Dental Extraction Pain

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Bromelain After Dental Implant Extractions Took Pain Away

Kelsey (Oregon) on 05/25/2023
5 out of 5 stars

I read that book, about Root Canal Coverup leaking infection. So, I decided to have four root canals extracted because of the information in that book. My health was excellent at the time. My dentist disagreed me about having the root canals removed. His opinion was that root canals might leak a little but that most people's immune system simply fights it off. I had all four root canals extracted then I needed implants, well then I need more bone built up, before all four porcelain or ceramic implants could be placed. It was an intense and very costly process. Well, every single one of the porcelain implants failed, one by one. My dentist told me my body rejected them. Four dental implants all had to be removed. A very costly mistake to say the least. I should have just left the root canals alone, I believe some a few people get sick from root canals, but most people don't. The primary point, was that after the dental implant extractions, I was prescribed a painkiller, oxycontin. but I decided to take bromelain as a painkiller instead. I took two at the onset of any pain and it took the pain completely away! I sailed through recovery with bromelain and garlic chicken broth.
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MMS + DMSO for Infection After Root Canal

Mila (Boise Idaho ) on 11/03/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I had problem with root canal. Had very bad infection, could nor sleep for 2 nights. Had very bad pain . I used few drops of MMS with few drops of water and DMSO and brushed with tooth brush. And after 5-10 min pain left . It was miracle. Having pain for 2 days and no pain after 10 min!
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Umeboshi Plums, Propolis Are Amazing for Severe Dental Pain

Griselda (Valencia) on 08/06/2021
5 out of 5 stars


In a few days I have to have a molar out. The pain was so excruciating these last couple of nights impossible to rest until a friend brought me Umeboshi plums to put on the infected tooth. Totally bearable and then the pain very quickly disappeared.

Another friend then brought a tiny sheet of Propolis to put round the tooth. It stays there like chewing gum and is also brilliant- absolute anaesthesia. These 2 remedies should NOT be used at the same time or one immediately after the other.

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Colloidal Silver and DMSO

Danny (WV) on 01/08/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I used DMSO and Colloidal Silver mixed half and half, when I had all my teeth pulled, rubbed it on my cheeks the first few days, and it took out all the swelling and pain, and then applied it directly to the teeth sockets. Everything closed up in a week. Dentist couldn't believe it.
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Dental Extraction Pain Remedies

Anna (Utah) on 12/20/2019

I went to my dentist about 3 weeks ago, he took out old fillings from 2 teeth, my upper, the molar way in the back & the 3rd tooth from the back as well, the filling were deep, close to the nerve, I waited to see how my teeth would feel after the new fillings were put in and they calmed down a lot so I decided to go ahead & put on crowns like my dentist suggested to preserve them both, today I went in and it took him 2 hours to grind them down, remove some of the mercury filling (what do we use to rid our bodies of mercury? my dentist of course said there is nothing) and cut around the gum line I am assuming to put the crowns on (right now I have the temp crowns on), I am still having pain, throbbing and can't even eat soft foods on that side (can't eat on my other side as well because I need implants), I am hoping this doesn't lead to root canals, I feel like I just got them calmed down and now they are acting up again from the trauma of the work that was just done...what would you use please? I am thinking about putting aloe vera gel on my gum lines

Tea Bag for Dental Extraction Pain - Works Great Temporarily

Steve (Minneapolis, Mn) on 08/05/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Tea bags temporarily relieve pain of dry socket

Had three teeth pulled lower right in the back to prepare for low-level radiation treatment on my neck; trying to zap some thyroid cancer cells. One of the teeth pulled was an impacted wisdom tooth. Up to 30% of people having a lower, impacted wisdom tooth extracted develop what is called Dry Socket, where the blood clot that should form after removal is dislodged or dissolved before the wound heals, exposing underlying bone and nerves. Usually shows up two days after extraction. Main symptom: pain, pain, and more pain!

This situation can last up to 40 days; the socket should ultimately be packed with any number of medicated dressings to alleviate pain until the socket can heal itself. I was initially given oxycodone in combination with either ibuprofen or tylenol-generic and told to rinse with salt water. Tylenol-generic did not work for me at all; help with oxycodone was "spotty." Only thing that gave me two hours of relief at one time was taking 800 mg of ibuprofen every four hours (NOT a good long-term solution, if you value kidneys/liver/stomach).

