Apple Cider Vinegar for Coughs

5 star (71) 
4 star (3) 
3 star (1) 
1 star (3) 

Dan (New York, New York) on 06/25/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I got a really bad cold a few days ago, and I could hardly stand not being able to breathe through my nose. Not only that, but the coughing, especially on the second and third days, was unbelievable. Finally my dad told me that he couldn't listen to my cough any more, but I didn't want to take any drugs/medicine. I found this site on Google and, of course, the first thing I saw was to drink Apple Cider Vinegar. I finally found some in the back of a cabinet and put some in a glass with honey. In less than ten minutes my cough had subsided to barely a tickle every five minutes and my nose cleared up so fast I could actually feel it loosening up. Not only that, but ACV also reduced the weird ringing in my ears and helped my upset stomach. I'm not saying that my cold is completely gone, but I'm easily 99% better than I have been in the last month. ACV is definitely the only thing for any kind of illness.
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Stephanie (Freeport, USA) on 06/22/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

First of all, I thank GOD for helping me find your site to try these wonderful remedies! I started out with a sore throat and gargled water mixed with cayenne powder; it helped short term. But then I had a nasty cough (associated with the sore throat), so I drank 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar throughout the day. It seemed to make my coughs more productive. When I woke up the next day, I hacked up a lot of mucous, and felt like I was getting better. Then I made a pot of tomato tea and I am well again :-) Thank you very much! Your site is a priceless wealth of information."
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Deb (Fort Wayne, IN) on 05/30/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with Acute Bronchitis and have been coughing so bad I could not sleep and was having breathing difficulties. I am super sensitive to drugs and hate to take anything but got desperate and got the Zpack but before taking it read your acv cures. Within about 15 min of drinking it my cough got better and the next day coughed up lots of stuff and was much better. But today seems to be not as good as yesterday just wondering if the stuff is working still?
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Tony (London, England) on 05/17/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I had been suffering from what seemed like a really long version of the common cold. Nose constantly running, coughing non stop, and feeling awful. Saw earthclinic, went and bought apple cider, and WOW!The cough is still there, but a million times better ,and more productive. The nose is clear and feeling like a nose should. You have got to try this. It really works.
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gail (USA) on 04/26/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

My Home Made Cough Syrup for Sore Throats. I call it "Molyvite". It combines:

  • Black Strap Molasses
  • Grade C Maple Syrup (only enough to break the taste)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Raw Unfiltered Honey
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • A small amount of pure water to tolerable taste.

Take small sips during the day. For problems getting accustomed to taste, start sipping with a small tolerable amount at first working your way up. Soon you will even look forward to taking it. You may even miss taking it. I did.


  • Minerals
  • Help Balance PH
  • Send germs packing
  • Increase blood flow & circulation
  • Healing
  • Some vitamins

Did you ever hear of Cyclone Cider? Love that stuff too.

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Chris (Jacksonville, USA) on 04/21/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I just got over a viral infection and exactly 2 weeks later i get this really bad cough.i thought the meds that i took for my infection would help but none of it made me feel better. so i started to take over the counter meds and nothing. finally i went online for some remedies cause i kept waking up every 4 hours! it was awful..i just took the acv with honey to make it taste betterand my throat doesnt even feel itchy anymore. this stuff is amazing!
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Gary Dean (Cammeron, Missouri) on 03/24/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

To Whom it may concern was looking at your site and we tried 2 Tablespoons. of Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 Tablespoons. of honey. We had a bad cough and it cured it within 1 day. We took it about every 3 or 4 hours through out the day and it was cured.
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Jill (Austin, TX) on 03/03/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Been suffering for 2 nights (this being the 2nd night) with that tickly persistent phlegmy cough - the ones that happen almost ever 45 seconds without fail. Got out of bed to do some online searching for some natural cures (since I'm not up for going to the store for cough stuff, which I don't really like, at 2am). Found this page and mixed up 2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 Tablespoons. honey - and I can already feel it working! The tickle in my throat is definitely becoming more subdued. I know I have some postnasal drip - and it won't tackle THAT so much - but I can feel myself already not having the urge to cough!!
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Huw (London, UK) on 03/03/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have found organic apple cider vinegar to be very helpful with a compost allergy and dry bronchiastis. Two bottle caps twice a day either in sweet apple juice or just cut with water and honey. It's so effective that I have discontinued Flixotide steroid treatment.
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Carlye (Hicksville, NY) on 02/22/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I had a bad cough that irritated my throat. I decided to look at what to try to make it go away. I found that ACV could help, but I was scared to try it since it has a very raw taste. I tried everthing from taking over the counter drugs to drinking tea with honey and nothing worked. I decided that I would take the apple cider vineager with some extra virgin olive oil and make my own salad dressing so I'd still get the ACV without the stinging taste. I couldn't believe how quick it worked. While eating the salad, I coughed a bit, but it didn't hurt my throat. It's been one day and no coughs since.
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Apple Cider Vinegar for Coughs

