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Deirdre (CT) on 06/09/2022
5 out of 5 stars

Well, after learning about this remedy over 15 years ago, I'm finally experimenting with Ted's famous DDD (degenerative disc disease) remedy of 500 mg hyaluronic acid and 1.5 teaspoons of sea salt in 500 ml of distilled water. I did this after testing a few weeks on JUST hyaluronic supplement capsules. I am finding Ted's solution more effective than taking two 60 mg hyaluronic capsules twice a day. The addition of sea salt really makes a difference.

Ted's remedy can seem a bit complicated from some of the posts and instructions on Earth Clinic's degenerative disc disease section, but really it is very simple. I bought HA in bulk from Amazon, which is much more cost-effective than buying 100 HA capsules.

I have been testing 500mg, 1000mg, and 1500mg of hyaluronic acid plus 1.5 teaspoons of pink salt in 500 ml of water each time I make the mixture to see if there is any difference in the higher dosing. Ted mentioned sea salt, but I have been using Himalayan pink salt. If anyone has input on a better salt to use thank pink, please advise.

Per Ted, you don't want to put so much HA in 500 ml distilled/purified water that it turns into a gel. The higher dose HA that I have been experimenting with does get gelatinous once it's been in the fridge for a few hours, so I simply top off my 8 oz glass with water. At the lower dose HA, I took 1/8 cup straight with no dilution 3x/day.

The hyaluronic acid power from bulk always clumps when I pour it into the water, regardless of the water's temperature (hot or cold refrigerated water). However, it slowly dissolves in the fridge. Sometimes it can take 24 hours for the clumps to dissolve. The instructions from Ted and others have you shaking the bottle every few hours in the fridge. But really, you only need to stir it right before you pour it each time to get the salt from the bottom into the solution.


1/8 cup of my refrigerated HA/Sea Salt solution into an 8 oz cup, top off with water, and drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, then afternoon and evening.

As Ted mentioned, I've found this solution helps slightly with stiff joints from arthritis, but fabulously with disc issues. My back feels much looser now. And of course nothing as good as HA for plumping up the skin. Incredible supplement that way. Thumbs up. I'm on my second week of the solution and will report more later.

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Replied By Art (California) on 06/09/2022

Hi Deirdre,

Going to too high of a dose of HA may have a downside as HA is considered to be a tumor/cancer promoter and a target in cancer treatment :


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Replied By Art (California) on 06/09/2022

Hi Deirdre,

Here is a link to a more recent review and meta analysis(May 2020) giving more data on the relationship between breast cancer and HA :

Here is a quote from the review:

>>> ' Because of high mortality and poor prognosis, breast cancer is the leading cancer in females. As mentioned previously, significantly increased levels of HA in carcinomas is considered as a biomarker for some solid tumor types, such as bladder, prostate, breast, lung, and colon. ' <<<

So HA may not be the best choice if you currently have cancer or a family history of such. Keeping the dose as low as is effective seems prudent.


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Replied By Deirdre (Connecticut) on 06/09/2022

Thank you, Art. I had no idea! I will lower the dosage of HA in solution.

Replied By FAM Coll (Tennessee) on 10/11/2023


How do you measure 500 mg of hyaluronic acid? What's the conversion? Teaspoons? Weight? I tried to search it, but thought it quicker to ask you. Thanks for any information you can provide.

Replied By David (Florida) on 04/20/2024

I measured a level 1/4 tsp at 370 mg. So, 3/8 tsp will be about 555 mg. That should be close enough. The measurement doesn't have to be exact.

Replied By Madelyn (Idaho ) on 06/10/2022

I have looked at these studies- this one and others previously. It doesn't appear that HA plays any role in causing breast cancer. But rather, its presence in cancerous regions is used as an indicator of outcome. It may be part of the body's defense mechanism. A similar scenario is how cancerous areas of the body are more acidic, have less oxygen, and higher levels of iron. So for example, the iron didn't necessarily cause the cancer, but its accumulation in cancer cells is a by-product of the cancer.
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Replied By Art (California) on 06/10/2022


You are correct and the actual exact association is not yet known and that is why I suggest keeping the dose to the minimally effective dose and that people with cancer avoid it until studies are fully conclusive, in case it turns out that HA has a causal effect.


Replied By Madelyn (Idaho) on 06/10/2022

Hi Deirdre, in the first paragraph you mentioned 50mg HA, and later 500mg, 1000mg, and 1500mg of HA added to your salt solution. Did you intend to write 500mg rather than 50mg? I'm planning on making the solution. Thanks so much for sharing your experiment with us! Earth Clinic is the best!!
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Replied By Deirdre (Connecticut) on 06/10/2022

Hi Madelyn,

Thank you for pointing that out.. I meant 500mg per Ted's instructions, not 50mg. I will correct my post!

Replied By Tia (Missouri) on 04/06/2024

Hi Deirdre! How is this working for you??

