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Art (California) on 11/16/2020
5 out of 5 stars

There have been many posts on EC discussing the use of colloidal silver (AgNPs) to attack SARS CoV-2 / Covid-19 and I had not contributed to that discussion much, even though I am a user and maker of AgNPs and felt that they would destroy the virus.

The reason I had only passingly mentioned AgNPs as one part of an anti-Covid-19 plan was because I had not yet seen a study that conclusively showed that AgNPs were effective against Covid-19 / SARS CoV-2. While I was reading this past week, I came across a new study that finally confirmed that AgNPs are effective for this purpose!

Although my impression was that AgNPs would be effective against the virus just as it is against other lipid coated viruses like HIV, I had no proof that it could actually impose itself on SARS CoV-2 and attack it. This is why I only mentioned that I would use it for my family and myself mainly based on my previous experience with higher dose AgNPs and the known safety profile of AgNPs at doses that have shown the ability to destroy pathogens while having minimal negative impact on normal cells.

This new study takes the doubt out of the effectiveness of AgNPs against Covid-19. Here is a link to the full study :

Here is an interesting quote from the study :

>>' AgNPs potently inhibited viral entry step via disrupting viral integrity. '<<

Based on this study, I feel that AgNPs will also be very useful via inhalation, orally and topically through a spray. I normally have used AgNPs in a spray bottle that I spray up each nostril as I inhale and this may be effective to use this way every so often when I am around people such as in a plane. I make 20 ppm AgNPs for this spray and that should be effective for this purpose. I may also spray my mask to disinfect it or increase the possibility of killing viral particles that come in contact with it while it is wet as might also be useful in a plane or area with a fairly high concentration of people. These ideas are untested, but I will utilize them as part of my anti-Covid-19 plan.

I have another potentially effective and unique treatment to add to EC's continuing growing list of anti-Covid-19 remedies and will try and post about that soon as it looks like it will add to the effectiveness of most of EC's Covid-19 remedies!


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Replied By Steven (Oregon) on 12/26/2020

Art, thanks for the article.

I've been making my own CS since 1998 and it has been fantastic in reducing the frequency of illnesses. Prior to using CS, I had chronic sinusitis, regular bouts with bronchitis, and occasional pneumonia (sometimes prolonged). After the start of CS, I am never sick with any of these illnesses. I merely use it as a spray daily. If I feel any kind of respiratory attack, I nebulizer a few times, and the lungs stay clear.

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Replied By Art (California) on 12/26/2020

Hi Steven,

It is good to know that you have gotten such good results with colloidal silver! I carry a 2 ounce spray bottle around in my pocket and will breathe it in through each nostril anytime I go into a crowded area. Based on that study, it takes a relatively weak ppm level of silver to work against the virus, so 20 ppm colloidal silver should be more than enough silver to severely damage the virus.


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Replied By Debi Sunshine (CA) on 05/12/2021

I've done the same thing for 27 years. Can't live without it and wouldn't want to. I carry it everywhere. Happy Healing :)!!!

Replied By Diana (TX) on 01/18/2021

So I tested positive on 12/09. It was awful and I am past the initial issues. Now as of 01/01, I have vibrating in my left foot on the right side and on the bottom. My right eye twitches nonstop. What can I do to stop this? Please help. I use ACV daily and take a whole food supplement and take potassium and magnesium daily. What else can I do? Please help!!!
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Replied By Andy (Oregon) on 04/12/2021

Ivermectin seems to be a good treatment for longer symptoms.

Replied By Art M (Kennewick, WA) on 12/09/2021

Try a product call MORINGA from the so called miracle tree that grows in hot climates, you can find all about it on YouTube. And also learn about how to start making colloidal silver, can find a lot of material on it from Youtube and other sites.

Replied By Jonathan (San Diego) on 02/12/2022

I had Covid-19 with Pneumonia, bad. 19 days in the hospital...Still recovering, but much better. I also had not vibrating, but foot pain, toes and bottom. I spoke with a Frontline Doctor and he told me that there has been success with a drug called Colchicine, primarily used to treat Gout. Been around for 100 years. Too much Uric acid in the blood. I took one pill, twice a day 0.6 MG. It cured my foot problem. I stopped taking after 2 weeks. Good luck

Replied By Dude (Dudeland) on 02/16/2022

Treatment for long haul covid is similar to treatment for acute covid. Use a search engine and search for 'FLCC long haul covid treatment protocol'. Plenty of things you can do for this.

Replied By Yolanda (California) on 08/03/2022

Try using Lugol's iodine. 6 drops in 1/2 glass of water. Also, 3drops in a spray bottle in the nose and spray in the throat.

Use water from a water bottle, not tap.

Replied By Susan (Wilmore Kentucky) on 11/01/2021

I have a question, when you all make your silver water, do you add food grade hydrogen peroxide. I have a friend that does and she said that it helps it not get discolored. If you all do add it. How much do you add?
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Replied By Art (California) on 11/02/2021

Hi Susan,

If you are working with real colloidal silver nanoparticles, hydrogen peroxide will cause the silver to agglomerate and generally turn gray, cloudy and what is left will no longer be effective, even if the AgNPs were properly capped.


Replied By Joe (Pittsburgh pa) on 11/11/2021

I brewed cs 2 years ago. Will it still be good? Keep in dark place. Plus it has turned a little dark.

Replied By Lawrence (MD) on 11/27/2021

It should be pale yellow even after many years if it is real colloidal silver. If it has turned dark, then it was not made properly and has been contaminated. Toss and start over.

