Apple Cider Vinegar for Boils

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Joe (Michigan) on 11/15/2015:
5 out of 5 stars


Try combining the apple cider vinegar cotton swap with a HOT compress.

I just brought a boil on my wrist to a head in about 45 minutes, which is amazing because it was NOWHERE near this before I started.

1. Clean area with alcohol

2. Dip cotton ball in Apple Cider Vinegar

3. Apply ACV cotton ball to boil

4. Hold in place with bandage

5. Apply a fairly tight wrap to secure everything and prevent ACV from staining clothes / compress

6. Microwave a compress for about 5 minutes. Apply it directly on top of the part of the wrap that is covering the boil

7. Watch TV for about 45 minutes to 1 hour

This worked for me in 1 treatment. I was completely blown away.

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It's Rough (Sault Ste Marie, On) on 12/08/2011:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I started using the ACV in September, and found it's only worked (and has done so fast) when I have applied it on a cotton ball and held it there tight with a bandaid (waterproof ones are bad, as they leave the glue on you for days after and are harder to get off). So for the first two months, I'd basically just swab them and it didn't work very well. Over November they had all but disappeared, with just a few new ones showing up on my inner thighs (problem area was the scrotum at first). But one thing, after doing this for awhile the non-affected skin has been, well, pickled it seems. It is brown around the area and looks unappealing. Has anyone encountered this and know of a cream or something to return the skin to normal?

One more note: green tea. It heals your skin up nice and fast after; should have been downing 3 cups a day when I started this business. (But it's not really doing much for the darker spots of skin mentioned above).

Good luck

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S (L, A) on 11/23/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

My uncle soaks his feet in an ACV/water bath. The first time he tried it, his mrsa boils began to drain within the hour. He had them everwhere--shoulders, neck, around his waistline; he couldn't go to work, they were so bad. Temperature doesn't matter. I don't know how much ACV he adds to the water. I think he just glugged some in and soaked his feet while he watched television. A five year old would probably rather soak than swallow!
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Vivian (Cedar Rapids, Ia) on 08/19/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I soak a cotton ball in ACV and apply it to the boil with a bandaid. I replace it with a new one 2-3 times a day. It always brings the boil to a head and drains within a couple of days. It is a lifesaver! No more antibiotics and lancing!
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Sandy (Mebane, Nc) on 06/30/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar has definitely helped my boils. I drink it at least 2 times a day with water.
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Ada (Carthage, NY) on 01/02/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

acv and a glass of water 8oz . with a teaspoon of honey cures boils. i drink it 3 time a day and in 3 day they're gone --it does work.
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KS (MA) on 09/05/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Drinking apple cider vinegar tonic ( 2 teaspoons with honey in 8 oz water or tea 2-3 times daily) has nearly eliminated my recurring cysts that dermatologists have been unable to cure in over a decade.
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Anonymous (USA) on 03/01/2004:
5 out of 5 stars

I have a history of having problems with boils and bear the scars of them. They are quite painful and at times have had to have them lanced. A few people in my family told me about vinegar tea. One tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, one tablespoon honey mixed in a cup of hot water at least twice a day has dissolved more than one of my boils. Not only the vinegar tea but also: the recommended daily amount of water. Stay away from sodas and chocolate, as they seem to aggravate the infected area even more. If the boil does come to a head where it is going to open continue to drink the vinegar tea and the water. Use hot packs on the boil for 15-20 minutes three times a day. Doing this has more than once saved an unwanted visit to the doctor. What is also important is not to squeeze a boil. I hope this will help someone out there.
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