Digestive Issues

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Re: Food Intolerance Testing

Carmel (Essex) on 11/08/2023
4 out of 5 stars

You can get food intolerance tests yourself, you do not need your doctor's permission. Most doctors are clueless about diet, even when it is connected to gall bladder and digestion. Do it off your own back. You are the one who benefits. And such tests are not that expensive.
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Susan C. (Florida) on 03/01/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I have had digestive issues for about 3 years now, irregular movements of diarrhea. Prior to that I went once a day in the morning without fail. I would get terrible gas and sometimes constipation. I never felt that I a fully evacuated.

Now I heat up a cup of water in the evening and add a teaspoon of slippery elm powder and let it steep for a few minutes.

A few sips before bed and a couple more first thing in the morning and I am regular again. I can not believe the difference this has in my digestive health. No more gas and bloating. Complete evacuation every morning.

No side effects, would not be without it again.

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Bone Marrow Cure for Gut Problems

Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 03/22/2016
5 out of 5 stars

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN,,,,,,,,,, went to our Anti Aging Doctor to learn of our health status. She always phases my Tractor Driver and chastise's me. I am fair to middlen, but in addition to all my other heath problems, I now have a gut problem. I can't get too far from the potty.

She put me on a bone food product that can only be ordered by a physician. It is made from the bone marrow of cattle. She says she is having great success with folks with all kinds of bowel problems. She is even treating other MD's that have given up on Big Pharma.

I have only been on it for two days and can see a difference. She says it will take a week or two. I did a little research and learned that lots of countries for centuries have cooked bone soup to help digestion. Why do we not heed what has been passed down from our ancestors? Guess they did not wear a white frock, huh?

Would like to hear what others say about cooking bones for your health. Think it will be an interesting thread.


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Betaine HCL for Digestion

Nelda (SD, USA) on 12/16/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Wow, wow, wow! It is always exciting to have something work well for an ailment, especially when you didn't think it would. :)

I have used apple cider vinegar for years and it was so great for heartburn and gall bladder attacks.

In recent months though, my digestion has seemed worse, even with ACV. Everything I was eating seemed to be bothering me, even foods that had never bothered me before, and foods that I didn't think should bother anyone. I was having frequent gall bladder pain and a ridiculous amount of burping.

I have read about Betaine HCL with Pepsin here on EC. I knew it was something I should try, especially reading that digestion can slow down as you get older. I ordered some and took it with skepticism. I started to take one capsule with lunch and one with dinner. I don't take one with breakfast since I tend to eat a light breakfast. To my great shock and delight, foods are no longer bothering me and burping is greatly reduced!

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Coconut Oil for Slow Digestive System

Veesue (Sheridan Wy) on 06/19/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Hello VCO & activated charcoal users. I just wanted to submit my experience. I have a long history of having a too slow digestive system. The whole process randomly seems to just stop...and then all the follow-up symptoms/problems start to happen, which is a miserable condition that effects mood, work, and life in general. This goes on for weeks and weeks. I have tried many things, including activated charcoal capsules. Charcoal seems to be the only thing that helped the middle-of-the-nigh horrible stomach aches, but then the slow/sluggish digestion really did not improve. I found out only recently that activated charcoal exacerbates that particular problem. So, I went on to try something else.

I have used VCO a little in the past, but never consistently. Well, lately I have, by taking 1-3 teaspoons via mixed in with herb tea at night. This tastes good and works great me for getting things moving along, and I have had no adverse effects at all. IMO only...taking 3 to 5 tablespoons seems like a lot to take, especially just starting out. Maybe start with a much smaller dosage to prevent negative side-effects. Also, I have personally experienced die-off also by taking other detoxing agents, so I know that it is a realistic and genuine condition to have. - Cheers to everyone bettering their lives through natural means and positive attitudes.

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Eleven Health Issues Related to Digestive Tract

Malisha (San Antonio, Tx) on 04/08/2015

Praise God! I am not alone. I have been diagnosed with over 11 different health issues all related to my digestive tract----GERD, Hiatal Hernia with gastroparesis, autoimmune issues and neurological issues. However, there is hope after reviewing and reading your stories. I have been drinking Aloe, coconut water, spring water, and doing a 20 minute swap with coconut oil daily since February 2015. I will add to the coconut swap and swallow, instead of sipping it out. I am unable to tolerant any raw vegetable without having a reaction. I have to take Miralax twice daily and I will replace the 1 tsb of olive oil with the coconut oil to assist me with my digestion.