Until I can obtain some sort of medicated dressing for the socket, I resorted to the tea bag solution, and - oh my gosh I can't believe it but it worked it's wonderful not to have to resort to trashing of my other organs via ibuprofen to get some relief! (So far have used black tea tea bags and chai tea bags; both work same.)

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Clove Oil for Dental Pain After Surgery

Teena (Aus) on 07/28/2017
4 out of 5 stars

After dental extraction requiring 2 hours of cutting and 15 stitches my husband was in a lot of pain even after taking panadiene forte, a very strong pain killer. He asked me if there was anything I could use (very rare) so I gave him clove oil but not having high expectations as whole clove had failed me recently when I was trying to avoid kids flu. He applied it with a cotton bud and I was surprised he got 3 hours relief. He slept. Well when he went back to work he soaked a cotton wool and left it there. He has done this a few times and the skin on his inner lip and gum is showing signs of irritation but he says I can work on that (probably coconut oil) when he is not in anymore pain.

I have been giving him to avoid infection and inflammation olive leaf, vitamin c, gse, li, sea salt and bs and Apple Cider Vinegar tonic. And once per day (as this is how often I see him), milk with turmeric, cinnamon and powdered clove.

It is healing nicely (day 3) and he is still using the clove oil but on cotton buds and not wearing all day.

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Apple Cider Vinegar Worked for Dental Extraction Pain

Lynda (Coffs Harbour) on 09/11/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Cider Apple Vinegar worked for my dental extraction pain. 1 tspn in a glass of luke warm water, swish gently. It reduced the swelling and inflammation. Follow dentist advice for the first 24- 48 hours. To ensure clotting has taken place Then mouth wash twice a day. Any pain and swelling return to the dentist.
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Arnica for Wisdom Tooth Extraction Pain, Ruta for Braces Pain

Rw (Bluefield, Va) on 08/12/2016
5 out of 5 stars

When my daughter got all four wisdom teeth pulled in the same day, I gave her homeopathic Arnica 200c just before the procedure, shortly after the procedure and every few hours during the first day, and as needed the few days after. She never needed any pain meds even though we had gotten the prescription filled just in case. She never had any swelling or bruising. Homeopathy (it's not herbs) causes the body to heal faster and eliminates or decreases symptoms in the meantime if you choose the right remedy for your situation.

The homeopathic remedy, Ruta, is effective for pain resulting from braces or the visits where they adjust the braces. You can get the remedies on Amazon or any site where homeopathic medicines are sold. There are several different brands.

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Natural Remedies to Promote Healing After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/11/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Natural Remedies to Promote Healing After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

As much as I like to treat health issues as home with diet, herbs, and natural remedies, sometimes the help of a professional is needed. Such was the case with my 18 year old's wisdom teeth. He was having TMJ and a sinus issue caused by his wisdom teeth. We chose an oral surgeon that the dentist we trust recommends. My son had his wisdom teeth out ten days ago and has had an excellent recovery. I thought I would share some ways that we used natural remedies to help his healing along.

First of all I was delighted to see that his discharge instructions from surgery recommended that tea bags (black, as in Lipton) be used if bleeding could not be stopped. I liked the recognition that something as simple as tea was not being improved up by pharmaceuticals, which would have been much more expensive. 30 years ago, I used black tea bags on the sites of wisdom teeth extraction, upon recommendation of my mother and think it contributed to an easy recovery for me.

Secondly, salt water was recommended for rinsing the mouth several times a day. I was so happy that this simple solution was suggested instead of some expensive chemical alternative, and obvious credit was being attributed to its effectiveness.

While my son's teeth were mildly impacted, the surgeon did not think that prescription pain medication would be necessary. He gave me a prescription just in case, but I never even filled it. I know from experience that narcotic pain medications seem to make my children feel badly. I would have filled it if needed but it was never needed.

He was also given a prescription for amoxicillin antibiotics. I didn't fill that either. I am convinced that turmeric works at least as well and likely much better as an antibiotic. I gave him 4 turmeric capsules 4 times a day for several days and then tapered off the amount. Turmeric is also excellent for pain and inflammation.

I did have him hold colloidal silver in his mouth a few times to help prevent infection.

My son had almost no pain in the days following his surgery. He had me look in his mouth the day after surgery. He had no redness. No inflammation. No swelling. The surgical sites looked amazing.

He did have some pain six days after surgery but he had gone to work in the heat and was likely dehydrated. Once he came home and rehydrated the pain went away.

