Acid Reflux in Children for Apple Cider Vinegar


Mischa (Plainfield, Illinois/USA) on 12/30/2008:
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Child GERD and Sinus symptoms: I am hoping to find the dosage of ACV that can help my 7 year old son with GERD (Acid reflux), constipation, and resulting sinus symptoms. We started the ACV with an adjustment of 1 1/2 teaspoons of acv to 1 tsp of raw locally grown honey and 8 oz of distilled water. Although the GERD and constipation symptoms reduced he now has quite a bit of congestion in his nasal cavity. His eyes are not swollen but very watery and has dark circles starting under eye. He complains of headache and has bad breath especially upon waking. His nose is draining but I've had to do a lot of sinus massage to get the process going. I've taken him to the pediatrician for the past month and he keeps getting more and more presciptions which aggravate other things.

Is there anything else I can do to ease his discomfort and help relieve his sinus pressure?

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