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Apple Cider Vinegar for Chalazion

Darlene (Bozeman MT USA) on 02/13/2024
5 out of 5 stars

Just want to share my continuing success with using a cotton ball lightly soaked with apple cider vinegar (with “the mother”) to cure my upper eyelid chalazion: held directly onto the closed eyelid for about 10 minutes 2x a day. Nothing else seemed to be working but in only 3 days my chalazion is softening and diminishing with the acv.

Castor Oil for a Chalazion

Claire (Michigan, USA) on 07/08/2023
5 out of 5 stars

Castor Oil for Chalazion

+1 on the Castor Oil! I tried it based on the recommendations here. I put one drop directly on the nasty little lump and it loosened and drained that night. (I must say that the draining was a little gross looking)

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Castor Oil, Tea Tree Oil+ Got Rid of 5-Year-Old Chalazion

Taty (Louisiana) on 03/06/2023
5 out of 5 stars

My 5 year hard chalazion is completely gone! I put a half and half oil mixture of organic castor oil and organic tea tree oil on my entire eyelid and did a hot compress twice a day over the mixture on my eyelid on the spot of the chalazion. Once in the morning and once at night. Then I would put a mixture of 1 cup water to 1 teaspoon of organic apple cider with mother on my lash line with a qtip. I let that dry then I put some Similasan Stye Eye Relief Drops in my eye (you can buy on amazon or CVS/Walgreens/Walmart). I then let my eye dry from the eye drops and then proceed to put the half and half oil mixture of organic castor oil and organic tea tree oil on my lash line (don't get inside of your eye).

Do everything I mentioned twice a day every day and you will see results it may take a long time but my 5 year hard chalazion is completely gone. It took almost a year for it to go away completely it was hard and had been there for five years.

Chalazion takes a long time to go away, especially if you've had them for over a year and it's hardened. So be patient and continue.

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ACV Not Helping Huge Chalazion on Upper Eyelid

bpang (Fairfax, VA) on 04/17/2022
0 out of 5 stars

I have a massive chalazion that's been there (on the upper eyelid) for 3 months. I've tried everything (heat, massages, ACV) nothing seems to be working! It is higher up at a distance from my lash line and seems to be growing from within the eyelid-is that why the ACV application isn't working?

I tried ACV for 5 days- it just burnt my eyelid and created 2 huge red marks on my eyelid. Haven't noticed any drainage yet.

Any advice or at home remedies would be greatly appreciated!

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Salt Water Rinse for Chalazion

Health nut (NJ) on 02/10/2022
5 out of 5 stars

The Salt Water Rinse worked!

I had my chalazion for a couple of months and was trying different cures on and off (ex: ACV, castor oil, colloidal silver, etc) Nothing was as effective and fast as the saltwater rinse.

I did the saltwater rinse two to three times a day using an eyecup. Now my chalazion is hardly even noticeable and it's getting smaller every day. Thank God!

My recipe

1 teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in 1 cup of water. This recipe will last about a week.

I hope this helps anyone else with this problem. If not, everyone is different, so keep trying different natural remedies. Above all trust in God, He will guide you to the right cure.

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Hot Compress for Chalazions

Evan F. (Milwaukee) on 04/20/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I had surgery to remove chalazia in both eyes when I was in college. A few years later, one recurred, and there was no way I was doing that surgery again. While it was still in the tender phase I began using crazy hot compresses and pushing/rubbing qtips rolled in a mix of Dawn dish soap and hot water onto the bottom of the tarsal/lid plate (where the glands express). I did this with great vigor, like a Kennedy who really hates eye problems. After about two 15-minute rounds the chalazion spontaneously began to drain from its pore. It clouded my vision, and I'd never been happier for something to do so. I went to a budget meeting on the editorial board of my college newspaper, pressing on that thing just draining it in front of everyone. Truly a sight to behold.

