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Janet (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) on 03/06/2008
1 out of 5 stars

Hi There, I am at a loss and just wondered if any of your readers out there has any suggestions for me. On Feb 10/08 my Period started, it usually last for 5 days. On the 6th day, I started bleeding heavily, worse than I have ever bled in the entire history of my period. In addition I started passing gigantic clots. An ultrasound diagnosed a persistet subserol uterine fibroid. I was prescribed Tri-Cyclen Lo (Birth Control Pills) to manage the bleeding. I had side effects from the pills, nauseau, vomitting, headaches. The symptoms are not too bad now but I am still bleeding. Sometimes it gets light as if it's going to stop and then it comes back full force. From time to time, I still pass clots but they are now very small. I read the comments and bought Organic Unsulphured Black Strap Molasses - I started with 1 tblsp in a glass of water each day and increased it to 1 tblsp in a glass of water twice a day when I noticed there was no change with the bleeding. I also bought _____ ACV and have been taking 2 tblsp in a glass of water with 1 tblsp buckwheat unpasteurised honey once per day. Today is March 06/08 and the bleeding increased even more today. I am at the point where I am going to discontinue the BSM and start taking liquid Iron. Are there any suggestions? Did I try the BSM long enough? I have been taking it since Feb 20/08. I am afraid to leave the house because of the excessive bleeding. My gyno wants me to take the Birth Control Pills back to back (menstrual suppression). I don't like them and want to stop taking them - she says they take a while to stop the bleeding. She is also recommending a hysterescopy.

Replied By Jill (Ft Laud, FL) on 06/16/2008

Janet, over 10 years ago I was diagnosed with fibroids and told that eventually I'd have to have a hysterectomy. I refused then and every dr I went to over the years. They got larger and larger till finally I found myself fainting and being taken from work in an ambulance twice. My iron fell so low that I needed 3 blood transfusions in one night before I agreed to consider surgery, but I still refused a hysterectomy. My new Gyn told me about a fertility dr that does not accept insurance and I consulted with him, who said that he could remove the tumor without a hysterectomy. I told my insurance company, who then reimbursed me for that visit and found a Reproductive Endocrinologist that gave me an injection of Lupron to stop the bleeding, then a quick, sometimes outpatient surgery called a Myomaectomy (?). My total out of pocket cost was under $500. That was 3/31/03 and I haven't had a cramp or a period last more than 2 days since! I haven't been doubled over in pain ONCE since then! I feel like I was reborn that day. You should consider it.

Replied By Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 06/17/2008

Hi Janet from Kitchener, Ontario, I remember reading in EC that someone used cayenne pepper to stop bleeding. You might try adding some cayenne pepper to your BSM & see if it stops or slows the bleeding.
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Replied By Karen (St. Louis, USA) on 08/09/2008

I tried the BSM and it worked okay, but I tried the ACV and I hardly have any bleeding. I use to pass clots and bleed so heavy and now I hardly have any bleeding. I drink it in a glass of water. I didn't think anything would work.
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Replied By Princess (Raleigh, North Carolina) on 09/17/2008

This is to Janet from Canada. You mentioned you are taking Ortho Lo, I was on that! You may want to do further research because I have found that Estrogen FEEDS fibroids. It will make you bleed more and that is why nothing seems to be working. And if you drink cow's milk/cheese etc. that is even more Estrogen, depending on where it comes from since you live in Canada. Try to avoid all fried and processed foods as well. I hope you read this before surgery!

Replied By Sherry (Longview, Washington) on 10/10/2008

My heavy bleeding and clotting is now under control. I am taking Yarrow to dissolve the fibroids, Maca root (is non-estrogen) to balance my hormones naturally and not feed the fibroids. I also take three teaspoon fulls of black strap molasses a day. I tried taking Apple Cider Vinager too but it was flushing out everything else I was using and my negative symptoms came back. Keeping some Shepard's Purse around for acute bleeding works. I add drops of it to a glass of water and it works within 15 mintes to stop the heavy bleeding. I haven't had to use now that things seem to be under control. I cut out the Apple Cider Vinager and now the bleeding is under control. It is a shame It can't use the Apple Cider vinager. It does help keep weight off. Maybe, after I go through the change someday, I can use the ACV.

Replied By Veronica (Union City, Pa) on 12/23/2016

Cayenne and Cinnamon does work to slow/stop the bleeding from fibroids. It is what I'm using right now. I normally don't comment but I know how scary it is to bleed out with the huge clots. Blood transfusions aren't fun either because of bleeding so much, done them.
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Replied By Veronica (Atlanta, Ga) on 03/09/2017


What method do you take of Cayenne and Cinnamon? Powder or pill? And how often?