Thank God for this website.

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Apple Cider Vinegar for Digestive Issues

Katkinz01 (England) on 12/20/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Hi, been taking apple cider vinegar for terrible digestive problems for 1 week and I think it is helping, only thing in the past 2 days I've experienced burning, sore skin. Could it possibly be the ACV? I'm hoping not, I've been taking 1 teaspoon in a glass of warm water before each meal 3x a day.
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Raw Honey for Better Digestion

Kathryn (Waukesha, Wisconsin) on 11/16/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Recently my daughter and I tried raw honey for our impaired digestion and the results blew me away! We take about 1/2 teaspoon with each meal and all our bloating and discomfort is now gone. We both have struggled with candida in the past but much to our continued surprise, raw (unprocessed) honey also kills candida. We also found articles which told of studies of how raw honey lowered blood sugar for diabetics. I have struggled in the past with keeping my blood sugar under control but since I started taking raw honey my blood sugar has come down to an acceptable level. I did not believe this could possibly work until I tried it myself. We have found that Raw Honey seems to work the best. Avoid the runny stuff in the honey bears. That stuff has been heated so that all the beneficial properties get destroyed. We are now total believers. Also, my energy level has soared since adding raw honey to my diet. I have found I feel best taking less than 1/2 teaspoon while my daughter feels best taking a generous teaspoon with each meal. Give it a try and see if this works for you!
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Recipe for Spicy, Yogurt Drink for Stomach Aches and Digestion

Gokhals (Ca, US) on 11/09/2014

For those who have relatively low stomach acids and get stomachaches from burgers (especially the more cooked ones), Moru a south Indian spicy yogurt drink (I make it here in the Bay area with Kefir or Fil Mjolk) relieves it magically.


Yogurt/Kefir diluted with spring water

Add to this:

Powdered cumin

Mashed serrano/jalapeno/thai chilis

Mashed coriander

Diced and mashed ginger

Sea salt

Shake, keep in fridge and drink as an appetite stimulant, protein digestor, general digestive before, during or after a meal. It is also delicious.

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Psyllium Husk and Baking Soda for Digestive Issue Causing Leg Pain and Head

Anon (Anon) on 12/10/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I have some type of irritable digestive disorder. I get headaches and a burning feeling in my stomach if I eat certain food. I begin to feel a vague burning sensation in my stomach, like if you held your hand under really hot water. I notice I am scowling and my face feels scrunched up. My vision seems blurry. Gradually my head begins to hurt a little. It progresses to a massive gigantic horrible pounding throbbing migraine - like your slamming your head against a wall - and is relieved nearly instantly by taking the following:

  • A tall glass of water, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon of psyllium husk, mix the baking soda into the water first so you can see it's all dissolved, then add the psyllium, mix it well and drink it right away before the psyllium husk gets really thick in the glass.

Some foods give me severe pain in my legs when I lay down, it's fine when I'm standing or walking around. I go leg lifts to get the circulation going, that helps sometimes, too. I used to think I had cystitis of the bladder because sometimes I'd get a burning feeling like if you had a bladder infection, but no blood. The same remedy works for both conditions, but you have to wait for it to go all the way through you. I was amazed at how much better I feel after drinking this, I had no idea how crummy I felt.

A health book I read drew a connection between lack of protein, headaches, and ammonia in the brain. I've read that turmeric and clove both help with detoxification, so do ginger and peanut butter due to the lysine and arginine in them. I've been semi vegetarian for years, so this makes sense. I've also read that if you stop eating meat you can lose the ability to digest it, you have to work your way back into it slowly.

Foods that bother me are sugar, wheat, coffee, chocolate, crushed black pepper corns, apple cider vinegar, possibly tomatoes.

Foods that seem helpful are generous amounts of raw red cabbage, apples, lemon juice, cantaloup, cucumbers, hemp seed powder, kelp powder, spirulina, spinach and oranges smoothies, and a combination of ginger/peanut butter/curry powder. Probably beans and bone broth would help too since it's probably a combination high inflammation, low potassium and high uric acid or purines. I took glutamine powder for a while, it only seemed effective one day, probably I took something complimentary by chance that day. I also tried a low acid diet which was marvelous.