Key is attacking them promptly. The puss oil will harden eventually, and at that point, surgery is the only real option. I used dish soap because it is the strongest surfactant I knew my eye could tolerate on a temporary basis. I do believe that enough hot soap water finally pushed up the pore into the blockage, which gave way.

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Apple Cider Vinegar for Chalazion

Sue (North Carolina) on 04/15/2021
5 out of 5 stars

During pollen season I seem to get at least one huge chalazion. In years past even though I did the heat and black tea bags, they would just swell and swell and I'd end up taking antibiotics.

This year on day 1, I read on this site about ACV with the mother and did it 4 times a day plus once waking up in the middle of the night to apply it.

Each time I did heat for about 10 minutes (Bruder eye mask is great) followed by 4-5 minutes of a Q-tip dipped in ACV with the mother. The ACV seemed to really take the infection out. It's 3 days later and not gone but is improving well. I"m so relieved and thankful for the other writers who wrote so I'm adding in my experience. Hope it helps you too.

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Castor Oil for Chalazion

Kim (New South Wales) on 04/12/2021
5 out of 5 stars

My husband had a decade old chalazion on his upper eyelid that had hardened without redness despite trying everything natural under the sun when it first appeared and at intervals subsequently. At one point of sustained natural remedies, the lump appeared to develop a slight split as if divided into two adjacent smaller lumps. Another time along the way, I applied raw local honey along his lashline and felt guilty as he developed a small chalazion on his lower lid just below the upper lump. It wasn't a stye as it never went away. Finally, last year, he was fed up and ready to seek surgery but came across an article in connecting Dermodex mites (present in all people) to chalazions so we decided to give one last-ditch treatment.

I mixed castor oil (the old-fashioned type in a glass bottle from the Indian store that has been used safely in eyes for centuries that I happened to have) with pure teatree oil in a dropper bottle and after his morning shower, I applied 2 drops to his clean knuckles which he held together for me and he then touched his knuckles together to disperse before swiping one knuckle across each respective lashline of both his closed eyes to avoid cross contamination as the chalazion was only on his left eye. He also used his knuckles to massage the mixture into his lashlines.

At night before bed, he used Opti-Soothe mask (from pharmacy) for two consecutive 20mins after heating 20secs in the microwave following by the same oil-on-knuckle treatment. As stated in the article, after 12 weeks the chalazion disappeared and has not returned after four months.

Wish we had known this remedy before as over the decade, we wasted time and money on doctors every time it became embarrassingly conspicuous after other natural treatments just to be prescribed eyedrops that made no difference and referral to opthalmologist who recommended best to leave it alone as it may recur after surgery which is apparently very painful.

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Re: Bump on Eyelid Healed With Echinacea

Mary (Tennessee) on 01/15/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I used the herb Echinacea for 2 weeks and the a bump on my lower eye lid near my tear duct. It just disappeared.

My pharmacist told me he had the same thing and to take the herb and it was gone.

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Hot Compress, Castor Oil for Chalazion

Carol (Demoines, Iowa) on 07/21/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I found that hot compresses 3× daily, along with application of castor oil (especially at night) quite helpful. I did go through a period where I took 2 T. of ACV daily, and applied it to the chalazion with a Q tip as well. This burned and caused the chalazion to crust and peel. I'm not sure if that was ultimately helpful.

In the end, I continued applying the castor oil to the chalazion and to the water line of my upper eyelid. Additionally, the action I believe most helpful, was the gentle pressure and washing of the eyelash area and upper water line (my chalazion was on the upper eyelid). I eventually tapered off the compressed after 1.5 months. I never thought it would go away. It was gone completely within 2.5 - 3 months. I prayed daily, and believed that the probiotic wash which I used to cleanse my upper eyelash area and the water line would heal the chalazion.

