Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue

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Terese Guay (New Gloucester, Maine) on 07/19/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

MOST people do best on Natural Desiccated Thyroid, the typical synthetic meds are T4 only and may not be able to convert. Natural Desiccated Thyroid has T3. I feel so much better on it and using it for T3CM protocol, every cell and every organ in our body needs T3!!! STTM YAY!!! An answer to prayer for me:)

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Tom (Manhattan, New York) on 07/23/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

Though I haven't been properly diagnosed, I suspect that I have low adrenal function... low sex drive, depression, motivation, general lack of energy, severe sensitivity to alcohol or coffee. Taking Rhodiola & Vit C, magnesium seems to help and recently (on occasion) taking low dose of 7 Keto (precursor to DHEA) I add just a fraction of a 100mg pill which would amount to 10 to 20mg, (some doctors just recommend 5mg) to my cereal... The effects are quite positive, especially to my mental state. I've read that high doses can result in heart palpitations and that one should take rest periods.... I take it with the Rhodiola (a half of a 500mg pill) added to cereal with a tablespoon of ground chia for omega 3 to ease the absorption.
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