Painful Feet for Arthritis, Art Solbrig Remedy

5 star (1) 

M Johnson (Bothell, WA) on 08/31/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

Worked on my feet - Art Solbrig's Topical Treatment for Severe Hand Arthritis

For many years the balls of my feet have been painful. That pain was usually the reason I needed to stop doing whatever I was doing. On a hunch I tried this recipe with a "health food store" hand lotion that's quite thin because the borax thickens it up. I put the borax in my blender to get any lumps out, then added just that to the lotion. I had less than 1/4 of the bottle left at the time and I added 1 heaping teaspoon and shook it well. I rubbed it on the bottoms of my feet at bed time for three months. That was about 2 years ago and I've never had to quit what I'm doing from ball of the foot pain since. Thanks so much, Art and Earth Clinic!

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