Bilary Reflux

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Artichoke for IBS or Bilary Reflux

dand (pingree grove, il.) on 01/23/2022
5 out of 5 stars

for bile acid/IBS help, try artichoke pills or liquid.
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Avoiding MSG Helps Bile Reflux

Kay (Fl) on 02/05/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Several family members suffer bile reflux; some have had gallbladder removed to little/no avail (long term). Fortunately we've identified a PRIMARY TRIGGER being MSG (Monosodiun glutamate, a common food additive/preservative). Knowing this helps us prevent many issues, especially the choking/blobs of mucus in the throat.

I'm preparing to do a gallbladder/liver flush as advocated by Naturopath Andrea Moritz which (detailed on this site under gall bladder issues)that many people find success with.

I hope this info helps someone.

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Rhodiola Rosea for Bile Reflux

Marguerite (Wrightwood, Ca) on 03/23/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I've been having a tough time with bile reflux for many years. The doctors could never find out what was wrong and I ended up in emergency many times, thinking I might die. I started taking 2 capsules of Rhodiola Rosea every morning for another problem, and found this to have completely cured my bile reflux! Wow!
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Remedies Tried for Bilary Reflux (New Page Created, Thank You!)

Jdawg (Fredericton, Nb, canada) on 09/05/2009
1 out of 5 stars

I've had this before and since having my gallbladder removed and don't see anything on here about making it better. I had some help from H2 blockers but I wanted to see if something natural was out there.

I've tried calcium, magnesium, ACV, turmeric, dietary changes, activated charcoal and other things and still have this terrible snot at the back of my throat and hoarseness, bloating, terrible digestion. Any help would be great.