He did need to eat soft foods for a good week. But he had no pain. I did give him a couple of doses of ibuprofen the first day but it probably wasn't even needed. I don't know how much to attribute to an excellent surgeon, how much to credit the general good health and strength of my son, how much to attribute to turmeric, salt water rinses and colloidal silver and how much to attribute to prayer, but they were all in play.

Just my 2 cents on helping wisdom teeth recovery go well.

~Mama to Many~

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Garlic Helped Dental Extraction Pain

Ruth B. (Muskoka, Ontario, Canada) on 06/10/2016
5 out of 5 stars

After having a very difficult extraction of two wisdom teeth growing sideways, my dental surgeon told me to take pain killers before the freezing came out. Since I don't take pain killers, I sliced a thin piece of garlic and placed on both extraction stitched wounds as the pain became unbearable. First it burned slightly, then the pain lessened so I did not need to take pain killers. I continued to replace with fresh garlic slices for a couple of days. The healing process was also unbelievably fast. The dental surgeon couldn't believe the results.
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Salt Water Rinses Help Oral Surgery Pain

Candace (California) on 05/21/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I had oral surgery about a week ago; three seperate procedures, same day! No single thing has brought me more relief than warm sea salt water rinses. The warmer the water the better.
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The Dangers of a Root Canal

Josie (San Antonio,Tx) on 05/01/2016
5 out of 5 stars

If you need to learn more just type (The danger of root canal treatment). I love EC because people help each other. I have some information about root canal. If you have any root canal please remove it and if you're going to get one done, DON'T. The root canal is a dead tooth and it is highly toxic. It causes bacteria that makes their way into the blood steam. It can cause a number of serious medical conditions. It won't show right away, but later. It can cause cancer.

When your body is fighting the infection it cannot reach inside the root canal. Sorry to tell you, but your dentist will not tell you are they may not know. The dentists are not train to learn about this. You have a dead tooth, now think about this. If you have something dead in your body, it will cause you to get sick. It will spread bacteria all over your body, well that is what a root canal will do to you. Have the tooth removed, do not have a root canal!!

If you are sick this could be the problem. Love you all. Pray about this and God bless you'll.

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Tooth Extraction Tips

Kaylee (Palisades) on 03/20/2016
5 out of 5 stars

This is something you need to know if you have an tooth extraction, you must get an implant and you cannot wait longer than a couple months because the bone will begin to disappear fast. This will effect the structure of your face. Some people look gaunt or look sunken in from having teeth removed and not replaced. Some people suffer neurological issues, headaches for not having enough back teeth. If you wait a long time to get implants it will cost more you will need a bone graft by then or the dentist will use your bone. This is way more time consuming, way more costly and more pain and hassle, more antibiotics it is just not worth it at all. It is wise to get an extraction then go ahead and get the implant, and consider all porcelain implant with porcelain screws if you need screws lucky you! Porcelain is non reactive you do not want metal in your mouth since it emits a electrical charge that effects your brain.
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Re: Remedies to Recover from Tooth Extraction and Blood Clot in Socket

Andrea C (Wales Uk) on 07/01/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I had surgery to remove a previous root filled tooth that had fractured vertically. As soon as I got home I applied a teabag (must be a BLACK tea bag) WITH CLOVE OIL APPLIED TO THE TEABAG FIRST.

And had 4 grams of vitamin C every 6 hours and 4 drops of propolis tincture 50% 3 times a day.

I also took Paracetamol 2 six hours apart and only had to take four yesterday. 2 six hours apart after the operation as soon as I felt the anesthetic wearing off.

Then another 2 at 3am when I awoke. The propolis I added to a WARM cup of Red bush tea and drank it through a straw which stops the propolis staining your teeth.


Just add to warm water or tea and drink from a cup. I was trying to avoid getting anything in the socket and was NOT advised about this, I found it on the web.

I got up at 3am in pain and did the propolis again through a straw and a big long blood clot was hanging from the socket right after.

I was then trying to find what to do about the blood clot and came across 'Dry socket'. And thought I was in trouble IF THE CLOT CAME AWAY.

I then put another teabag to hold the clot in the socket and couldn't find anything on line as what to do about the hanging clot. So I rang a dental NHS Direct who gave me an emergency number to ring and speak to a nurse.

She told me to take the tea bag off as it was now 18 hours after the operation and the clot MUST COME OFF BUT DO NOT PULL IT OFF. It will fall off by eating and drinking. And it's all absolutely supposed to happen like this, as long as there is no bleeding and the clot had formed.

