Apple Cider Vinegar for Constipation

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Rajiv (Delhi) on 04/17/2016:
1 out of 5 stars

Same issue, the first it worked as a charm. But second day onwards it has clogged up my system so bad, that even after a week I am suffering. I took 1 teaspoon with honey once a day for 3 days. I was not taking it for constipation but migraines. I feel so dry from inside. How to reverse it?

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Robert (Waterbury, Ct) on 03/15/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

My system stopped working in its usually very regular manner, tried probiotics, it did not help me. After visiting this site, read a lot of the reviews and seems that different things work in different situations. The thing that helped me was 12 ounces of water with about a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and magnesium supplement tablet; this got things moving in a good way on the first day. Today just used a little cider vinegar with water, no magnesium, when I first woke up. Within 15 minutes, had to go and once again without the runs. This was after a week of almost nothing coming out.
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Diamond (Ma., US) on 09/16/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

I have found a great solution for constipation; in my case I was born with a mold virus. I use Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup or container with fresh chopped garlic and chopped onion, let it set for an hour or two, then take an enema and for me it works right away. Also once in awhile I add aloe vera to my mixture as it's a great healer. Good Luck
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Salut (Los Angeles, California) on 06/30/2014:
1 out of 5 stars

I love this site!! I am learning so much and at a time when I need it. So thank you to all! My question is about ACV. I read great things about it, and because I have suffered most of my life ( I am 50) of "lazy" intestins and would easily go an entire week without a bowel movement and being bloated, I thought I would give ACV a try. I probably was to eager as I started 2x a day a shot glass. I did that for 2 days (4 shots) my body was not happy. I figured I probably used too much. I lowered to just 2 tablespoons per day. No difference. Instad of helping my bowels it seems to make it worse.I don't know why ACV is not working for me. Did someone have such an experience? thank you very much.
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Lisaj (Charleston, Sc) on 12/15/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been drinking 1 cap of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and water everyday for 6 years. It has changed my life forever. My entire life I had constipation problems, colds, bloating.... Now all healed. I carry my bottle with me when I travel. I have even purchased when in Greece and Turkey. I will never miss a day in my life without this miricle product! Don't wait start drinking now.
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Margaret (Greensboro, Nc) on 03/23/2012:
1 out of 5 stars

Those of you who suffer from constipation from ACV may have the same condition I do. I have IBS caused by intolerance to fruit sugars. ( and also grains, MSG and ALL vinegars) Most people can eat dried fruit ( prunes) and have a bowel movement. For me dried fruit is like POISON because the fruit sugars are concentrated. I suspect ACV is the same way. The fructose has been concentrated & altered by aging, but its still in there, and you are highly sensitive to it. Also, the aging produces naturally occurring MSG. I have also discovered that with IBS-C, you have a sensitivity to a food product, and your colon spasms and stops in one place, so you keep taking the fluids out of your stool until its like a rock. Beware of people who tell you to eat wheat bran and fruit. It will make it WORSE. Eat a high protein diet and watch out for ALL MSG- anything that is autolyzed or hydrolyzed on the label is MSG.

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Donna (Southern, Ohio) on 02/21/2010:
1 out of 5 stars

I have suffered with a spastic colon which the doctors are now calling IBS since I was in high school, over 20 years ago! I continue to have problems with my bowels and in a bad week will go for days without any eliminations. I do drink organic ACV daily in fruit juices. Unfortunately, ACV does nothing for the constipation, bloating, or stomach pain associated with IBS. I have been drinking about a tablespoon or so at least twice a day (or more) for over a month now and can tell no difference what so ever so I guess I have to give ACV a Nay when it comes to alleviating constipation.

Noor (Lawrenceville, Ga) on 06/10/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

HI I just wanted to let people knw my story, I have been on a low carb diet wihich also known as protein sparing modified fast its very stricted in food u intake, awesome diet however the only problem is u don`t have bowel movements for days, a friend of mine told me she been taking apple cider vinegar ever since she had her last kid, and ask me to give it a try, so i did 2 tablespoon daily pure just like that no water no sweetener its just easier this way comparing in adding whole lot of water and honey...which tend to make it harder to drink. And belived or not i have bowel movements every single day, and its just 2 tablespoon a day and drink lots of water itself the whole day, i feel great more than ever, i highly recommend that to any body that suffer bowel movements, plz go buy yourself a good ACV unfiltered u will see diference in you.
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Mrs P. (Kuching, Malaysia) on 05/22/2009:
1 out of 5 stars

I am taking diluted apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon in 8oz upon rising from bed in the AM and have another one before dinner. I have been taking this for 1 week. I only get little BM daily. I wonder if there is anything I can do to increase the effectiveness. I am so envy reading other's pleasant experiences with ACV. I really hope ACV is the final solution to my serious constipation since it has a lot of other health benefits. Any suggestion? I am thinking of taking a larger dosage.

Daniel (Blackwood, NJ) on 04/22/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I have a theory on why Apple cider vinegar seems to help with constipation and IBS for some people and not for others. I'm actually surprised this ailment isn't on the site, its called SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth) and its been linked to many (but not all) cases of IBS. Since the vinegar is antibacterial when one takes this it tends to lower the bacterial load of the small intestines allowing someone with IBS or SIBO to find relief because the overgrowth of the bacteria is stopped, much like a prescription of antibiotics that does the same thing without the fairly large price tag. I think the problem a lot of people are running into is when they take too much of it and it kills too many of the bacteria that help you digest your food. There is, Personally when I take a shot of the stuff after a few days it causes me constipation because its not diluted enough and it most likely gets dumped into my intestines as soon as I drink it due to the irritation of the pyloric valve much like a shot of vodka or equally irritating substance. But when I take only a teaspoon or two in 12 or more oz of water my bowel movements are great. So if any of you are having a problem with constipation please give ACV another chance just use much less (a tsp or two at most )and dilute it in water or your liquid of choice you will probably have a much better time with it. Also if your worried about the enamel on your teeth please use a straw.
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