And an olive oil liver cleanse, that was wonderful, too:

  • fast all day or drink only water with apple cider vinegar, 1/2 tsp per glass
  • take Epsom salt water at 6 pm - 1 large glass water, 1 teaspoon Epsom salt, dissolve thoroughly
  • drink olive oil mix at 8 pm - 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil, juice from one lemon, 1 or more crushed cloves of garlic, mix all
  • immediately go to bed and lay on right side, laying on back seems to work, too


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CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) for Digestive Problems

Prioris (Fl) on 11/14/2013

CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is not mentioned much as a digestive aid but more as a weight loss thing but I found a few other people who have noticed the same thing. CLA helps with digestion of food for some reason.


As an aside, I think many people who take CLA for weight loss don't realize how it works so they think it failed even if it is working. They run to their weight scale to ascertain the results. Success is lower weight. That is a big MISTAKE because they will be gaining weight due to gain in muscle mass.

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Probiotics for Digestive Issues & Hiatal Hernia

Cyn (Griswold, Ct) on 07/28/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I have IBS, lactose intolerance & a hiatal hernia. I avoid milk products for lactose intolerance, & my IBS triggers include broccoli, cabbage & fried foods, which also affect gall bladder. I also can't eat pork, as I will end up with a debilitating gall bladder attack & hospital stay (almost died from it once). I had severe stomach pain, left sided back pain & even pain in the spleen area, with bouts of constipation. I was prescribed different meds.... Aciphex, Nexium, Bentyl, Omeprazole, etc... Nothing helped. I tried many techniques, to no avail. With my last prescription given, I had enough. The side effects were too much for me & nothing worked. Finally after reading & research online, I decided to try a probiotic.... & voila! I have never felt BETTER! No pain, no burning, fullness, belching, back or spleen pain & no more constipation! This is my thought to why it helped. Not only had I been on multiple meds, I had upper GI, colonoscopies, endoscopes, etc. your digestive system needs both good & bad bacteria, but balanced. After too many tests with cleaning out my entire digestive system for these tests to be done, multiple meds, etc. , my balance was off & Probiotics helped all that! I still watch my food triggers, but I feel great, more energy, etc. I hope this helps just one person even. I take one pill daily, no side effects either! Good luck!

Problems Digesting Red Meat

Into It (Belleville, Mi, Usa) on 05/05/2013

Consuming Red Meat: It seems the older I get in age, the harder it is for me to eat red meat. I heard it takes about 3-4 days for it to digest. I love a good hamburger, and who doesn't like a good steak, or eating barbequed ribs during the summer holidays? I know I could substitute hamburger for ground turkey (but really do not care for it). Is there anything out there that will make the digestion process faster and without getting a stomach ache?

Any and all comments welcome.

Thanks, Into It.


Milk Thistle for Digestive Issues

Diana (White Mountains, Nh, Usa) on 12/13/2012

Hello Friends, I have digestion problems. I have chronic constipation and cannot eat wheat. Whenever I eat wheat it makes my constipation problems worst. I am taking milk thistle two times a day 750mg is my dose. My question is that it is safe to take milk thistle everyday and what is the safe dosege for milk thistle?

Milk thistle is helping me in my digestion problems and even if I eat little beat wheat I was ok too.

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Digestion and Joint Issues

Jem (Aberdeen) on 11/30/2012

Hi all, My problem is one of digestion/gut trouble but before I realized this I have been suffering for a longtime (10 years) with back/knee pain and very tight muscles and I dont sleep well due to the bad back. Joint pain in my neck, fingers, elbow and shoulder has also increased progressively.

It was only after a friend mentioned that all the trouble with my back could be due to my diet that I looked into it further since doctors and consultants that I had been previously referred to were unfortunately unable to help me.

The general signs of problems with my digestion are that I do get bloated sometimes. Flatulence is also another problem and I do almost always see undigested matter in stools. Sometimes food comes back up after eating but depends (on what I eat most probably).

I decided to have an allergy test done which also gave readings of which minerals I was deficient in which turned up the following results.

Im strongly allergic to milk (cow goat), cheese, butter, yoghurt, lactose, beef, lamb, pork, capsicum, tomato, strawberry, orange, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea, lemonade, sugar.

