b-complex appears to assist the liver in getting rid of this excess estrogen. Good luck--i will keep posting my results.

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Stella (South Portland, Maine) on 03/27/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering from severe endometriosis for the past eight years. I have had multiple surgeries and a virtual chemical cocktail of pain meds and hormones. This is the first month in five years that I have not had to use pain medication and have not been bed ridden for three days. What I did-- 1 T. EVCO 1 T. Tumeric in hot water as tea every night for a month. The first month I didnt notice a change in pain, but I did sweat and obnoxious amount at night. I attribute the sweating to my hormones becomming balanced. This month I am pain free. I have also stopped eating out of plastic containers--removed any skin cleaning products, shampoo or tolitries with any suspect ingredients, stopped using tampons, and taken 3 T. of ACV daily. I am truly amazed, I'm not sure what is working but something is. Those of you who have suffered with this know-- I was ready to try anything to avoid another surgery--compared to the spectrum of options I was given by the medical community (removal of more intestines, colon, bladder, or take bunches of hormones) the EVCO & Tumeric is pretty tame. Good luck.
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