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ADD Improved With Progesterone Cream

Justin (Atlanta, GA) on 11/24/2021
5 out of 5 stars

My ADD has improved drastically with Progesterone as seen in the lumosity score attached.

This comes from Dr Michael E. Platt's book, the miracle of bio-identical hormones. I was skeptical too, which is why I strongly urge everyone to read this book! I have looked for 24 years for something this powerful.

As per Dr Platt's recommendations, I also removed sugar, simple carbs (I only eat carbs with resistant starch now), and I eat vegetables every 3-4 hours for brain-powering glucose AND I use coconut oil for frying. I eat a small serving of veggies right before sleep. And when I can afford it, I top each serving of veggies with brain octane (MCT oil).

I keep cole slaw and/or salads prepped and ready to eat at all times, for convenience.

For the love of all that is good, I urge everyone to read the book and just try it! A 20$ bottle of naturally-derived progesterone (from wild mexican yam) has done more than anything else that I have tried!

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Sam (Spain) on 09/26/2019
5 out of 5 stars

ADD is caused by sugar. The sugar if it is in excess in the blood sticks to the proteins creating the waste AGE (advanced glycation end). And the more sugar there is in the blood, the more AGE waste will be formed and the worse physical and mental health we will have. If we have this waste in the brain we will have drowsiness during the day because the brain wants us to sleep because during the sleep increases up to 20 times the elimination of brain waste by the glymphatic system. And the drowsiness causes tiredness, suffering, bad mood, violence, depression, stress, little mental clarity, poor memory, low intelligence, addictions…. To see the level of PGA is the analysis of glycated hemoglobin. An optimal level is 4 to 5%, a diabetic usually has 9 to 12% For every 1% increase in glycated hemoglobin there is 28% more mortality. To eliminate PGA waste from the body and brain we have to control the sugar in blood, for this we can eat a diet low in carbohydrates such as the ketogenic diet. We can also eat a lot of carbohydrates but prefer low and medium foods glycemic index to high, and especially making many small meals a day instead of few large meals. At dinner it is better to avoid carbohydrates.
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Apple Cider Vinegar for ADHD

Miranda (Ahwahnee, California) on 10/02/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I myself am ADHD and have been taking ACV three times a day (for weight loss) and I noticed it made me calmer and made me want to fall asleep.
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Pine Bark Extract for ADHD in Children

Nicole (Virginia) on 08/28/2016
5 out of 5 stars

There are studies showing Pine Bark extract improves ADHD in children (study link below). I started taking it myself and it has helped me concentrate and focus better as I've been feeling all over the place these past few years...can't get my act together, forgetful/terrible memory, brain fog, not organized. I supplemented and after a week or so (not right away) I started noticing changes. I was able to stick with tasks longer and finish them...I was doing things faster without getting distracted anymore. My overall focus was so much better! I would get through my lists so quickly. I could also remember people's names again! I've always been horrible with the point where it's embarrassing (b/c I really know some of these people). Walking my child through orientation I was remembering the names of kids I haven't seen in several years...that was a shock to me.

And it's so subtle. You remember like you never had forgotten it...not a lightbulb eureka moment where you have to concentrate and finally have it...but rather it's just there as if you never forgot it. Basically, I forgot I was bad at names. Not until the 4th time and suddenly I realized...wait, how are all these names coming to me?? Also you have energy but you don't feel wired or anything, like with caffeine. Suddenly you're just focused...but in a normal how you're supposed to be! I was quite pleased. It's more of a feeling of blocks being lifted...rather than a stimulant creating these scenarios if that makes sense.

PBE has also been shown to alleviate anxiety and improve test scores in college kids. I take 1/8 tsp in a capsule each day. I bought the loose powder an fill my own 00 capsules. My son has ADD, OCD and anxiety (I believe caused by heavy metals) and I plan to start him this week as school begins (but I wanted to test it on myself first for any side effects).

Incidentally, I originally discovered Pine Bark Extract (PBE) b/c I was searching natural ways to lighten to lighten melasma (and then stumbled upon the ADHD research). PBE has been shown to lighten is successfully.

