Ted's Remedies for Lou Gehrig's Disease

5 star (2) 

Janet (In) on 02/25/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

ALS.. time and effectiveness are critical in your challenge. Here is Ted's chapter of emails responding to many folks needing help.

We have found Ted's remedies to be spot on with many serious illnesses. Almost every single thing is available on bulk suppliers, google bulk supplements, Amazon or ebay. The critical types of b vitamins for the most effective help I will mention is Swansons Activated b they sell 2 strengths buy the higher strength. Because you need to have the most bioavailable b. This is the only affordable one I have found.

Only buy powders and capsules you will get the best results. No pills.

I make my remedies at once. Usually in the morning for the day. For instance my lysine, threonine aspirin, methylene blue, sodium ascorbate, I put 4 doses in a bottle of fluoride free spring water. They are 10 to 12 oz. I mark 4 doses on the bottle. I pour out some water to make room. Add the ingredients. Shake and take teds recommendations of timing.

Methylene blue comes as a powder in a bottle. You fill that bottle with water, shake. Then you take 1 2oz dropper bottle, Amazon. Droppers usually only fill 1/2 way. Take 2 droppers of your original solution into dropper bottle add water carefully to a little below top you need room to put the dropper back in. Make this on a glass plate as it stains. If it spills, citric acid or lemon juice take it out easily.

Here is Ted's chapter. Janet


REPLY   7      

Angela (Modesto, Ca) on 04/05/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Hello all! This question is for Ted

It's been a while since I posted, I have been busy with the care of my dad who is healing from als. He is being called the 'new' miracle man. Ted has been of major and effective assistance in this arena and my family and I continue to be grateful for his contributions. I wanted to ask Ted if he knew of any side effects of branch chained amino acids for someone like my dad who is not on any medications - except for acid reflux and constipation which are both PRN. He breathes room air (never been on oxygen) and continues to seek natural ways to help his muscles repair and rebuld themselves. What is your opinion on BCAA's positive and not-so positive?

REPLY   9      

Janice H (Eastaboga, Alabama, Usa) on 10/10/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

Ted, I followed your guidelines on the mixture of enzymes for my brother-in-law who was recently diagnosed with ALS after a process of elimination for other causes of MND. He said his kidneys seem to be overactive and after 5 days of treatment he was exhausted from sleep deprivation due to trips to the bathroom all night and day. He was drinking fluids yet still feels dehydrated. Is this normal when starting enzyme-treatment? Other concerns: He was water skiing (on one/two ski) this time last year, and rode his bicycle 500 miles in Jan (2012) when he had lower back pain & knee pain; his doctor recommended a regimine of 3 epidurals beginning in Feb (2012). Immediately after the first epidural he had severe muscle cramps and pain; his doctor recommended potassium and continued with the other 2 epidurals. Soon after he began to stumble and fall; loose strength and use of his hands. He continues to have pain in limbs, and recently fell injuring his shoulder; so he doesn't have paralysis; he just can't control his limbs. He has no problems eating or talking. His doctor refused to connect the epidurals with his sudden loss of control of his limbs. Recently there has been a recall of medication used in epidurals for back pain due to contamination resulting in "fungal miningitis epidemic" in the USA. NO DOCTOR WILL ADDRESS THIS ISSUE WITH MY BROTHER-IN-LAW; he has always felt this sudden onset of MND is related to the epidurals. What would you suggest his next approach in this matter? Thanks so much, I read all you material! Janice H
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Ted's Remedies for Lou Gehrig's Disease

5 star (2) 

Janet (In) on 02/25/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

ALS.. time and effectiveness are critical in your challenge. Here is Ted's chapter of emails responding to many folks needing help.

We have found Ted's remedies to be spot on with many serious illnesses. Almost every single thing is available on bulk suppliers, google bulk supplements, Amazon or ebay. The critical types of b vitamins for the most effective help I will mention is Swansons Activated b they sell 2 strengths buy the higher strength. Because you need to have the most bioavailable b. This is the only affordable one I have found.

Only buy powders and capsules you will get the best results. No pills.

I make my remedies at once. Usually in the morning for the day. For instance my lysine, threonine aspirin, methylene blue, sodium ascorbate, I put 4 doses in a bottle of fluoride free spring water. They are 10 to 12 oz. I mark 4 doses on the bottle. I pour out some water to make room. Add the ingredients. Shake and take teds recommendations of timing.

Methylene blue comes as a powder in a bottle. You fill that bottle with water, shake. Then you take 1 2oz dropper bottle, Amazon. Droppers usually only fill 1/2 way. Take 2 droppers of your original solution into dropper bottle add water carefully to a little below top you need room to put the dropper back in. Make this on a glass plate as it stains. If it spills, citric acid or lemon juice take it out easily.

Here is Ted's chapter. Janet


REPLY   7      

Angela (Modesto, Ca) on 04/05/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Hello all! This question is for Ted

It's been a while since I posted, I have been busy with the care of my dad who is healing from als. He is being called the 'new' miracle man. Ted has been of major and effective assistance in this arena and my family and I continue to be grateful for his contributions. I wanted to ask Ted if he knew of any side effects of branch chained amino acids for someone like my dad who is not on any medications - except for acid reflux and constipation which are both PRN. He breathes room air (never been on oxygen) and continues to seek natural ways to help his muscles repair and rebuld themselves. What is your opinion on BCAA's positive and not-so positive?