The ACV may have helped cleanse my system (I took 2T a day for a week, and the application to the chalazion, and getting it to crust may or may not have been helpful.) To this day, I continue the gentle eyelash and waterline cleansing. Nothing my doctor or opthamalogist prescribed or suggested helped. There are many probiotic washes on the market. Johnson's Baby Shampoo may be a viable option as well.

Best of luck to all of you struggling with this issue. It will go away when you find the solution that works for you. I persisted and researched weekly - with prayer! God bless all of you.

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Treat for Demodex Mites Got Rid of Chalazions

Miss M (New York) on 07/02/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I had same issue as Tron below. All of a sudden monster chalazions in eyes. Doctors said they were just styes. Found info on démodex and read many papers about what works against them.

Hope this helps others:

  • One ounce tin
  • vaseline - this will cover and drown them
  • 4 drops tea tree oil
  • 4 drop lavender oil
  • Melt Vaseline add essential oils and stir well.
  • Pour into container.
  • Apply everyday and night.

With the petroleum salve with tea tree and lavender, you only need to swipe your finger and get scant amount for your lashline. You do not need to goop up! If you have applied too much wipe off with a tissue.

Make sure you use different hands, tissues, wipes for each eye you do not want to transfer the little bugs over to another eye.

Sulphur soap is helpful as demodex hate the smell BUT it will dry your face out. You can buy it on Amazon.

Additionally helpful to me was to use Desert Essence Organics Lemon Tea Tree Shampoo - you can take the cap off and add additional tea tree and lavender oil. Wash your hair and face. This shampoo is for oily hair so it can be drying to hair and face.

Wash your bedding in detergent and borax in HOT water. Your pillow case wash as much as humanly possible and use HOT heat.

Buy unscented babywipes for your eyes. Amazon Basics or Costco.

Throw out your eye makeup and do not wear any until condition clears or you will make it worse.

My doctor didn’t even know about these things or my ophthalmologist!

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Ivermectin Got Rid of Chalazion

Tron (UK) on 07/01/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I had several bouts of chalazions and tried many remedies, tea tree seemed one of the best in soap form, if u are careful not to get it in the eye itself.

After many eyelid bumps and doctors saying it was blepharitis etc, I stumbled on an idea that it might be an over abundance of demodex folliculorum. I recalled then when they first appeared... it was after inspecting my uncle's dog who had mange on his tail.

Mange is caused by the same mite!! So long story a bit shorter.... ivermectin!! Obviously do your own research but I ordered some in a paste took the amount one would take for other diseases it is prescribed for tropical parasites....And Voila!

Gone after 2 plus years of these things....I occasionally dose myself maybe every 6 months but the little critters that apparently live on everyone's skin can proliferate given the right conditions and lead to many things including chalazions.

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Apple Cider Vinegar Slowly Shrinking Chalazion

Jay (Winnipeg, MB) on 06/30/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Had a HUGE stye that turned into a chalazion and I was going at it hard with the hot compresses (4-5 times a day, at least 15 minutes at a time). This only made it get bigger. One thing to keep in mind is that heat increases sebum (oil) production in hair follicles, including the follicles of lashes. This can cause the follicles near the chalazion to clog up and impede drainage.

There’s a good chance my follicles were already clogged by the huge stye my chalazion started out as. The excessive heat didn’t help matters. Anyways, I decided to lay off the heat, just applying a compress twice a day, for 10 min at morning and 10 min at night.

I use the eye mask you can put in the microwave—it stays warm and you can easily re-heat. I bought mine from an optometry clinic but you can probably find one on Amazon. Anyways, I reduced compress use to 10 minutes at morning and night, followed by gentle pressure with cu-tip against the chalazion (as well as rolling it down the cyst toward the lash line).

In between doing this, so about 5 times a day, applied Apple cider vinegar with the “mother“ using a cu-tip. Dipped q-tip in vinegar, touched it against Kleenex so it wasn’t dripping wet, then rolled q-tip over cyst and massaged gently into cyst, for about a minute. Got as close to the lash line as possible without getting any in my eye.

