Bentonite Clay for Asperger Syndrome

4 star (1) 

Christine (Melbourne, Fl) on 05/25/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

My daughter has Aspergers Syndrome, a form of autism. I gave her two "00" capsules of bentonite clay every day. She was 17 at the time. In less than a month, she had no more tactile issues (could not STAND the sensation of light touches among other tactile issues) AND had spontaneous empathy for strangers!!!! Something that does not happen with any form of autism that I know of!

The only caution is because she is a menstrating female, if she gets too much bentonite clay, she will occasionally go anemic. Iron, despite being needed by the body, is still a heavy metal. So we cut back when that happens. Now she only takes is maybe twice a week and we have not been having problems with anemia.

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