Then to leave it until 24 hours have passed by then do a salt in water warm rinse 4 times a day until you feel pain and swelling subside. And the brush teeth carefully avoiding the extraction site and surrounding teeth for a few days.

DO NOT SWISH..just hold the salt water over the socket until it cools and just let it run out of you mouth DON'T SPIT as this will put pressure and cause pulling on the socket.

So far I have minimal pain and some swelling but nothing too bad at all. And I believe doing everything before the anesthetic wore off was the key to keeping it minimal.

I also 'Earthed/Grounded' myself for an hour when I got home by laying on the grass on a Cotton towel. I only put my back and neck on the towel to stop 'Grass rash' and rested my head, arm's and legs on the Grass directly.

I will be 'Earthing' myself again today but for as long as I can, I have the book 'Earthing'. It states if you get 'flu symptoms' from 'Earthing, then rest up for the day and do it as soon as you feel better.

I did have a lot of joint pain etc from other stuff going on with my body but I am going to carry on as I can suck it up and do it.

And I did get 'Flu symptoms' for a day last week after 'Earthing' all day in the Sun by walking around barefooted. And then went out in the Rain and did it again in the evening for an hour.

So I just spent the next day indoors doing stuff and resting up and went to bed early. So for the next week besides 'Earthing' I am going to do the propolis 3 times a day and the salt water rinse 4 times a day and vit C 4 gram's 3 times a day for 5 to 7 day's.

The paracetamol I won't take unless really necessary and staying on bone and veg broth for a few days.

I have added fresh chili peppers, ginger, onions, garlic turmeric root black pepper and various fresh herbs as well. Thyme, rosemary, mint, I don't always completely strain mine unless I have to to eat it. But I will be avoiding eating any bits that are too chewy for a few days.

But leave the soft bits in. I also put a lot of raw butter on it as well and Celtic salt yum!!

Love Andrea C xxx

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Re: Dental Nerve Healing

Tahera (Pune, India) on 03/22/2014

Hi! I had to extract 2 of my upper jaw wisdom teeth in June 2013 as they were next to my sinus membrane n were troubling me in form of giddiness n weakness. Ever since the extraction, my nerves are totally disturbed n I still have d pain of the wound due to d extraction though it is healing slowly. My dentist has said it would take at least a year to heal. In the meantime there aren't any medicines for it. I wanted to know if there are any home remedies which can soothe n heal d nerves faster. Best wishes
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Pineapple Juice Prior to Root Canal

Jillery (North America) on 12/03/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I read years ago that if you drink LOTS of pineapple juice (like a can a day) and take extra A&D prior to having dental work like a root canal there would be no swelling or issues. I followed this and have taken an hour off from work for a root canal and came back to work with no issues (as a teacher! ). I know it is best not to have to have these procedures but sometimes it happens!
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Coconut Oil For Dental Pain

Ashamed To Admit It (Everywhere, Usa) on 04/24/2013
4 out of 5 stars

Coconut oil in the diet has made life bearable from pain all day and night in numerous spots... Some ugly cavities and some broken crowns and some just seem to have sensitivities.

Gave up getting any more fixes, all the old ones failed and most recent work 2010, new crowns and fillings, ended up causing pain for solid year all day- everyday

12-12 to 4-13 Eat coconut oil in diet EVERYDAY and pain stays away... skip day or two and pain is back with a vengence.

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Tea Bag for Dental Extraction Pain

Renee (Emporia, Kansas) on 03/21/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Extracted molar quickly resulted with significant swelling and pain. Soaked a regular tea bag for a few minutes in warm water, squeezed out most of the liquid, then lightly bit down on the bag. After an hour or so, a noticeable reduction in both pain and swelling. Continued this process for several days... rapid healing has occurred.
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Apple Icder Vinegar Worked for Dental Pain

Gardengirl (Gallatin, Tn. Usa) on 03/17/2013
5 out of 5 stars

2 weeks ago, I had a wisdom tooth pulled, it would hurt and in that area it would feel hot. I started off putting minced garlic in the area and it stopped the pain, but 1 week later it still felt hot and too much garlic was making the gum raw. Thank-you for the vinegar idea, it worked and after about 3 days it is healing, no more hot spot. I mix about 2 teaspoons in a glass of water and swish it in that area... 3 times a day.... Feels great now!!!
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