Chalazion is gradually shrinking (took a few days to notice a difference) and the lash follicles near the chalazion that had been filling with oil are draining as well.

In addition to the vinegar it’s probably important to not overdo it with the heat. Too much heat also likely causes some inflammation and swelling which will just keep the silly thing from draining or make it worse. I would suggest at least try going down to warm compress 2-3 times a day, 10 minutes at a time, and use the vinegar.

It is absolutely working for me!!

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Apple Cider Vinegar for Chalazion

Asalt (Colorado) on 12/18/2018
5 out of 5 stars

All those warm compresses, tea bags and massage did nothing for my chalazion. But Apple Cider vinegar made a HUGE difference in 2 days. It's now day 4 after ACV directly on a qtip about 4 times a day and it's almost gone. Thank goodness for this site - I was considering surgery since this little bugger wouldn't respond to anything else, and hearing people's terrible experiences made me try this as a last resort. TOTALLY WORKS! Use organic acv with the mother, I just put a few drops with an eyedropper and hold/wipe for a minute or two and then done!
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Re: Chalazion

Vinu (Shakopee) on 12/07/2018
5 out of 5 stars

My daughter had Chalazion for the past 2 years. I tried everything from consulting the doctor, putting warm compress, certain vinegar remedies found here. But none of these worked effectively. Now I see that in last week the chalazion shrinked and it is completely gone completely. I think it is some kind of natural process it needs some time.
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Colloidal Silver for Stubborn Chalazion

Jina (Portland ) on 10/30/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Colloidal Silver for stubborn styes/chalazion

My naturopath told us to do colloidal silver sprayed directly on to the eye 5 times a day for months. We also avoided eggs. And it treated the most gross looking stubborn stye I have ever seen. It did take a while, but this was a stye we had been battling for almost a year. Silver worked when nothing else did (so many different remedies mentioned tried). Now if we see one cropping up, we just do the silver sprays and it is gone by the next day or even as early as 1/2 day later. The most important part of it is that it really has to be 4-5 sprays/day. And the avoidance of eggs may be a crucial element as well.

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Warm Compresses, Massaging Not Helping Chalazion

Christa (West Bengal) on 07/14/2018
3 out of 5 stars

I am suffering from a chalazion for about a month now. It started as a stye which got healed with meds but the chalazion remained. It is inside my left lower lid. I have tried homeopathy but it doesn't seem to be making much of a difference. Have gone to the eye doctor but he only gave me antibiotic drops and ointment which stopped the infection but didn't reduce the chalazion.

I have been doing warm compresses with salt. The chalazion gets small after the compresses but returns to its original size within a few minutes of the compresses. I have read about sea salt compresses and just started with. Not sure if it would help! Also started applying organic hexane free castor oil on the skin outside of the chalazion and light massages.

My chalazion keeps changing shape and consistency. Sometimes it's soft and sometimes it gets a little hard. But when I massage it with castor oil it's size decreases considerably for an instant and almost becomes flat but gets back its shape soon.

Has anyone else experienced this? I need some help please.

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Castor Oil for Chalazion

Anon (Usa) on 06/09/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Castor oil has healed the chalazion on my eyelid. Cheap big box store brand of castor oil. Nothing special. Labled for internal use. Thank you Earthclinic!
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Homeopathy Worked Well for Toddler With Chalazion

Jaime (Austin, Tx) on 04/01/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Homeopathy (silicea & calc fluor.) for hardened, large, pea-size, long standing Chalazion

My son developed a Chalazion on his right eye (upper lid) around 10 months ago. I was very ill and depleted of all energy to function normally at the time and couldn't do much research on how to help him. I was not happy with the options typically used to "heal" these relentless chalazion: surgery, steroids, antibiotics. Once I was feeling much better a few months later I could dive into research what he needed. I found several natural remedies and most of them seemed far fetched to try on my then 3 year old son. Him putting a warm/hot wet cloth on his eye was not gonna happen especially in the recommended 4-6 times a day at 10-20 minutes each time, eye drops, etc.