Replied By Madelyn (Idaho) on 06/11/2022

Thanks for letting me know, Deirdre. I'm off to mix up a batch with 500mg HA!
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Replied By Madelyn (Idaho) on 06/11/2022

I like your approach, Art. Thanks for the explanation!
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Replied By Deirdre (CT) on 06/15/2022

As the latest addition to my experimentation, I decided to put (less) hyaluronic acid and sea salt into Ted's 1 liter borax remedy and drink the whole thing in one day. I lowered the HA dosage from my original post above. I am now using only 120 mg of HA instead of the higher dosage mentioned in my first post (thanks, Art) and only 1/8 teaspoon of pink salt. (Note: 

This new recipe is a slightly gelatinous liquid (due to the hyaluronic acid) and tastes quite good, thanks to the pink salt. I am two days in on this new mixture and already feel an improvement in my finger joints, which are always very stiff from arthritis lately. My trigger finger, which is back since over a month ago when the 2nd cortisone shot wore off, is slightly improved.

[Note: I have not been drinking borax for a long time and stopped the topical DMSO/borax remedy to test HA and sea salt a few weeks ago.]

Here is the mixture I keep in the fridge and drink 1/4 at a time. Surprisingly, it tastes pretty good, especially cold, thanks to the pink salt!

I use a 1-quart mason jar, which you can find on Amazon. Many grocery stores carry them as they are used for canning.

1 quart of Distilled or Purified Water - Fill to the top of mason jar (within 1/2 inch)

1/8 teaspoon 20 Mule Team Borax (men should use 1/4 teaspoon, per Ted)
120 mg of Hyaluronic Acid.. If you have Jarrow hyaluronic acid capsules, this amounts to 4 capsules.
1/8 teaspoon of Pink Himalayan Salt.

Stir well. Mason jar lids are not always secure, so be careful if you try to shake it.

Equipment Note:

Because I already have the equipment, I use a 1000 ml glass beaker and a magnetic stirrer with a medium size magnet to mix the ingredients since I want to drink 1/4 of the mixture immediately after making it up in the morning. However, even with the stirrer, the hyaluronic acid tends to clump and needs time in the fridge. The salt doesn't all dissolve so I stir it before pouring 1/4 into a glass.

Side Effects

day 1: slight headache about 1 hour after starting the mixture. It lasted most of the day.
No headache on day 2.
No blood pressure increase from the pink salt.
Night of day 2 - severe stomach upset from too much salt in the mixture - ergo I lowered the dosage to 1/8th

I will report back in another week or two.

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Replied By Michael (New Zealand) on 06/16/2022

Hello Deirdre,

I am thrilled that you are achieving some success with your pain control-that's great to hear. I trust that you will give this new trick of yours sufficient time to prove itself one way or the other! Such initial, rapid results are impressive!

I do wonder though why you stopped using the DMSO and Borax Protocol, as I thought you were experiencing great benefit from it and that it was your own special discovery!?

I have trouble locating 20 Mule Team Borax over here (or any Borax for that matter). However, I sent away to the States for the DMSO but have so far been too nervous to use it on my sore joints and muscles. I had thought that it could be useful in specifically targeting the narrow/tight spots where the tendons attach themselves (Tendonitis) to the scapula area but I worry how the DMSO works. Does it ONLY target the things that shouldn't be inside the body or is there any risk at all that it could adversely affect important things such as the cartilage for instance? Does it target the nasty bio-films and micro-plasma or something else? Where is the science? It would be nice to think that it could reverse calcification of muscles! Does it?

How does it know what to "melt" and what not to "melt" and presumably flush out of the system? Is it really that "smart"?

I don't wish to be an alarmist - just exercising "An Abundance of Caution" really!

Any thoughts and recommendations would be sincerely appreciated, especially as you have had recent personal experience with using it on yourself.

Cheers from Down Under (where it is getting positively chilly in the hills these days! ).

P.S. I would also welcome comments from Art, MTM, ORH and (Philippines) Bill et al obviously, if they should feel so inclined. Thanks again!

Replied By Deirdre (CT) on 06/16/2022

Hi Michael,

You might find some of the answers you are looking for in the book I mentioned to you a few weeks ago entitled DMSO: Nature's Healer.

I will resume the DMSO and Borax solution remedy at some point but wanted to try Ted's DDD remedy after reading through some of his old posts on EC. People must know by now after 23 years of working on/editing and reviewing Earth Clinic posts, I love to try many of the remedies mentioned. At any rate, I am trying to concoct the most effective combo for arthritis and DDD. I'm thinking adding a drop or two of lugol's to the brew might be a very good final ingredient. That said, as gung ho as I am about the new combo, caution must be advised regarding the dosages as it's VERY potent once you add the borax. Serious stomach upset/major detox!! starting at 4am this morning. Stomach still hurts. I'm on a two day break from all remedies and supplements!

Replied By Art (California) on 06/16/2022

Hi Michael,

For your situation, I view DMSO as a temporary fix that you may need to apply daily, which may get to be a nuisance applying to every sore joint.

The borax remedy, if you tolerate it and it works for you, is much easier because you just have to drink a bottle each day for 4 or 5 days of the week. A simpler, and to me more effective approach, because once it rids you of your pains, there is not a problem if you miss a day or two.