REPLY   9      

Janice H (Eastaboga, Alabama, Usa) on 10/10/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

Ted, I followed your guidelines on the mixture of enzymes for my brother-in-law who was recently diagnosed with ALS after a process of elimination for other causes of MND. He said his kidneys seem to be overactive and after 5 days of treatment he was exhausted from sleep deprivation due to trips to the bathroom all night and day. He was drinking fluids yet still feels dehydrated. Is this normal when starting enzyme-treatment? Other concerns: He was water skiing (on one/two ski) this time last year, and rode his bicycle 500 miles in Jan (2012) when he had lower back pain & knee pain; his doctor recommended a regimine of 3 epidurals beginning in Feb (2012). Immediately after the first epidural he had severe muscle cramps and pain; his doctor recommended potassium and continued with the other 2 epidurals. Soon after he began to stumble and fall; loose strength and use of his hands. He continues to have pain in limbs, and recently fell injuring his shoulder; so he doesn't have paralysis; he just can't control his limbs. He has no problems eating or talking. His doctor refused to connect the epidurals with his sudden loss of control of his limbs. Recently there has been a recall of medication used in epidurals for back pain due to contamination resulting in "fungal miningitis epidemic" in the USA. NO DOCTOR WILL ADDRESS THIS ISSUE WITH MY BROTHER-IN-LAW; he has always felt this sudden onset of MND is related to the epidurals. What would you suggest his next approach in this matter? Thanks so much, I read all you material! Janice H
REPLY   2      

Janet (In) on 02/25/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

ALS.. time and effectiveness are critical in your challenge. Here is Ted's chapter of emails responding to many folks needing help.

We have found Ted's remedies to be spot on with many serious illnesses. Almost every single thing is available on bulk suppliers, google bulk supplements, Amazon or ebay. The critical types of b vitamins for the most effective help I will mention is Swansons Activated b they sell 2 strengths buy the higher strength. Because you need to have the most bioavailable b. This is the only affordable one I have found.

Only buy powders and capsules you will get the best results. No pills.

I make my remedies at once. Usually in the morning for the day. For instance my lysine, threonine aspirin, methylene blue, sodium ascorbate, I put 4 doses in a bottle of fluoride free spring water. They are 10 to 12 oz. I mark 4 doses on the bottle. I pour out some water to make room. Add the ingredients. Shake and take teds recommendations of timing.

Methylene blue comes as a powder in a bottle. You fill that bottle with water, shake. Then you take 1 2oz dropper bottle, Amazon. Droppers usually only fill 1/2 way. Take 2 droppers of your original solution into dropper bottle add water carefully to a little below top you need room to put the dropper back in. Make this on a glass plate as it stains. If it spills, citric acid or lemon juice take it out easily.

Here is Ted's chapter. Janet


REPLY   7      

Angela (Modesto, Ca) on 04/05/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Hello all! This question is for Ted

It's been a while since I posted, I have been busy with the care of my dad who is healing from als. He is being called the 'new' miracle man. Ted has been of major and effective assistance in this arena and my family and I continue to be grateful for his contributions. I wanted to ask Ted if he knew of any side effects of branch chained amino acids for someone like my dad who is not on any medications - except for acid reflux and constipation which are both PRN. He breathes room air (never been on oxygen) and continues to seek natural ways to help his muscles repair and rebuld themselves. What is your opinion on BCAA's positive and not-so positive?

REPLY   9      

Janice H (Eastaboga, Alabama, Usa) on 10/10/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

Ted, I followed your guidelines on the mixture of enzymes for my brother-in-law who was recently diagnosed with ALS after a process of elimination for other causes of MND. He said his kidneys seem to be overactive and after 5 days of treatment he was exhausted from sleep deprivation due to trips to the bathroom all night and day. He was drinking fluids yet still feels dehydrated. Is this normal when starting enzyme-treatment? Other concerns: He was water skiing (on one/two ski) this time last year, and rode his bicycle 500 miles in Jan (2012) when he had lower back pain & knee pain; his doctor recommended a regimine of 3 epidurals beginning in Feb (2012). Immediately after the first epidural he had severe muscle cramps and pain; his doctor recommended potassium and continued with the other 2 epidurals. Soon after he began to stumble and fall; loose strength and use of his hands. He continues to have pain in limbs, and recently fell injuring his shoulder; so he doesn't have paralysis; he just can't control his limbs. He has no problems eating or talking. His doctor refused to connect the epidurals with his sudden loss of control of his limbs. Recently there has been a recall of medication used in epidurals for back pain due to contamination resulting in "fungal miningitis epidemic" in the USA. NO DOCTOR WILL ADDRESS THIS ISSUE WITH MY BROTHER-IN-LAW; he has always felt this sudden onset of MND is related to the epidurals. What would you suggest his next approach in this matter? Thanks so much, I read all you material! Janice H
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