In my research it seemed that getting a long standing chalazion that had hardened to soften up was the key to getting it to drain and heal was the ticket. I was researching homeopathy options since I have seen it work for so many other things in our family. After countless hours and 5 or 6 months of researching when I had time I narrowed it down to two remedies I was going to try. Silicea 6c and Calc Fluor. 6c, a dose of each (2 globules of each kind in the mouth at the same time). Silicea brings things out of the body so I was hoping it would bring the pus to the surface.The Calc. Flur has been used for long standing, hardened chalazions.

I would give him a dose morning, noon and evening. The chalazion went thru many phases of me wondering if it was getting better/smaller or not. I took photos almost every day but it was hard to compare the shape/size of it with photos taken from different angles/lighting, etc. Plus, he is 3 so getting him to stand still is challenging for a closeup of his eye. So, some days it would look shiny/red/irritated/angry and other days the redness was gone and it looked smaller. Also, the chalazion shape was changing. So, it went from "oh it looks better" to "oh, I'm not sure if it is improving" but kept going anyway.

After about 10 days from starting the remedies it started looking like a pus pocket was forming on the lower left side of the chalazion. I figured this was a good sign especially if at some point we could get it to open up and massage the junk out. The pus area kept getting bigger and now the chalazion had morphed into a rounded point on that left side where the pus pocket was. If we pressed on the chalazion it was no longer hard and it seemed like it wanted to burst and I thought eventually it would but it never did. We just kept going with the remedies. Around or just before 2 weeks after starting the remedies we could definitely tell it was getting smaller. Today marks the evening of the 16th day of using these 2 remedies and we noticed after his bath that the curve of his upper eye lid was no longer deformed, AT ALL. The chalazion had gotten so big before these remedies that it deformed the contour of his upper eye lid. Instead of it being a typical, natural arch it had a big undulating curve in it. You couldn't see his whole eye because of the deformity. BUT no more.

The arch of his eyelid looked completely normal. When he woke up on the 17th day it had shrunk so much while he slept. It was maybe 15% of it's original size. Sidenote: In the mornings I would notice the biggest change in the chalazion....Some days when I would think it looked way better in the morning by evening it would like angry. I guess my advice would be to keep going with the remedies. I will report back in a week or so with the final results.

The silica 6c and the calc fluor 6c by borion you can purchase on or probably any online homeopathic shop.

Also, these are the other homeopathic remedies we tried that didn't work:

  • Staphisagria
  • Plantanus Occ.

We also tried adding flax seed oil to his diet

If my son was older I would have also would have tried the following as well....

-the charcoal/flax meal poltice pouch. using charcoal since it is a drawing agent just makes sense.

-diy eye drops with distilled water and a little manuka honey....the honey burns and I wasn't sure how many weeks I would have to use it and on a 3 year old seemed like a major challenge. I just didn't want to put him thru that. So, we didn't go that route but I would of definitely done it on myself or if he were older. Or even the optimal manuka honey eye drops.

This is very long winded but I am hope that the details will help someone.

Best of luck,


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Apple Cider Vinegar and Hard Boiled Egg Compress for Chalazion

Heather (Searcy, Ar) on 03/05/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar and hard boiled egg compress is working! Yay for home remedies and great people like all of you who share information to help others!

This is a before/week later picture of my 4 year old son's eye after he had a sty and then got pink eye on top of it! In 2 days it had swelled up to the big bump “chalazion” on top picture! I found this site and began using the hard boiled egg (wrapped in paper towel) compress for 10 mins. About 2-5 times a day and then carefully rubbing ACV on it with a q-tip and letting it air dry. I'm so amazed and plan to post another picture once it's completely healed!

Thank you everyone who has posted, it truly means so much that we don't have to have it lanced or worse!