It's my deepest belief that ADD/ADHD is caused by heavy metals in the brain and ultimately these kids (and adults) need to be detoxed from them. This is why many kids w ADD/ADHD are deficient in zinc and magnesium...because heavy metals are the "heavier" of these good/bad metals and thus displace these lighter good metals/minerals out of our body.

I told a wellness business owner (previously a pharmacist until she converted to natural health medicine) that I'd like to test my system for heavy metals and she said "sure, I will give you a full spectrum vitamin/mineral test to see if you're mineral deficient". I said 'why"? She said...if minerals are low it's well-known that it's b/c they're being displaced by heavy metals in the body. I held off on the test in order to research this myself...and sure enough I found it to be true. (Heavy metal detox should be done carefully and slowly so I'm still in the research phase in order to detox my son...he had an amalgam cap and vaccines.)

Heavy metals also cause leaky it's important to detox and heal the gut btw. you search on earthclinic for Ted's ADD & ADHD remedies...he recommended things like magnesium and zinc, probiotics (that heal the gut) and selenium, NAC, ALA which detox the body of heavy metals.

I believe Pine Bark helps with focus and concentration b/c its a powerful polyphenol that boosts glutathione which is critical in detoxing heavy metals. Here's a study showing an increase in glutathione (GHS) in children with ADHD by taking pine bark extract.

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Vision Therapy for ADHD

Laura (Santa Barbara, California) on 02/13/2016

Sometimes ADD/ADHD results from a vision problem. Even people who test 20/20 on vision tests have functional vision problems. When the brain gets too stressed trying to process visual input, it forces a mental break which looks like ADD or ADHD. Please find a "behavioral optometrist" to rule out functional vision deficiencies that could be a hidden source of reading, learning, and concentration problems. Significant improvements can be made in just a few short months of dedicated vision therapy.
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Learning Discipline, Playing Sports and Taking Fish Oils Helped ADHD

Greyso (East Aurora, Ny) on 09/14/2015
5 out of 5 stars

My parents used an all natural solution to ADHD when I was a child: Discipline. They discilplined me and it taught me to discipline myself. Also playing sports really helped me to focus (and still does). As I got older, I found other methods, certain music low in the background and Fish Oils have helped me immeasurably. I don't want to give a dosage because I work with my doctor on that and it may be different for others, especially children.
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Supplements for ADD and ADHD

Revite (California, US) on 12/07/2014

ADD and ADHD are in many cases a result of copper toxicity. Slow oxidizers can take L-taurine and fast oxidizers ICMN (inositol, choline, methionine and niacinamide) for symptomatic relief. The oxidation rate can be measured using hair mineral analysis. coach(at)
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A Gluten-Free Diet Helps ADHD Symptoms

Mary (Detroit, Michigan) on 12/05/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I actually have ADHD, and recently I developed a gluten intolerance. I had some trouble before hand and noticed all the symptoms of my ADHD disappear after a month of being totally gluten and dairy free. I recommend trying a gluten free diet for a few months, gluten free all the way down to the last particle no cross-contamination.
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Iodine for ADHD

Msannanola (New Orleans) on 09/28/2013

I read dr Brownstein's book about iodine. He had a case study in there of a child being cured of ADHD with iodine as a major component. Iodine is also a part of Dr Batman's water cure. There is testing you can do to determine iodine sufficiency. I don't have a child but I would try it if I had a child with ADHD. I would also Eliminate flouride. It is everywhere. I got a black berkey water filter to eliminate flouride. I think I had flouride poisoning. Flouride and other halides like chlorine, bromide (in bread) and halides in fire retardent make you deficient in iodine. You cannot be properly hydrated without it. The natural cell death called apoptosis can't happen without it, so basic functioning of the body is compromised without this nutrient. Iodine is the original medicine. It was used traditionally for all sorts of ailments. Lugols solution is cheap.
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Remedies Needed for Poor Concentration

Mllewendy (N. Platte, Nebraska) on 02/02/2013

Ideas on poor concentration? I was diagnosed with ADD issues before they lumped it as part of ADHD (which I disagree with for certain reasons). Anyway, I looked and you don't have it listed separately... Is there some way that can be rectified? Thank you!

