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NAET for Allergies

Rachel M (Saskatchewan ) on 08/18/2023
5 out of 5 stars

Nambudrad’s Allergy elimination technique, NAET, is good! It helped me a lot. You can have odd allergies, like to cold wind, and calcium as I had. I had to go 8 hours to get it though, and I haven’t been back after the 2nd, week long visit where I was treated for several days per week. It helped me though.
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Peppermint Tea Helping Asthma

Martin (Ireland) on 07/28/2023
5 out of 5 stars

A friend told me to take peppermint tea for my asthma.On day 1 I took 4 cups a day with a little sugar and milk optional. by the late afternoon I was breathing better, big difference.better than taking vetolin. This is day 4 and the same good effects.I think the only ones who can't take the peppermint tea is people with Gerd or acid reflux.. Google side effects. Thank you.
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Apple Cider Vinegar, Dietary Changes for Asthma and COPD

wendauggie (costa mesa USA) on 07/14/2023
5 out of 5 stars


I have asthma/COPD, after many years of suffering with no end in sight(not to mention the $ on medical appointments, prescriptions and ER visits), I read previous posts promising ACV (RAW/UNFILTERED ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR INCLUDING THE MOTHER) and change of diet (no processed food/no dairy products)as a cure.

I started by taking 2 tsp twice a day, and completely changing my diet. I have not felt the need to taken any prescriptions since, except when I challenge my diet and eat so little as 2 oreo cookies or even 3 bites of ice cream. And instead of my rescue inhaler I take 2 Tbs *my shots.

*my shots

2 TBS acv

2 cloves fresh garlic

2 lg pieces fresh ginger

2 lemons

2 Tbs local raw honey (or best MANUKA HONEY)

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Milk Kefir Helping Asthma

777gal (New Zealand) on 07/13/2023
5 out of 5 stars

I have noticed that since starting milk kefir, my night time asthma has improved.

This evening, I was coughing relentlessly and then realised I had forgotten to take my kefir today. Accordingly, I immediately took my kefir, and my coughing eased considerably.

Within 5 minutes, my cough was gone. What a miracle!

I drink 1 cup unsweetened milk kefir per day.

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Frankincense or Myrrh Oil Inhalation for Asthama - Old Time Remedy

Rob (Kentucky) on 05/12/2023
5 out of 5 stars

Frankincense or Myrrh essential oil Inhalation

In a practical inquiry into disordered respiration, first published in 1797, Bree noted that historically many physicians, from Hippocrates onwards, had recommended inhaling vapours from frankincense, myrrh and various gums in order to treat both asthma and phthisis (pulmonary tuberculosis or a similar progressive systemic disease).27

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Cayenne Tea Can Stop Asthma Attacks

Pam E. (SW California) on 12/25/2022
5 out of 5 stars

An elderly friend of mine with asthma began having an asthma attack at another friend's house. (She's wound up in the hospital due to them several times before.) That friend quickly made her some 'Cayenne Tea' & got her to drink it all down ... and the asthma attack disappeared! Cayenne is excellent as a remedy for multiple health problems!
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Eliminating Sugar Got Rid of Asthma

Missourita (Missouri) on 10/16/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I have stopped wheat before, which alleviated my asthma, but was extremely difficult to maintain.

Recently, to better my health, I eliminated processed sugar, and my asthma completely disappeared! I didn't need my inhaler any more! Shocking! After looking it up, I found medical resources stating that sugar is inflammatory and contributes to asthma. They were right!!! Now, to keep up with no processed sugar ;) (or rarely having sugar)

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Black Seed Oil for Asthma

Melissa (Georgia ) on 10/10/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I’ve had asthma for as long as I can remember. I had been using something every day for it. I started using black seed oil in 2020 and in about a week I was no longer using my rescue inhaler. I can breathe without it.
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Black Seed Oil for Asthma

Lisa (Netherlands ) on 10/07/2022
5 out of 5 stars

Just made an account especially for this. Blackseed oil works for asthma. I can breathe again and I had severe asthma. Somedays I could not even walk up the stairs. When I did I had to lay down and rest. It was that bad. You could hear me breathe. I started using blackseed oil because I read online someone healed their asthma with it. So I tried, because I was desperate, because I had to use a lot of steroids/inhalers. After a few days I noticed a difference. I could breathe deeper, and breathing/inhaling wasn’t that hard anymore. I use it with Curcumma/blackpepper capsules.

Just try don’t give up. Astma can heal.

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NAC for Asthma

Jon (Waycross, GA) on 10/01/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed 1st w/ asthma, then COPD, & asbestosis a few years ago. IMO the asbestosis causes the breathing issues. I've tried a number of things for asthma, including Yamoa capsules. Yamoa is the bark of an african gum tree variety. About 30% of those taking Yamoa for asthma have excellent results. Unfortunately I'm not one of them.