I'm also allergic to wheat but it was secondary as opposed to the above that I am primarily allergic to.

The vitamin/mineral deficiencies were: Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 (I found this strange because I regularly take a vitamin B complex, for nerve issues, that contains all of these).

Deficiency was also seen in Vitamin H(Biotin), Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin P, Vitamin K, Potassium, Magnesium, Silicon, Zinc, Chromium.

In fatty acids I was lacking GLA, EPA and Alpha Linolenic Acid and the Amino Acid test section showed I was lacking Gluthathione.

The prognosis on my the Digestive side marked I was suffering from Intestinal Gas (Excess), LactoBacillus Deficiency and Leaky Gut.

The Endocrine System Test marked I had Pancreatic Insufficiency.

Basically the course of treatment I was prescribed would be to get a load of good bacteria down me and to start alkalizing my blood as I appeared to be a classic case of too much acid. I have been eating a little bit of kefir from a local store which seems to be ok with me as opposed to cold mik and cold cheese which makes my stomach upset. However when I drink warm milk or warm cheese (cheese on toast), the symptoms with my stomach aren't as bad as with cold forms. I've also been trying ACV BS and this really does seem to make me warm and 'energised'. I tried this to get more acid production in my stomach as I thought I may be lacking in this but the iodine mineral test showed I was not deficient in this however I have started to incorporate a 1teaspoon of himalayan salts in a glass of water, a day, just in case as sometimes I do feel like my food comes back up; its not like the commonly thought of indigestion or acid reflux but I think its more like the food just sitting there and fermenting. However the pancreatic insufficiency was positive so perhaps im lacking those enzymes along with some bicarbonates. I tried calcium for bones but the test showed my levels of calcium (and vitamin D) are ok. But then again its mainly joint pain I get so more likely to be cartilage damage which I was taking glucosomine for, but didn't really help.

The problems with my muscular pain could all be driven by my gut trouble now as I have come to understand; when digestion, or parts of it, is compromised for whatever reason the body takes energy from 'good areas' to supply the damaged parts of the body. This ends up depleting the good areas of energy as energy is diverted to the dysfunctional areas.

My diet is mixed to be honest I mean I do eat good but also have some bad foods too (although I hardly ever eat fast or junk food but more of freezer/frozen food unfortunately which im cutting down on) but i've started to wean myself of things like wheat and dairy and I've started incorporating things like apples, kale and more fish.

I was prescribed some probiotics and various tablets/powders but I dont really want to go down this route as they're all synthetic, man made and and I'd rather go the natural route with herbs and simple but natural remedies.

I have read much of the suggested remedies on here including Ted's and others but I am unsure how to proceed although I have an idea about what I could start of with (Lemon juice BS looks a good start and I've started this) but in light of my prognosis above can anyone pinpoint what may be my specific issues if they've had similar, what did you try, and any ideas on what I could start doing and taking. Thanks

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Pineapple for Digestion

Anonymosaurus Rex ( Somewhere, Alone, Listening To Radiohead) on 09/03/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Here's a simple tip to help your digestion out. You can make a digestive tonic out of pineapple and thin air!

Simply get a fresh pineapple, cut it into bite-sized chunks and place them on a plate out of direct sunlight. You may want to cover them just in case.
Every day, eat a piece of pineapple (or two... Or three). It's easy as that!

After a few days if it starts tasting strange/bad or looks that way - don't eat it. Otherwise, bon appetit!

The idea behind this is that raw pineapple contains a bunch of digestive enzymes called bromelain. If you leave it out in the air, it will slowly and gently culture with wild yeasts in the air - these also contain digestive enzymes. It's not going to cure any big digestive problems, but it is gentle, simple, effective, cheap and natural.

Pineapple is also a great anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and diuretic.

