Essential Oils for Anal Fissures

5 star (1) 

Benqish (Metar, Israel) on 12/01/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I have successfully tried this combination for a fissure and hems. In a small jar of about 50 ml mix 2 or 3 of these oils: sesame, olive, avocado, wheat germ oil or almond. Sesame is the best but the others are also great. Then add all or any of these essential oils about 10 drops each: peppermint (or spearmint), cypress and tea tree. Apply 3 to 4 times a day when bad and less later: before and after every BM, after showering and before going to bed. Application is by dipping the middle finger in the jar and sliding about 3 cms (1 inch) up the anus and applying externally around the hole. Do this 2 to 3 times. Never double dip (ie replace your dirty finger into the jar). This is difficult even unpleasant (I do understand), but it does work. It works very, very well. Good for hems and fissures. Basically you are lubricating the area for easier BMs and applying a good dose of vitamins and ant-bacterials where they are needed.
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