Apple Cider Vinegar for Kids for ACV for Infants: Safety & Usage

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Ed2010 (Canada) on 01/01/2014:
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Hi Lynsey from Atsugi Ja.

No, don't give ACV to 6 month olds. See if you are giving any other supplemental milk products that can cause congestion. Also, you can try changing the diaper brand. Wetness in the diaper can also cause mucus and congestion. Good health

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Taram7 (Cincinnati, Oh) on 01/01/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

Try Hydrogen Peroxide in baby's ears... do each ear twice. 60 seconds each time... it will be a little uncomfortable... but try warming in a shallow pan of water to make it room temp for baby first. Do it in each ear twice. Pour a few drops in and let soak for 1-2 minutes (easier said that done) then drain... try this 2-3 times a day. My son was EBF until 14 months and I used this with him all the time- we never had issues longer than one hour after use. I am not sure how this works, but it always does. Also helps with other illnesses (our whole body is connected).

But I am sure that ACV would not be harmful as its a food, but I am not a doctor. Just a mother :) Also Chiropractors are great, if you have ever taken your little one to one. They can adjust their ears and prevents lots of illnesses as mine told me many illnesses are connected to our ears.

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Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 01/02/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

Dear Lynsey,

My children have had some of my Apple Cider Vinegar drink perhaps as young as 9 months old, but only sips here and there just because they wanted to try what mama was drinking. I don't know that I would give it to a 6 month old...thought it would be safer than most over the counter meds.

For chest congestion, you could try garlic salve. We have found it to work very well. Here is a link to the recipe. I would use 6 cloves garlic and not 8 for a 6 month old. And using this may clear up all of the congestion. Your baby will smell like gourmet pizza!

You could also try taking milk out of your diet, if you consume it, and see if that helps him. I found that consuming dairy products while breastfeeding did not agree with most of my children. (I usually did not have access to raw dairy, so that might have been different.)

Let us know how he is doing!

~Mama to Many~

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