5 star (71) 
4 star (3) 
3 star (1) 
1 star (3) 

Dan (New York, New York) on 06/25/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I got a really bad cold a few days ago, and I could hardly stand not being able to breathe through my nose. Not only that, but the coughing, especially on the second and third days, was unbelievable. Finally my dad told me that he couldn't listen to my cough any more, but I didn't want to take any drugs/medicine. I found this site on Google and, of course, the first thing I saw was to drink Apple Cider Vinegar. I finally found some in the back of a cabinet and put some in a glass with honey. In less than ten minutes my cough had subsided to barely a tickle every five minutes and my nose cleared up so fast I could actually feel it loosening up. Not only that, but ACV also reduced the weird ringing in my ears and helped my upset stomach. I'm not saying that my cold is completely gone, but I'm easily 99% better than I have been in the last month. ACV is definitely the only thing for any kind of illness.
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Stephanie (Freeport, USA) on 06/22/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

First of all, I thank GOD for helping me find your site to try these wonderful remedies! I started out with a sore throat and gargled water mixed with cayenne powder; it helped short term. But then I had a nasty cough (associated with the sore throat), so I drank 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar throughout the day. It seemed to make my coughs more productive. When I woke up the next day, I hacked up a lot of mucous, and felt like I was getting better. Then I made a pot of tomato tea and I am well again :-) Thank you very much! Your site is a priceless wealth of information."
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Deb (Fort Wayne, IN) on 05/30/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with Acute Bronchitis and have been coughing so bad I could not sleep and was having breathing difficulties. I am super sensitive to drugs and hate to take anything but got desperate and got the Zpack but before taking it read your acv cures. Within about 15 min of drinking it my cough got better and the next day coughed up lots of stuff and was much better. But today seems to be not as good as yesterday just wondering if the stuff is working still?
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Tony (London, England) on 05/17/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I had been suffering from what seemed like a really long version of the common cold. Nose constantly running, coughing non stop, and feeling awful. Saw earthclinic, went and bought apple cider, and WOW!The cough is still there, but a million times better ,and more productive. The nose is clear and feeling like a nose should. You have got to try this. It really works.
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gail (USA) on 04/26/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

My Home Made Cough Syrup for Sore Throats. I call it "Molyvite". It combines:

  • Black Strap Molasses
  • Grade C Maple Syrup (only enough to break the taste)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Raw Unfiltered Honey
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • A small amount of pure water to tolerable taste.

Take small sips during the day. For problems getting accustomed to taste, start sipping with a small tolerable amount at first working your way up. Soon you will even look forward to taking it. You may even miss taking it. I did.


  • Minerals
  • Help Balance PH
  • Send germs packing
  • Increase blood flow & circulation
  • Healing
  • Some vitamins

Did you ever hear of Cyclone Cider? Love that stuff too.

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Chris (Jacksonville, USA) on 04/21/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I just got over a viral infection and exactly 2 weeks later i get this really bad cough.i thought the meds that i took for my infection would help but none of it made me feel better. so i started to take over the counter meds and nothing. finally i went online for some remedies cause i kept waking up every 4 hours! it was awful..i just took the acv with honey to make it taste betterand my throat doesnt even feel itchy anymore. this stuff is amazing!
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Gary Dean (Cammeron, Missouri) on 03/24/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

To Whom it may concern was looking at your site and we tried 2 Tablespoons. of Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 Tablespoons. of honey. We had a bad cough and it cured it within 1 day. We took it about every 3 or 4 hours through out the day and it was cured.
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Jill (Austin, TX) on 03/03/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Been suffering for 2 nights (this being the 2nd night) with that tickly persistent phlegmy cough - the ones that happen almost ever 45 seconds without fail. Got out of bed to do some online searching for some natural cures (since I'm not up for going to the store for cough stuff, which I don't really like, at 2am). Found this page and mixed up 2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 Tablespoons. honey - and I can already feel it working! The tickle in my throat is definitely becoming more subdued. I know I have some postnasal drip - and it won't tackle THAT so much - but I can feel myself already not having the urge to cough!!
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Huw (London, UK) on 03/03/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have found organic apple cider vinegar to be very helpful with a compost allergy and dry bronchiastis. Two bottle caps twice a day either in sweet apple juice or just cut with water and honey. It's so effective that I have discontinued Flixotide steroid treatment.
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Carlye (Hicksville, NY) on 02/22/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I had a bad cough that irritated my throat. I decided to look at what to try to make it go away. I found that ACV could help, but I was scared to try it since it has a very raw taste. I tried everthing from taking over the counter drugs to drinking tea with honey and nothing worked. I decided that I would take the apple cider vineager with some extra virgin olive oil and make my own salad dressing so I'd still get the ACV without the stinging taste. I couldn't believe how quick it worked. While eating the salad, I coughed a bit, but it didn't hurt my throat. It's been one day and no coughs since.
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Dan (New York, New York) on 06/25/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I got a really bad cold a few days ago, and I could hardly stand not being able to breathe through my nose. Not only that, but the coughing, especially on the second and third days, was unbelievable. Finally my dad told me that he couldn't listen to my cough any more, but I didn't want to take any drugs/medicine. I found this site on Google and, of course, the first thing I saw was to drink Apple Cider Vinegar. I finally found some in the back of a cabinet and put some in a glass with honey. In less than ten minutes my cough had subsided to barely a tickle every five minutes and my nose cleared up so fast I could actually feel it loosening up. Not only that, but ACV also reduced the weird ringing in my ears and helped my upset stomach. I'm not saying that my cold is completely gone, but I'm easily 99% better than I have been in the last month. ACV is definitely the only thing for any kind of illness.
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Stephanie (Freeport, USA) on 06/22/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

