Antifungal Cream for Cysts

5 star (1) 

Boilbb (US) on 01/12/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I had a re-ocurring small groin cyst that wouldn't heal. I would sometimes get small re-ocurring ones on my lower belly too. Sometimes it would come to a head but still a soft marble existed below the skin. I tried so many different remedies (at different times) from apple cider vinegar to iodine to magnesium oil, turmeric, hydrogen peroxide, etc. Honey would help it close up. When I used Tinactin [anti-fungal cream] on them for a week or so, they all healed. I had a feeling the groin boil might be fungal related because it itched a lot. It is worth a try if other things aren't working.
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