The thing that seems to have helped me the most is N-acetyl-L-cysteine (N-A-C) Some sources say asthma is a glutathione deficiency. I still have breathing issues similar to asthma from asbestosis & COPD. But I hardly ever have serious breathing issues unless I have a COPD exacerbation. N-A-C is pretty inexpensive, I paid $13 for 600 capsules, 600mg ea.
I usually buy 3 bottles at a time, shipping was $6. That was at ilifeline DOT com.

N-A-C is very inportant for glutithione production so I take 2 caps twice daily. In my case some amino acids are helpful, including l-glycine.
I'm 67 & it seems my digestion is off so I take Super Enzymes, Dr. Berg's Gallbladder Support, Ox Bile & Tudca. I should add that not eating sugar or anything the body converts to sugar, & especially processed foods is very important, I eat keto, very low carb & I fast so I've lost ~100lb net.

These things helped me, especially the N-A-C, so I wanted to share. Have a GREAT day, Neighbor!

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No Starch Diet for Asthma

Zark (Emerald City) on 08/09/2022
5 out of 5 stars

My asthma completely disappeared when I followed a No Starch Diet (which I did for about 10 years) to treat my autoimmune disease Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). A bunch of other immune problems also eased eg iritis, dermatitis, and also peripheral joint inflammation not directly associated with AS.

The No Starch Diet is comparable to Paleo, but a bit stricter:

- No grains

- No dairy

- No legumes, potatoes, yams as all are starchy

- Yes: meat, fish

- Yes: walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, brazil nuts ..

- Yes: carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, lettuce, tomato

- Yes: most fruit .. except no to banana and stone fruits

After eating Natto (Japanese cultured soy beans) I was able to resume eating starchy foods without the asthma recurring (except curiously have to avoid peanuts, and not too much cheese). Only in extreme conditions did the asthma return eg a cold causing me to cough a lot and then maybe some asthma until the cold abated.

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Keto Diet for Asthma

Ralph (Australia) on 04/30/2022
5 out of 5 stars

For the last 12 months, I have found that when I am on a keto diet I am able to completely control my asthma and even eat some broccoli, cabbage etc, however, if I slip up and fall out of keto my asthma will come straight back. The keto diet controls some of the major inflammatory mechanisms affecting the lungs. Finding this out has been a major relief for me and the keto diet can be very satisfying once you get around the learning curve a bit. I hope you or somebody else finds this to be helpful. Cheers Ralph
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Apple Cider Vinegar for Asthma

Loretta (NC) on 12/17/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I have asthma and I use ACV mixed with water myself on days I feel like I can't breath well. It helps!
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Turmeric for Asthma

Simon (Lithuania) on 09/19/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Yes, I can attest that turmeric does help a lot with asthma. I have had this condition for 5 years now, and I always returned to this yellow powder for relief when I needed it. Sometimes it works very well, like almost as effective as medicine, other times its effect is lower.

Me personally, I usually take one teaspoon of turmeric powder, mixed with water + add a pinch of black pepper for better absorption. It helps, it really does. But I never used it for a long time treatment cause, honestly, it tastes horrible. But it's natural and has possibly no side effects. I would recommend reading more about it for those who want to try it, it's not supposed to be over-used, just be informed.

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Nebulizing Liquid Glutathione for Asthma

Dale (Santa Barbara) on 08/03/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Nebulizing liquid Glutathione that you get from a compounding pharmacy (need a prescription) has stopped asthma in a few people I know.
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Vitamin E, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin C Treated Asthma and Sinus Problems

Rose (FL) on 12/25/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I had bad asthma that could last up to 17 days using prescribed meds. And one day I was given a remedy, & within a year, my asthma went away. The remedy is ...


  • 2 vitamin E 400 IU,
  • 2 cod liver oil capsules, and
  • 2 vitamin C (500 MG) tablets.

I took them with food, 3 times a day, when I was very sick with asthma, for a year. I stopped taking them when my asthma went away, & started taking them, again, whenever I have problems with it.

My brother, had very bad sinus problems, & this same remedy, above, helped him get better.


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Braulio Oliveira (Bahia, Brazil) on 01/02/2019
5 out of 5 stars

Vitamin K2 MK7 + Vitamin D3 + Zinc cures Asthma!

Researches have found the cure to asthma and it is an ostheoporosis medicine!

Basically what they discovered is that asthma is linked to the Calcium metabolism. 99% of the calcium is present in bones and teeths. Anywhere else Calcium is present it causes problems: vascular deterioration that causes heart and brain problems, artritis when it goes to articulations, wrinkles when it goes to the skin, etc.

But nature have its natural Calcium GPS called Vitamin K2 MK7! Vitamin D3 absorbs calcium in the intestin to the blood, but it is K2 that takes it from the blood to the right place: bones and teeths. The first asthma symptom is a result of the accumulation of calcium in the periphery of the body: the skin.

