Gentian Violet for Thrush for Nursing Issues

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Sylvia (Centurion, South Africa) on 03/04/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

I used Gentian Violet for thrush on my nipples while breastfeeding when my baby was about 11 months. It stained her teeth purple and when the thrush was cured (about 4 weeks) her teeth was not only stained but was completely brittle and broke off! She is 18 months now and her top 4 teeth has disintegrated to stumps 1 mm from the gums. She had a healthy diet so could the Gentian Violet have caused the damage to her milkteeth?

Mmiller (Tracy, Ca) on 11/17/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I experienced thrush with my first daughter and now my second. Gentian Violet is the way to go. As previously stated it is VERY messy. If you rub the area around baby's mouth with oil (I use coconut oil) it keeps the skin clean. Also, soak any stained fabrics overnight in one of the oxy-type laundry cleaners.I use two scoops to a bathroom sink of HOT water. It has worked every time so far however, every so often I need to soak stubborn stains two days. Wash normally after soaking.

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Karen McSpadden (Virginia Beach, Virginia) on 11/29/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Natural Breastfeeding Thrush Remedy

In response to the issue of persistent thrush while breastfeeding, I would strongly recommend Gentian Violet. You can pick it up at most drugstores for a couple dollars and it's one of the most effective remedies in my own (frustrating and painful) personal experience with thrush. My daughter and I passed it back and forth for a while and Gentian Violet was the thing that cured it most efficiently.

You paint your nipples and the inside of the baby's mouth three times a day for three days. It's safe to use frequently. Be forewarned-- your nipples (and your baby's mouth) will be a very bright purple so plan to wear breast pads or an old t-shirt during the treatment. Also, I found that once my daughter was older-- over a year, I believe-- she wouldn't nurse from my breasts if they were purple. She didn't seem to be bothered by it when she was younger.

Whenever I have used this remedy, I have had relief from thrush and the accompanying nipple soreness.

Good luck!

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