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Lisa (Coto de Caza, CA) on 11/27/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I've have swollen & tender lymph nodes under my jaw for a few years and the Dr.'s ignore it. Found the Iodine cure on this website while looking for something else. I painted Potassium iodide on the lymph nodes and the swelling went down within a few hours, as well as the tenderness. Had to paint on again next morning. I've heard Lugol's works better but it hasn't arrived in the mail yet.

Also, took 4 drops in a glass of water on an empty stomach for the stomach flu ( kids have it) and feel better after about an hour. My fingers are crossed.

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Replied By Lisa (Coto de Caza, Ca) on 12/02/2008

I wrote in earlier about the potassium iodide (painted on) and that brought the swelling down after a few days. Well I got Lugol's iodine in the mail and within 2 days my lymph glands are not swollen. First time in a few years! No pain or tenderness. I started with 4-6 drops in a glass of water on on empty stomach. From what I read, I can work up to several more drops if needed.

Replied By John (Houston, Texas) on 04/26/2009

I have had swollen lymph nodes for2 years under my ear right behind my jaw line . Nothing has worked for me at all. Where can I find this Logul's potassium iodide ? I really need help. My face is starting to look deformed. Please help.

EC: More info on our iodine page.

Potassium Iodide, also called SSKI, available in good health food stores. Lugol's solution is sold online.

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Replied By Amk1976 (Frisco , Tx) on 04/21/2010

I have a question, when you say painted on, do you mean on your skin? Just over the area that is swollen? Sorry, I hope that isn't a dumb question lol. I have a swollen lymph node, no insurance, so I'm wanting to try the iodine out!

EC: Yes, here are a few posts on the subject!

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Replied By Jassem (Al Hasa) on 06/13/2014

Good morning. Have inflammation in the lymph glands under the armpits and in the neck and under the jaw and above the thigh.. I do not know these swollen glands. I went to the hospital and they did not know why.. I hope you can tell me how to prepare the treatment of iodine as well as other treatments.. I used castor oil, did not give the result.

Replied By Timh (KY) on 06/14/2014

Jassem: It seems like you have been exposed to some toxic chemical. Take hot full body baths w/ 1/4 cup Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) and 1/4 cup Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) while gently massaging the nodes. Take the herb Pau De Arco as it cleanses the lymph. Vit-C 500mg 3x daily will also help. Apply Cod Liver Oil directly over the swollen nodes and gently massage.
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Replied By Jazz (Kingston, Ontario, Canada) on 09/09/2015

I'll take some more Lugol's Solution (am flaring a bit so in obvious pain) and see if that reduces it. My rheumatologist thinks I have UTCD but my naturopath thinks I have Hashimoto's as I have weight gain while eating healthy and swollen nodes in my neck. She also has me on Selenium, Omega 3D and Vitamin D.