Years before the first asthma crisis almost always there is a strong dermatitis resulting from calcium accumulation. Then years later that calcium will end in vital organs like lungs causing bronchospasm and alkalosis in the blood (buteyko method helps a bit as it balances the alkalized blood with excess calcium). Calcium in lungs could also help build homes for bacterias like Chlamydia pneumoniae. K2 MK7 is a very rare nutrient nowadays, even harder to find in a vegetarian diet (although this diet can also be lower on calcium). K2 MK7 metabolism is related to many other nutrients but mostly D3 and Zinc. If those are also defficient, K2 MK7 won't be able to do its job.

My son had 3 severe asthma crisis that led us to emergency, and many others that were administered at home through glucocorticoids, butheyko method and other things. As K2 MK7 suplementation started my son was in the middle of an crisis.

The crisis was quickly reverted. Now after 3 months of taking at least 400mcg K2 + 5000ui D3 + 50mg zinc 4 to 7 days a week, his is far away from an asthma crisis and his skin is slowly recovering to a completely healthy state.

It takes time until the calcium spread through the body to be catch by Vitamin K2. High doses of K2 have no toxicity recorded on rats, but it *must* come with higher doses of D3 and other related nutrients.

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Re: Vitamin C for Asthma

Paracelsus (Orlando, Fl) on 07/09/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I read a review on Amazon for liposomal (fat soluble) vitamin C and saw a few people who stated that it cured their asthma. Normal vitamin C taken in large doses gets flushed out of the body quickly since it is water soluble. It can also cause diarrhea. This is not the case with liposomal vitamin C.

Liposomal vitamin C is the next best thing to IV vitamin C. Vitamin C has been shown to cure or ameliorate many disease conditions. I take it daily for its immune boosting function and also in conjunction with niacinamide to keep my arthritis at bay.

I think we should never allow ourselves to think that something isn't curable. As the great physician Paracelsus said, "There are no incurable diseases, only incurable patients".

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Mimosa Pudica Seed

Debbie (Canada) on 06/23/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I have asthma and have tried every natural remedy over the years. I cut out dairy and processed foods and then went to a plant based diet. This did help some but then I found a product called Mimosa Pudica Seed. This is a gut scrubber and Eliminates parasites. This was a game changer for me and I was able to get off my inhaler. Your health is in your gut. 80-90 of your immune system is in your gut. So gut health is the key! So if you work on you on your gut health you can reverse chronic disease. Most people eat the standard American diet (processed foods, wheat sprayed with glyphosate, fast food, fried foods etc.)and heart disease, cancer, and autoimmunity are epidemic.

Another excellent product is Well of life, they have a bundle which includes Digestive enzymes, Probiotic and Fulvic Acid. When taken for 3-6 months can heal your leaky gut and improve or eliminate autoimmunity and get your health back.

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Supplements for Asthma

Braulio Oliveira (Lauro De Freitas, Bahia, Brazil) on 12/30/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Vitamin K2 MK7 + Vitamin D3 + Zinc cures Asthma!

My son had 3 severe asthma crisis that led us to emergency, and many others that were administered at home through glucocorticoids, butheyko method and other things.

K2 MK7 suplementation started my son was in the middle of an crisis. The crisis was quickly reverted.

Now after 3 months of taking at least 400mcg K2 + 2000ui D3 + 50mg zinc 4 to 7 days a week, his is far away from an asthma crisis and his skin is slowly recovering to a completely healthy state.

It takes time until the calcium spread through the body to be catch by Vitamin k2. High doses of K2 have no toxicity recorded on rats, but it *must* come with higher doses of D3 and other related nutrients.Si

Researchers have found the cure for asthma and it is an ostheoporosis medicine!

Basically what they discovered is that asthma is linked to the Calcium metabolism.

99% of the calcium is present in bones and teeths. Anywhere else Calcium is present it causes problems: vascular deterioration that causes heart and brain problems, artritis when it goes to articulations, wrinkles when it goes to the skin, etc.

But nature have its natural Calcium GPS called Vitamin K2 MK7! Vitamin D3 absorbs calcium in the intestin to the blood, but it is K2 that takes it from the blood to the right place: bones and teeths.

The first asthma symptom is a result of the accumulation of calcium in the periphery of the body: the skin. Years before the first asthma crisis almost always there is a strong dermatitis resulting from calcium accumulation.

Then years later that calcium will end in vital organs like lungs causing bronchospasm and alkalosis in the blood.

And that is why the Buteyko method is so effective against asthma: it work with the alkalized blood by excess calcium blood calcium.

K2 MK7 is a very rare nutrient nowadays, even harder to find in a vegetatian diet (although this diet can also be lower on calcium). K2 MK7 metabolism is related to many other nutrients but mostly D3 and Zinc. If those any are also deficient, K2 MK7 won't be able to do its job.