EC: Hi Mllewendy,

We don't have enough material on ADD to separate it into a new page. Once we get more posts, we can certainly do that.

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Native Born Citizen (Virginia Beach, Virginia) on 11/23/2012

Regarding ADHD, Dr. Oz just had a show on ADHD in adult women. The sympoms are different for women and can vary in intensity from person to person. Adult women with ADHD tend to be tired, anxious, unable to organize, are distracted, and can't focus. These phenomena tend to interfere with their relationships and work.

Retired neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock says that fluoride poisoning can cause profound neurolgical disorders including ADHD. Any treatment program must obviously address fluoride poisoning and how to keep it out of the system since fluoride is in pesticides, water, many drugs, and toothpaste. See:

Dr. Lendon Smith used to drug ADHD children; he later was against it. Instead he advised fish oil, B vitamins, multivitamins, sugar avoidance, avoidance of allergens like milk if ear infections present, and so on.

If you can't digest fish oil, take a digestive enzyme with it.

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Medications for Adhd

August (Singapore) on 10/07/2012
5 out of 5 stars

As someone who has ADHD, I know that merely excerising and changing diet doesn't help. I don't really think that eating too much sugary food contributes to ADHD either. Sure, potato chips and sweets arn't healthy, but which children doesn't eat them? I think that ADHD is just in your mind, hard to get rid of, constantly there to bug you, no matter what you do. You have this constant urge to do something else when someone talks to you. No matter how much you focus it just seem so difficult to concentrate and make careless mistakes and say thoughtless stuff. I have tried taking iron, omega-3 fatty acids. None worked. Even the effect of caffeine is temporary. That's why I believe that medication is the most effective way to help people with ADHD. After all, the effect is instantanous and its the product of science and research. It's safe, so calling it a "dangerous mind altering drug" isn't logical, it's nonsense. Had it been dangerous, healthcare professional wouldn't even have thought of prescribing it in order to save their ass.
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Grape Seed Oil Helped Add

Al (Alvena, Sk.,canada) on 10/04/2012

I was doing research on grape seed oil/extract when I came across a reference to it helping people with ADD/ADHD and thinking that my cousins son (7 years old) had one of those because of his behavior I told my cousin about it. She tried him on it with good results in that he quit hitting and was able to concentrate on one thing for a much longer time. I later found out that he was autistic and that too much made him chatter excessively so she was careful to not give him too much - less than 1mg per pound of body weight.

Unfortunately we only know what it did for him short term as about five months after he started on it both him and his mother were killed in a car accident. Some people I know that tried the liquid form of grape seed extract had stomach problems from it so I recommend the caplet form which is just the solids of the grape seed and skins after pressing the oil out. I hope this info helps some of you out. Al

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Vetiver Oil for Adhd

Stormy Frank (Pueblo, Co) on 09/30/2012
5 out of 5 stars

hi all, for about 2 years we have been trying different treatment for my grandson who has adhd, every since he started school he has had a hard time staying on track. We have had to remove him several times from class, because he was so distracting to the other kids. We have tried several treatments short of ridilin. I feel that drug is not for young children. The side effects are horrible. So in my quest I have come across vetiver oil. We have had him on it for a few days now and it is like night and day, I just cant believe it. It is like he is a totally different child. He just inhales the fumes a few times a day, and I rub some under his chin at night. It is just unbeliveble!!!! Just thought I would share this with those of you out there at the end of your rope. Who refuse to let your child be put on those drugs!
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Primrose Oil Use for Add

Sauron (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 06/04/2012

I am unable to take fish oils due to the high Vitamin A content ( anything with high Vit A leaves me stiff and in a wreck *it's a long story*) so I thought of giving evening primrose oil a try for the ADD that I have. At times, I am just disorganised and distracted and spend the entire day idling instead of doing what I have to do. I would be so much more accomplished but for my focus.

How does EPO fit in to this need? Thanks in advance.