Replied By Dave (US) on 01/30/2022

Just use single distilled water which will be around just under 1 ppm measured by a TDS meter, and that will provide sufficient electrolytic properties to enable conductivity between electrodes, do not add salt or oxygen products or use any magnetic stirrer, as silver responds to electromagnetic fields and you get a nasty grey solution from that also.

Replied By Eileen (Tennessee ) on 11/11/2021

Art, can you list these remedies mentioned in your last sentence? I also don't understand your abbreviations for some of the words. Thanks
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Replied By Art (California) on 11/11/2021

Hi Eileen,

Just post any abbreviations that you didn't know and I will be happy to explain them!

As far as the remedies I was referring to, those are the ones listed on EC which has 131 of them and increasing! This is probably the longest available Covid-19 remedy list available from any health site on the web. Here is that link :


Replied By Art (California) on 12/30/2021

In the following 2021 study, it is shown that just using AgNPs (Colloidal Silver) as a mouth rinse and nasal rinse by health workers is very effective at significantly reducing the incidence of Covid-19 :

Here is an important quote from this study:>>>

' We present a prospective randomized study of 231 participants that was carried out for 9 weeks (during the declaration of a pandemic). The "experimental" group was instructed to do mouthwash and nose rinse with the AgNPs solution; the "control" group was instructed to do mouthwashes and nose rinse in a conventional way. The incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was significantly lower in the "experimental" group (two participants of 114,1.8%) compared to the "control" group (thirty-three participants of 117,28.2%), with an 84.8% efficiency. We conclude that the mouth and nasal rinse with AgNPs helps in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection in health personnel who are exposed to patients diagnosed with COVID-19. ' <<<

This adds further confirmation to the idea of the following study which clearly showed AgNPs to be a potent neutralizer of the SARS-Cov-2 virus:

Here is a relevant quote from this study :>>>

' We evaluated a plethora of AgNPs of different sizes and concentration and observed that particles of diameter around 10 nm were effective in inhibiting extracellular SARS-CoV-2 at concentrations ranging between 1 and 10 ppm while cytotoxic effect was observed at concentrations of 20 ppm and above. Luciferase-based pseudovirus entry assay revealed that AgNPs potently inhibited viral entry step via disrupting viral integrity. ' <<<

I use the same 20 ppm AgNPs that EC sells and I fill up a two ounce spray bottle that I carry in my pocket. I use this bottle to sanitize surfaces such as restaurant table tops, door handles, restroom faucets, chair handles in waiting rooms, hands, face etc. Most importantly I use this spray inhaled into each nostril as I breathe in through that nostril and I also spray it directly into my mouth whenever I feel I am in an area where I may be exposed to Covid-19. The first study confirms that this may be a very effective option to help prevent getting Covid-19.

Given the extremely rapid rate of infection of the Omicron variant, this seems like timely information, especially if you happen to be planning a night out to celebrate the new year.On a related note, yesterday set the highest number of new Covid-19 cases per day at over 475,000 new cases. Today, which is still counting with 8 hours remaining has cleanly broken that record with 528,924 new cases. This has eclipsed the high of last January 8th, set at 306,307.

Yes, I will be refilling my AgNPs spray bottle and using it freely and frequently.


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Replied By Kelly (CALIFORNIA (CA)) on 01/25/2022

How do you test for ppm? I just ordered a colloidal silver making machine and I'm curious:)

Thanks, Kelly

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Replied By Deirdre (CT) on 01/25/2022

Hi Kelly,

Unfortunately, there is no way to test for PPM unless you have very expensive equipment. I believe people think they can use a TDS meter but that is generally only used to make sure the distilled water that you must use for CS is at 0 ppm. Otherwise, CS PPM is measured by time and current. The tricky thing is that unless the device you bought has a built-in current limiter, the current will not be steady. You can ask the manufacturer of your new generator if there is one.

You can verify what I have said at the forum or Art might chime in here. This was one of the questions I asked the founder of the forum while making the Earth Clinic colloidal silver videos. Incidentally, that forum is the main site for ALL questions about CS and CG. There's a lot to learn about making CS, so I suggest you spend a bit of time perusing the threads on that excellent site! The founder of the forum stopped making Silvertrons a couple of years ago (which had a current limiter) so a lot of people are in the same position.

Replied By Rob Patroney (Bundaberg Australia) on 02/22/2022

The strength of colloidal is tested and proven that 10 on the tds meter is 20 ppm, this has been known for years, we have made gallons of it, keep the electrodes about 30ml apart, make it quick, fairly large particles, colloidal is what you want especially if used internally, don, t use ionic internally it won, t work. Rob Patroney

Replied By Art (California) on 01/27/2022


A TDS meter (aka PPM Reader) can not measure the true ppm of silver in a colloidal suspension. TDS stands for total dissolved solids. Here is a description of what that covers :

The inventor of the SilverTron colloidal silver generator has written extensively about the use of a TDS meter for the purpose of determining how pure the water is that you start with when making colloidal silver and this is an important step in the process and he has also explained why a TDS meter will not work for the purpose of determining the parts per million of silver in a sample of colloidal silver. It is interesting reading and explains in simple terms why this is.

Here is a link to that article:


Replied By Katzie (Calgary) on 01/27/2022

At first I used a PPM reader that I got with a Zero water filter kit. After that died, I just order from Amazon. Shouldn't be more than $15 or so.

I found it SO interesting that my readings were consistently between 15-20 PPM, using my 9v battery method. AND, when I started using post-its on the side of my mason jar with the words "love" and "thanks" on them - that my readings were a consistent 150-200 (10x as strong), which I water down. So I get 10x as much with the same batteries! Fascinating! Guess Tesla was right: the secret to understanding the Universe is understanding frequency, energy & vibration. Goes to show that Words have Power.

Happy brewing!!