Anca Vasculitis Remedies for ANCA Vasculitis

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Aja (NZ) on 11/14/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

I am having a bit of success pain & swelling-wise, using DMSO. I haven't lost any digits at all and still have the redness on feet ankles and shins. I clean the skin with peroxide then, pour a tiny amount of DMSO into cupped hand and apply it. Not healed, but much improved with hard swelling going down very rapidly and resulting loss of skin as the flesh beneath shrank. Best sleep afterwards and on waking able to stand without skin splitting open again. Pain much reduced. Skin infections are improving. I use raw manuka honey or local honey topically. I'm also using supplemental Vit E, selenium & glutathione and massaging legs with castor oil.

GreenMedInfo has excellent information in over a doz articles. One is about hyperbaric treatment, which I can't afford. I did have a course of ozone treatment which helped, but not cured. Several vaccines, statin drugs & interferon treatment seem to be associated with the onset of various forms of vasculitis, in my own case it was aerial pesticide poisoning. (I am drug free, but spent about 30 years using drugs, including steroids, for BCG vaccine-induced asthma in 1967. I also used drugs for the adverse effects of the asthma drugs.

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