Hydrogen Peroxide for Athlete's Foot

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Suetee (Union City, Georgia, United States) on 06/03/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

A definite YAY here. I have had moccasin type athlete's foot for than a decade. My feet were extremely thick and darkly callused and my toenails were thick, dull and cracking. Nothing I tried worked: bleach, vinegar, OTC drugs but the hydrogen peroxide has been a miracle! I soak my feet in a 3% HP twice a day (undiluted) for the last 2 weeks and used my dremel and pumice stone to remove any dead skin. The dark moccasin pattern is 80% gone, my nails are a healthy white and the nail beds look healthy and my feet feel softer than I can remember. I will continue the twice daily soaks until they are completely clear. I might be able to wear sandals this summer. I hope this helps others out there with the same problem.
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Melissa (Orlando, Fl) on 09/17/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Hydrogen Peroxide to Combat Athlete's Foot

I have seen countless doctors and dermatologists for my dry, red, peeling, cracked heels that I have had on and off since probably the age of 10. I have been (incorrectly) diagnosed with eczema, allergic skin, and even psoriasis. I have taken oral medications and have been prescribed compounded skin lotions in hopes of "maintaining" my condition at a tolerable level.

This year, I took matters into my own hands. Living in Florida, people walk around in sandals and flip-flops more than half of the year. My feet were so embarrassing. I researched and researched and found that it was highly probable that I had the moccassin-type of athlete's foot. All the symptoms fit - even my mother and grandmother have struggled with similar feet issues. I went for a final opinion from my primary doctor and she agreed - perhaps it was misdiagnosed after all.

I finally decided to try soaking my feet in 50% water and 50% unfiltered, raw, organic apple cider vinegar every night. It produced almost immediate results with my feet feeling soft and peeling less. Nonetheless, after almost two weeks of soaking my feet, I just could not stand the odor anymore - neither could my husband. I stopped and of course the athlete's foot came back with a vengeance.

I finally decided to try 50% water and 50% hydrogen peroxide foot soaks for 20 minutes every night or every other night. I follow through with an "as seen on tv" foot file to take off the dead skin. Finally, I moisturize with organic coconut-based lotion. After almost three weeks, my feet feel and look amazing. I make sure to sterilize the basin I use to soak my feet, the towels, the foot file, and any other instruments with alcohol to ensure that the fungus is killed. Also, I have been more careful to spray my feet with anti-fugal sprays and foot powder before working out or if I wear partially or closed toed shoes.

As a precaution, I will keep maintaining these soaks as long as I can - considering I've had this athlete's foot condition for more than 15 years. I hope some of you have success with this inexpensive and definitely less smelly solution!

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Doris (Santa Ana, CA, USA) on 09/12/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Adding to my 04/28/08 entry. Pedicuring 82 yr old mom's Athl Feet, red chapped cracked heels she had thru my childhood years. Now her poorly cleaned large toenail had accumulated dead skin under nail with yucky dark fungus. I bought kitchen dishgloves dishpan scrubber-sponge hydrogen peroxide (HP). She couldn't reach to clean anymore. Athl Foot etc was up calves to her knees. In dishpan I mixed 4 cups comfy-hot water, 1 cup HP. Feet in pan, I scrub-sponged one leg. It didn't sting, Strongly tingled refreshingly like when your hand falls asleep. She didn't realize how numb Ath Ft made her feet sense of no feeling. Cleaned feet nerves felt like taking off thick socks for the first time. Dishwash gloves protected my hands while scrubbing. We both couldn't believe visual immediate result of no redness, and of powdery white dusty skin sloughing easily into water mixture. To do other leg, washed out dishpan, used new gloves, new sponge, fresh water-HP mix. Dust-size flakes came off her feet. Now with vigorous gentle sponge scrub, I could feel the difference between cleaned slick skin and slippery athl foot. Scrubbed 3 minutes foot-calf-knee per leg. CLEAN. Dumped water was thick with scaly powdery dead skin slough. Big point was Athl Ft numb feeling wasn't noticed till after cleaning. Last, I put aloe vera gel on each leg using 3rd pair kitchen latex gloves. Then used spray bottle of water-HP mix with paper towels to wipe dry, on her whole apartment especially shower stall, sink, commode, all chromework, doorknobs and sliding glass door-windows handles. Got her new shower flip flop sandals, sprayed them too. NOTE: Her bldg staff smelled vinegar-water wash I'd once used, which worked good enough, but staff said NO in case of doctor's meds conflict by skin absorption - go figure! HP has no smell. She does her own laundry, but now puts some HP in rinse cycle now. Thanks for this site. Years of Athl Ft - gone. It needs done 3X/year now.

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EC: Doris, thank you so much for these detailed instructions!
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Doris (Santa Ana, CA USA) on 04/28/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water in foot-bath bowl. Set feet in, and gently scrub with sponge. Good time to do it is after shower or bath and before bed. For worst cases, cotton swab damply all over affected foot skin. Immediately cleaned, no more co$$$tly stores remedies in very tiny tubes and bottles. Then, keep clean your barefoot walking or standing areas (shower, tub, etc). The immediate clean look and clean feel will be dramatic.
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Joe (Somerville, NJ) on 02/04/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I've used hydrogen peroxide, 3% pharmacy grade cut 50% with water, to rinse my mouth before brushing, which has been a great help with eliminating bad breath and plaque. But here's a remedy that no one may have thought - a treatment for "tinea cruris" commonly known as jock itch. I had an issue with this for several months and during this period, several times a week, I used Curex and other over-the-counter options to eliminate it, spending $20.00 to $30.00 to no avail. I knew hydrogen peroxide was effective in killing bacteria, so, as a last resort, I cut the pharmacy 3% grade 50%, just like the mouth wash, and used it-in 2 days!!! the itch and soreness was gone! No joke. Total cost 20 cents!
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John (Long Beach, CA) on 03/01/2004:
1 out of 5 stars

I first washed my feet with soap and water to clean them. I then dipped my feet in hydrogen peroxide with water, and rubbed peroxide on my feet a little after, but it had no large effect. OTC antifungal cream doesn't work either. Does peeing on your feet really help Athlete's foot?
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