Once I was pain free, I could easily go for weeks without taking borax with no pain. I keep taking it anyway to get the bone protective effects though. I do 4 days on and take Friday, Saturday and Sunday off.


Replied By Michael (New Zealand) on 06/17/2022

Thanks Art and Deirdre for your informative responses. I was fairly certain you would help!

I guess I will need to try the Borax again, even though the last time I tried it, I found it difficult to tolerate.

Perhaps a smaller starting dose may be easier to tolerate!

We will see how it goes - off to try to locate some Borax - the ones seen on offer so far are advertised as being "100% pure" but are they "Medical Grade"? Does it matter? Huge prices!

Interestingly, my recent blood test report claimed that everything was "Hunky Dory"! They were particularly pleased that I had lost a descent amount of weight and my blood pressure was down, so they knew that I was making the effort (Mostly natural therapies naturally, but with the occasional pain killer! ).

All clear and well done sort of thing.

The Doctor had trotted out all the usual good advice that they are now "Required" to share with their patients and when I responded that I was doing most of that she said "That's Strange" and I replied "Why is that?". "Well for most people, it usually goes in one ear and out the other". Golly gosh, and with all that money going into the health budget!

Here's the thing though, when I pressed them to read the fine print (blood results) they admitted that the Inflammatory Markers were up!

Goes to show that one has to be assertive and it sometimes feels like squeezing blood out of a stone. Trouble being that Kiwis are often not assertive by nature in these situations, so they might not get the full story, I nearly didn't.

Ah, I feel better after that rave.

My partner is asking why I have not yet made the morning coffee and why am I not feeling guilty about my lapses? Humph! Is coffee inflammatory BTW? Dark chocolate? Geepers, life is complicated!

Cheers from Down Under

Replied By Amelie (SC) on 10/20/2022

Hello Deirdre, is it normal to have little bits and pieces of HA film floating around in the solution? It has been sitting in the refrigerator for 24 hours, but has not completely dissolved. How dissolved does it need to be? Is it better to use hot water to dissolve? Also, can this solution, HA and salt, be taken with coffee, or with other supplements such as magnesium and/or L-glutamine powder? Thank you!

Replied By Deirdre (Asheville) on 10/20/2022

Hi Amelie,

Normally Hyaluronic Acid (HA) should dissolve fully after being in the fridge for 24 hours but what you are describing has happened to me from time to time. Try breaking the clumps up with a spoon. Also, add the powder to the water very slowly and in small amounts. Clumping occurs when you pour too much out at once in my experience.

Yes, I took the solution with coffee and other supplements. I don't think that's a problem.

I actually stopped taking that solution in mid June to try Ted's borax solution for my incredibly painful trigger thumb. After 3 weeks, it helped tremendously and I am keeping it up. I have though since returned to taking a simple HA capsule once a day since that seems to help with spinal issues.

Let us know how the HA and sea salt solution works for you!

Replied By Amelie (SC) on 10/22/2022

Thank you! :)

Replied By Art (California) on 10/11/2023

FAM Coll,

I don't use HA powder and sea salt, I use capsules and Stopain as I described here and find very convenient, very easy and very effective in a relatively short period of time :

I just measured some HA powder that I happened to have, with a digital milligram scale and a level full 1/4 teaspoon weighed in around 360 mg, so it will take a slightly over full 1/4 teaspoon to approximate 500 mg, but keep in mind that measuring spoons vary by manufacturer and by country. As an example, I have three different measuring spoon sets and the 1/4 teaspoon for each set holds a different amount of powder at level full and consequently the milligrams vary from one to the other. I tried adding a 1/8th teaspoon to the 1/4 teaspoon and that was too much at approximately 700 mg.


Replied By Famcoll (Random) on 10/13/2023

Thank you, Art. I looked at the NOW Brand HA and there are two kinds. I'm guessing you mean the one with grapeseed extract included. Is that correct? I'm also seeing discussions of low molecular weight vs. high molecular weight HA. Which one is the best to try? Any information appreciated.

Replied By Art (California) on 10/13/2023


I reported about my experience with NOW brand Hyaluronic Acid Double Strength which, in my experiences, has worked very well, quickly and at least as good as sea salt HA powder mix and is more convenient than the HA/sea salt mix that Ted recommended. Here is the product :,aps,140&sr=8-3

I've used both and the capsules are more convenient especially if you are out and about regularly. A problem I ran into when I suggested HA powder + sea salt mix is that when friends tried to make it they had problems with mixing it properly and the capsules resolved that issue for my friends and worked well. I didn't have a problem making the mix myself and it was inexpensive, but I went for convenience.

I have no comment on other forms of HA as I don't use them. From my point of view, the HA capsules I have used are as good as I have seen.


Replied By Visha (Maldives ) on 01/19/2024

Hi, has consuming this solution decreased your DDD? I'm having severe pain now due to DDD and sciatica. I want to know your feedback before trying this remedy.