Bloodroot for Cysts

5 star (1) 

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Lynn (Canada) on 02/17/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

I applied bloodroot paste to my cysts and it slowly works to create an eschar around the entire cyst, including the sac and then it falls off. I apply it directly to the cyst and put a bandage over it. I leave it on for a day and check on it, then reapply and bandage again. I keep reapplying for at least 4 days or so, or until I feel a lot of swelling. At that point there may be a bit of oozing from the cyst liquifying and pushing its way out from all the pressure of the swelling. It's optional to continue applying the salve depending on your comfort level and whether it stings too much. Eventually by about day 6 or 7 the cyst will fall out on its own, or with a little pulling with sterilized tweezers. It leaves a large crater at the site, but eventually this fills in completely and with almost no scarring. I am finding discolouration from the site, like any other scar, but the area is now flat and there is no indication of any part of the cyst left.

I did find one cyst on my neck wasn't completely removed, so I did a second treatment with the bloodroot salve after it healed completely. Sure enough, it found the area with any cyst material and surrounded it. That too fell out and I'm hoping I got all of it this time around.

Not only does this work great for deeply embedded cysts, my sister found it worked great for removing a mole on her arm. The exact same application was followed, although she may have had to leave it on a bit longer than I did for my cysts. By about a week and a half the mole just came off on its own with a little help with tweezers.

During the healing process I felt what was probably scar tissue, so I did try reapplying on my elbow but found no reaction. It left a bit of a chemical burn, but nothing major, just uncomfortable itching. I've also tried on other miscellaneous scar tissue/bumps and it didn't do anything but leave a slight stinging sensation and discolouration (that eventually disappeared.)

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