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Phosphatidyl Choline for Adhd/ Dyslexia

Cheryl (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ) on 05/12/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have given my son who has dyslexia and ADHD 1/2 Livolin Forte which has phosphatidyl choline in desperation and surprisingly he has immense changes to his reading ability, cos at age 10 he couldnt read, and he will struggle to spell, but now after barely 1 week on livolin, he has the ability to grasp the phonetic sound some 40% of the words shown to him on sight. Can anyone tell me if it is harmful for him to take that supplement? I have been giving him fish oil but there is not much changes. I check into the internet which say phosphatidyl is helpful for brain problem like alzheimer and dementia. But I will like to share what I had learned so as to help other desperate parents.
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Apple Cider Vinegar for Adhd

Rubigirl (Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada) on 10/26/2011

Jus wondering if ACV will help my sons with their learning troubles of adhd and add deficeit.. I have started to take if for the weight loss part of it.. And I rather like it.. But.. They have been medicated for soo long with the troubles.. If I could find a way to mask the smell and the taste.. They would drink it like juice I would hope... pls get back to me thank you ..
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Advice Needed Regarding Illnesses and Diet

Klraine (Memphis, Tn, Usa) on 08/30/2011


I am so glad to have found this website. Both of my children are affected by a genetic syndrome called Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome. Basically, they lack an enzyme necessary to create enough cholesterol in the body (our body manufactures some cholesterol). They are mildly affected on the spectrum of this disorder. They were both originally mis-diagnosed as autistic.

Fast-forward 9 years! Some of my childrens' issues may be a result of this syndrome but I still think much of their problems can be helped. My son has ADHD bigtime. He can hardly concentrate. I have always told my husband and mother that I could tell "where he is at" just by looking at him. He seems foggy sometimes, very distracted and out of it. But he is NOT always like this. He has really great times of clarity too and is more focused and less hyper and has no volatile outbursts. WHen he is "in the fog" he is more hyper, unfocused, volatile and aggressive and so forth. He has been gluten free for 3 months now and it has helped with the over-all fatigue issue I was seeing this summer. He is also dairy free for the most part. As a little boy he had so many ear infections I lost count. He was on antibiotic after antibiotic. Through the years he also took Risperdal for aggression and we tried other ADD/ADHD meds which did not help. He always has bad side effects and I can't stand seeing my son not acting like himself. He is complicated but I really believe there is a more optimum level of health for him! I have to believe that!

Now for my daughter. She is much less affected by the syndrome and is in a private school and at grade level. She began having these throwing up episodes and had an upper GI. Later, through much prayer, I discovered she had a Salicylate Sensitivity. Now her diet is so limited and challenging and I am afraid she is not getting enough healthy foods to eat.

I am also gluten/dairy free now because of being diagnosed with Celiac disease. I have been dealing with overall fatigue for years and now more recently brain fogginess.

Honestly, between my son and I being dairy and gluten free, my daugters Salicylate issues and my husband not doing dairy or red meat~~~ mealtime is stressful and causes me anxiety.

TED, I need your help! Or anyone for that matter!

thank you very much!

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Cod Liver Oil for Add

Sal (Roodepoort, Gauteng, South Africa) on 08/24/2011

Hi there..... what are your views on cod liver oil? more specifically for treating ADD.
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Msg Link to Learning Disabilities

Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 08/14/2011

Anyone who has a child with autism, learning difficulties and even ADHD must look at the following video. There is much evidence to suggest that consuming Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is linked to these problems.

I didn't realise how dangerous it was until recently and that it was linked to the above.

I went to buy some chocolate recently and discovered it contained MSG (under the name Flavors), also went to buy a "Gluten free" chocolate chip cookie... It also contained MSG (under another name)

MSG is also the reason people are becoming "addicted" to food, can't lose weight even if they lower their food intake, get headaches... There are so many diseases linked to the consumption of MSG. If it is in so many foods imagine the accumulative effect over one day.

There are some foods that can block the Glutamates from being harmful. Magnesium and Tumeric are two foods that will negate the harmful effects.