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Wynnye (Texas) on 10/27/2019
5 out of 5 stars

Astigmatism is a matter of irregularities in the surface of the cornea vs simply a matter of focusing.
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Eye Exercises to Cure Astigmatism

Dave (Fountain Inn, SC) on 04/08/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with astigmatism in my right eye by an ophthalmologist when I was 20 years old while in college. Glasses were prescribed and I bought a set. My right eye had a stigmatism I was told by the doctor. A few years later I picked up a book by an ophthalmologist at a health food store because I wanted to find any alternative to deteriorating visual conditions. That book explained what astigmatism is and it is a simple phenomenon and an equally simple solution to obtain proper vision. First a stigmatism will always develop in the dominate eye. Each person has a dominate eye just has one has a dominate hand, usually right, and even a dominate leg. Mine is left!

To determine which eye is dominate, simply point to a distant object and without moving your hand shut each eye. You will see that the object moves when one eye is used and does not move when the other eye is used. In other words, the eye that is doing the focusing is the dominate eye. What the eye does then is uses one eye, the dominate eye, to dominate all focus actions. Now what happens in time, especially in a "book" focused society (worse now with computers) is the dominate eye will become strained... literally the dominate eye's muscles will be strained and will LOSE the ability to focus. As such the dominate eye will ALWAYS have the stigmatism.

The solution then is to relax the dominate eye and retrain the muscles in the dominate eye to be in proper focus. This is accomplished by a simple exercise. By using an eye chart or my favorite is a distant tree, one puts the palm of the hand over the dominate eye, but allowing light to come through on the sides, and you focus on the distant tree... A tree perhaps a hundred yards away. You focus with the non dominate eye on the limbs of the tree for perhaps ten seconds, then transfer the hand over the non dominate eye and allowing the dominate eye to "re set" by example of the non dominate but non astigmatic eye. Repeat three times. In a mere minute you have reset the stigmatized eye. This is harder to accomplish for a person who has over time put on ever stronger glasses. In that case, the book said the process had to be reversed and go backwards to the lest strong glasses and repeat over weeks to finally get to ground zero. Well, I was fortunate to find this book when I had the first weak set of glasses; as I said when I was only 20 years old. I used the eye chart provided in the book and now, over 40 years later still have that same eye chart taped to my vitamin cabinet. But usually I use an outdoors object, as I said, a distant tree. That's because you can use the limbs of the tree to find more refined focus points... some more narrow than others and so you can intensify the focus exercise.

Well, the book was very extensive and the ophthalmologist went into detail in explaining how a first "test" of children, for example, is almost always wrong and he'd always throw out the first eye test because the pressure on the child would cause the eye to be more strained than normal; hence, often children are diagnosed with problems that really do not have a visual difficulty at all. But once the glasses start, the dependency is ongoing. The need for stronger and stronger glasses is progressive. Unfortunately, I gave that book away over 30 years ago... all but the eye chart that came with the book. But I have shown the eye exercise method to hundreds of people. My eyesight is 20/20. I am nearly 64 years old. I can even see fine print out of a book so long as the lighting is good. I am sorry I do not have the name of the book or the remarkable ophthalmologist who was brave enough to write it. Brave I say because he revealed that children's tests are often flawed. But just remember that the stigmatism can be reversed. Remember I was diagnosed with that in my dominate right eye. And in fact I knew my right eye was off. That was why I went to the doctor to start with. But with one simple eye exercise, my stigmatized eye "learned" what its muscles "should" be by the non dominate eye. I have been so thankful for perfect sight now for all my life thanks to one book. God bless that doctor.

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Lime Juice and Rose Water for Astigmatism

Gean (Salina, Ks) on 08/11/2010
0 out of 5 stars

Hello, does anyone have any experience with putting rose water mixed with lime juice in the eyes? I have read that it will cure astigmatism if mixed one part lime juice to four parts rose water. I tried it and it really stings. So I diluted it with a lot more rose water and it still stings. Is this normal? Is it supposed to sting? And would rose water by itself also work? Any advice would be appreciated.
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Kathleen (Rice Lake, WI) on 08/05/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I am 19 years old and have had astigmatism since before I was in kindergarten. It's such a burden to me and up until a year or so ago I wore glasses and finally got contacts because they started making cheaper ones that weren't glass.

Anyways, I was researching for any cures and since I absolutely love this site, I started here, but was quite disappointed there was nothing listed for astigmatism. So I found multiple sites which pushed for lasik or glasses and contacts. But the problem with these is that lasik doesn't always solve the problem permanently. And I don't like to give those who push non-natural alternatives because I personally believe that God put all these plants and things on earth for a reason, not to just look pretty.

I eventually came across a site which mentioned Rose water and how it has been used for years to help with poor eye sight. I searched "Astigmatism Rosewater" a little more to find out what this stuff is about and how to make it. I'm not completely sure how come it helps so much, but it works apparently and since there are no added things to it, that is good enough for me. I searched for how to make rosewater and the easiest one I found, which I use is:

1. Pick fresh rose petals that have no pesticides and insecticides. If you're unable to obtain such petals, then go to your local flower seller and ask for organic roses. And if they don't have them, then wash the rose petals REALLY well in cold water, not hot.

2. Boil some water and for every packed cup of rose petals add 2 cups of boiling water.

3. The petals will start to lose color and the water will gain a bit of the color the petals were.

4. After pretty much all of the color is gone (it's ok if some of the petals didn't lose their color) use a strainer to rid the water of the petals. Squeeze the remaining water from the petals and dispose of the petals.

5. Let the water cool a bit because you don't want to burn your eye :S

6. This is an optional step: For every 8 oz. of rosewater, you can add either: a small small small amount of lime juice OR add a grain of alum. I personally wouldn't recommend both because that sounds like it'd be painful...

That is the simplest way to make it. And to put it in your eye, you should get an eye dropper and add a few drops like 3-4 times a day. If you don't have an eye dropper handy, wash your hands really well and then dip your finger in the rosewater and let it drip off your finger into your eye.

Here are a few of the links I found that seemed the most helpful:

This one has a post by someone who offered many helpful hints. I haven't tried any, but they don't sound like they'll do any bodily harm. I do know for a fact that staring at the sun at the indicated times does not do any harm to your eyes! I have no clue what the pressure points the person was talking about are...

I have just begun this endeavor only a while ago and I know it's working. My eyes are beginning to hurt because my glasses are too strong

I pray the best for all of those who suffer with astigmatism and other ailments of the eyes!

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