Nat Sulph 6X Cell Salt for Diabetes Type I

4 star (1) 

Violet (Cerrillos, New Mexico) on 08/18/2013:
4 out of 5 stars

Nat. Sulph (sodium sulphite) 6X is a homeopathic cell salt that is recommended for diabetes mellitus. I recently began giving it to my daughter who was diagnosed a year and a half ago. So far we have not seen dramatic improvement, but her blood glucose numbers do seem to have stabilized a bit. Another plus is that she actually enjoys the taste of this remedy over the herbs (gymnea sylvestre, bitter melon, bilberry) which I have tried to give her. It was also recommended that we remove gluten and dairy from her diet. I have had a hard time doing this completely to a young child who already feels she can't eat anything that "tastes good", without the cooperation of other well-meaning people in her life who feed her these foods, and the general prevalence of gluten and dairy in so many foods. I know that type 1 diabetes is linked to other auto immune disorders and cutting out gluten and dairy is listed as a recommendation for each one I have looked at on Earthclinic tonight. Maybe we should give it another shot.
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