First of all, I thank GOD for helping me find your site to try these wonderful remedies! I started out with a sore throat and gargled water mixed with cayenne powder; it helped short term. But then I had a nasty cough (associated with the sore throat), so I drank 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar throughout the day. It seemed to make my coughs more productive. When I woke up the next day, I hacked up a lot of mucous, and felt like I was getting better. Then I made a pot of tomato tea and I am well again :-) Thank you very much! Your site is a priceless wealth of information."
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Deb (Fort Wayne, IN) on 05/30/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with Acute Bronchitis and have been coughing so bad I could not sleep and was having breathing difficulties. I am super sensitive to drugs and hate to take anything but got desperate and got the Zpack but before taking it read your acv cures. Within about 15 min of drinking it my cough got better and the next day coughed up lots of stuff and was much better. But today seems to be not as good as yesterday just wondering if the stuff is working still?
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Tony (London, England) on 05/17/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I had been suffering from what seemed like a really long version of the common cold. Nose constantly running, coughing non stop, and feeling awful. Saw earthclinic, went and bought apple cider, and WOW!The cough is still there, but a million times better ,and more productive. The nose is clear and feeling like a nose should. You have got to try this. It really works.
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gail (USA) on 04/26/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

My Home Made Cough Syrup for Sore Throats. I call it "Molyvite". It combines:

  • Black Strap Molasses
  • Grade C Maple Syrup (only enough to break the taste)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Raw Unfiltered Honey
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • A small amount of pure water to tolerable taste.

Take small sips during the day. For problems getting accustomed to taste, start sipping with a small tolerable amount at first working your way up. Soon you will even look forward to taking it. You may even miss taking it. I did.


  • Minerals
  • Help Balance PH
  • Send germs packing
  • Increase blood flow & circulation
  • Healing
  • Some vitamins

Did you ever hear of Cyclone Cider? Love that stuff too.

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Chris (Jacksonville, USA) on 04/21/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I just got over a viral infection and exactly 2 weeks later i get this really bad cough.i thought the meds that i took for my infection would help but none of it made me feel better. so i started to take over the counter meds and nothing. finally i went online for some remedies cause i kept waking up every 4 hours! it was awful..i just took the acv with honey to make it taste betterand my throat doesnt even feel itchy anymore. this stuff is amazing!
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Gary Dean (Cammeron, Missouri) on 03/24/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

To Whom it may concern was looking at your site and we tried 2 Tablespoons. of Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 Tablespoons. of honey. We had a bad cough and it cured it within 1 day. We took it about every 3 or 4 hours through out the day and it was cured.
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Jill (Austin, TX) on 03/03/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Been suffering for 2 nights (this being the 2nd night) with that tickly persistent phlegmy cough - the ones that happen almost ever 45 seconds without fail. Got out of bed to do some online searching for some natural cures (since I'm not up for going to the store for cough stuff, which I don't really like, at 2am). Found this page and mixed up 2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 Tablespoons. honey - and I can already feel it working! The tickle in my throat is definitely becoming more subdued. I know I have some postnasal drip - and it won't tackle THAT so much - but I can feel myself already not having the urge to cough!!
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Huw (London, UK) on 03/03/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have found organic apple cider vinegar to be very helpful with a compost allergy and dry bronchiastis. Two bottle caps twice a day either in sweet apple juice or just cut with water and honey. It's so effective that I have discontinued Flixotide steroid treatment.
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Carlye (Hicksville, NY) on 02/22/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I had a bad cough that irritated my throat. I decided to look at what to try to make it go away. I found that ACV could help, but I was scared to try it since it has a very raw taste. I tried everthing from taking over the counter drugs to drinking tea with honey and nothing worked. I decided that I would take the apple cider vineager with some extra virgin olive oil and make my own salad dressing so I'd still get the ACV without the stinging taste. I couldn't believe how quick it worked. While eating the salad, I coughed a bit, but it didn't hurt my throat. It's been one day and no coughs since.
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