Natural Remedies for Gout

Natural Gout Remedies: Diet, Topicals, and Precautions

Modified on Apr 23, 2024

Gout, a particularly intense form of arthritis, is characterized by sudden and severe pain attacks. The good news is that natural treatments for gout are not only effective but often provide rapid relief. Gout management encompasses both internal and external solutions. Sometimes, a single remedy suffices, while a combination of two or three might be required at other times.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar stands out as a renowned remedy not only for arthritis but also specifically for gout. Its ability to alkalize the body enhances its efficiency in flushing out uric acid crystals. Dive deeper into the benefits and usage of this remedy here.

Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)

While it might seem surprising, ordinary baking soda, a staple in many kitchens, can be a potent remedy for gout. This cost-effective ingredient helps neutralize the body's acidity, subsequently relieving gout symptoms.

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    List of Remedies for Gout