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Chamomile and Espinozilla Tea for Digestion

Richard (Winston-salem, Nc) on 07/01/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I´m actually in Mexico right now, enjoying the effects of a tea made from chamomille and espinozilla. I have very sensitive digestion, so our trip here was not to be looked forward to because of the endless fiestas with spicy food. We actually arrived here at midnight not having stopped to eat. Anyone with bad digestion knows not to eat after a certain time (like 6 or 7 pm). My wonderful mother-in-law had this tea waiting for me and after two glasses, I ate like a hungry pig. And then, miracle of miracles, I slept like a baby. This tea has miraculous properties of healing for the digestive system. And the master ingredient is the espinozilla. But there´s no way to obtain this herb in the states so I´ll be checking to see if they can FEDEX it from Mexico. Or if anyone else knows where to find this herb in the states, I´d be much obliged.
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Hippocrates (Odin, Missouri, U.s.a.) on 04/28/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Hello all, I for years thought I had a bad/sluggish gall bladder. I even tried the oil/lemon flush. It got so bad I went and had an ultrasound done, it was perfectly clean on the screen. The ultrasound tech even said there was no small sand/sludge in there. So I then had nuclear dye shot into me and then something to make my gall bladder pump, they said it was working normally. So I then soon after had an endoscope, small hiatal hernia, but nothing else.

So I got noticing, when I eat, sometimes I can eat whatever, and after an hour or a few, everything digests, but if I go to the bathroom and make myself vomit, it is PURE OIL. So I got thinking that it wasnt the food so much, but something in the oils, and that my body must not like it, an allergy. So as I experimented, I got noticing that everytime I eat something that contains SOYBEAN OIL, my body doesnt like it, will digest the food around it, but leave the oil! Any of the fast "food" meats generally have it, as does anything with a batter on it at these places, or fried (fries). So does mayonaise, salad dressings, cheese dips, and even ice cream and soda (brominated "vegetable" oil)! "Vegetable oil" is usually a code word for "soy or has soy in the blend of cheap oils we use". It is a rotation crop grown after corn, and is dirt cheap and therefore they use it as a "filler" for lots of foods!

If I stay away from soy/soybean oil (vegetable oil), my body does pretty well. ALSO, if you have a hiatal hernia, stay away from carbonated drinks! On an empty stomach, this causes me problems alone, but mixed with food, causes bloating in the stomach that pushes everything around and makes life bad.

So, if you have stomach problems, watch what you eat and look for SOY and see if there is a connection that you can avoid

P.S. On the nights when I have sushi and nothing else, my stomach does great. The only thing in it is rice, crab, avacado, and cream cheese. I think that there might be something soothing/healing in the rice, but am currently not sure what mechanism it might be. If I eat rice with a "something helper" or out at a mexican place and both have tons of soy in it, it has little effect to negate the soy. So look towards a diet with rice possibly if you dont have a problem with it. Also, cheeses and sugars can cause me indigestion, so look at these as being removed if you want to make things better.

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Old Ghost (Perth, Australia) on 02/18/2012
5 out of 5 stars

A year ago I bled a fair bit from my back end. Six months later it happened again so I went to a medico who urged me to get a colonoscopy. Before then I'd begun every dawn with a leak followed by eating a quarter lemon washed down with 300/500 ml of water & going back to bed for a couple of hours. Likewise doing the same every night at bedtime on a near empty stomach. Had the colonoscopy. Result? Bleeding piles. A written prognosis from the surgeon was for me to come back in ten years - when I'm 78, such was mint condition of my lower canal. Lemons - they keep things clean.

Feedback Needed on Aloe Vera for Bloating

Lak (North Brunswick, Nj) on 01/13/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I have bloating, gas and indigestion and little bit of acidity For the past 4 months on and off. The moment I take first bite of food it makes me bloat. In the night it makes me stuck in the chest and unable to burp. Stomach issues started from 2008 but never this bad.

I have tried Extra virgin organic coconut oil and it made by bloating worse. I had to quit taking it. I have found relief from fresh Aloe vera. ACV does not suit me because it gives me burning sensation in the stomach. I dont have any ulcer and my endoscopy, colonoscopy came normal in 2009. But endoscopy in 2008 revealed a little bit of inflammation in the stomach and tried aciphex and lot of medications for short time. Recent blood work for celiac antibodies is also negative. I am also trying lime juice 2 times before meals in water which helps with the bloating by relieving lot of gas. But in the early morning stomach churns and gets burning in the rib cage. Nothing is helping except the aloe vera.

My question is on taking Aloe vera continuosly. Is it safe to take for long period time considering the mayo clinic warning


I request someone to kindly reply to this because aloe is the only one which gives me relief from My problem.
