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Nickyg (Panama City, Panama) on 08/11/2014

Hello Mr. Bill Thompson: My question is the following on the frequency and turpentine protocol: what is the proper protocol for taking the turpentine cleanse for a chronic candida overgrowth?, I have searched the internet very extensively, and have spoken to Dr. Jennifer Daniels on various occasions, here in Panama where she is at the present moment. She is an advocate of vitality capsule to clean and have 2-3 bowls movements a day, and the Sugar/ turpentine protocol 1:1,2 times a week, and then a maintenance does every 3 months.

Now if you go the oil protocol she recommends - castor oil over olive oil at a 4:1 oil to turpentine. I have just recently started the turpentine / olive protocol on a 1:1 2 times week going on my 4th dose in 2 weeks. I still do not know what to expect, other than a little dizzy and hyper for a bout 4 hours or so, but I drink about 4 glasses of water and it calms me down.

I have been on a pretty strict diet for 1 year, low low processed sugar, lots of good drinking water - maybe 3 quarts of water daily, fresh broccoli, fresh fruit, ( bananas, papaya, kiwi ), oil pulling 2 times a day with EVCO, supplement with a good multivitamin men's one, 150 mcg kelp, Molybdenum chelated, organic raw apple cider 1 teaspoon 2 times and 1 whole fresh lemon 1 a day, 2 probiotics daily 15million CFU, milk thistle, MSM, raw plain yogurt, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, gluten free brown rice, skinless chicken, fresh fish, home made tortillas, 1 hard boiled egg every other day. Which oil protocol do you feel is more effective, the castor or olive and protocol, since do I do not want to go the sugar route at all.

Thank you, Cheers, Nicholas


Replied By Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 08/11/2014

Hi Nickyg...In answer to your question, the proper protocol for candida is to take one teaspoon of turpentine, with between 1-4 tablespoons of castor oil once or twice every week. Castor oil(CO) is used for the following reasons:

* It inhibits candida and kills bacteria primarily in the gut.

* It quickly helps to rid the intestines of intestinal poisons and heavy metals(from candida/bacterial biofilm) by laxative action.

* Most importantly castor oil helps to more effectively spread the turps throughout the intestines to kill the bad pathogens. The intestines in an adult is 28 ft long and has the surface area of a tennis court.

i would not use olive oil with turps. But you can use coconut oil on its own or with the castor oil if you want -- VCO is also a particularly strong anti-pathogen.

About three weeks ago I had a fairly serious bout of food poisoning. After about 4 days with symptoms of shooting pains, gas, non-stop gurgling throughout my intestines, many visit to the toilet with hot, watery stools, disturbed sleep, low energy etc, I took 1 teaspoon of turps with 1 tblspn of castor oil. Next day all these symptoms had shifted to my lower intestines and I still had diarrhea. I wasn't cured but the upper part of my intestines did not have these symptoms.

So after a day's rest I took a higher dose of CO -- one teaspoon of turps and 3 tablespoons of CO with one tblspn of VCO. Next day my intestinal problem was completely gone -- I was back to normal. This higher CO dose had reached the lower intestines and managed to eliminated the infection quickly.

This result is proof that you need to take the right amount of CO with the turps for the turps to be an effective anti-pathogen throughout ALL the intestines.

I know that Dr Daniels maintains that problems like skin blackening can an occur when you take excessive amounts of turps. It's true that any excessive candida/bacterial poisons in the gut will lead to excessive poisons in the blood. And if you have a liver that is already stressed or diseased from removing poisons -- the liver will be unable to clear this excess poison load so the skin, which is also a major excretory organ, tries to excrete these poisons as well -- hence the skin blackening symptoms.

So I disagree with Dr Daniels here. The blackening of the skin is not necessarily always due to intestinal blockages, but can also obviously arise if the liver cannot cope with the excessive release of candida poisons from gut to blood with the turpentine protocol. This is why I always advocate liver support nutrients like ALA, Magnesium, Selenium, Milk Thistle etc whenever you are killing large amounts of candida. Chanca piedra is another good one.

For the last 8 months or so I''ve been working with a parents autism group who are following Kerri Rivera's Protocol to cure their kids ASD problems -- using Chlorine Dioxide(Jim Hubble's MMS protocol) together with Hulda Clark Parasite Protocol and diet. Children with ASD problems are always infected with parasites and candida which apears to be the main cause of autism.

I was contacted by the leader of this ASD group because he could get no further improvement on the ATEC scores for his ASD child using Kerri's protocol. ATEC measures various parameters of the chid -- cognitive ability, shyness, repetitive behaviours, sociability etc. So I've been helping to advise them. So far two kids have have regressed to normal behaviour while using the turps protocol within Kerri's protocol. Usually it takes about 2 years to achieve normal behaviour in kids with ASD using Kerri's protocols. So, incorporating the turps protocol as well seems to speed up recovery from autism.

To show you the virulence of candida and what other diseases it can lead to -- have a look at this diagram:

Candida Virulence and Progression

To show you the action of my own anti-candida protocol -- see this link:

Bill's Anti-Candida Protocol Activity

I've also written a detailed book about candida that is sold on EarthClinic but you can find most of the information about the complete protocol from my posts on this site as well.

Above all, you must have a clear strategy, with sufficient cogent reasons, to get rid of your candida. From my book, here is the strategy that I use:

Anti-Candida and Anti-Pathogen Protocols

Anti-Biofilm Protocols

Alkalizing Protocols

Essential Detox Protocols

Liver Support Protocols

Vitamin and Mineral Support (Immune System Support)

The Anti-Candida Diet

Other nutrients that will also help against candida/bacteria are olive leaf, oregano, Boswellia(Frankincense), Myrrh and undecylenic(or undecanoic) acid. You can research these.

REPLY   1      

Replied By Nickyg (Panama City, Panama) on 08/13/2014

Mr. Bill: Wow very extensive reply okay, I get it; your preferred protocol is 1 tsps. turpentine with 1 to 3 tbsp. of castor oil and 1 tsp. of the VCO.

This is once or twice a week as starters, and then you cut back to once a week maintenance dose for how long?.

I will use the 1tsp of the organic diamond turpentine along with 1 or 2 tbsp. of CO and 1 tsps. of VCO as starters and see how it goes okay, then I will take a 10 day break and resume on a once week protocol.

I am shooting for the right balance and turpentine protocol along with the antifungals, probiotics and supplements. I had a while back, a bad die-off reaction episode. I was doing the grape fruit seed extract 2 times a day 125 mg, and the now candida clear 2 times a day, now probiotics 10-25 billion CFU 2 times day.

After a week I got a skin rash break out with an itch, it was mostly underarm armpit rash and genital rash, started the molybdenum, stop all the antifungals except the probiotics and that has helped, it clamed things down. The deal here Mr. Bill is not going crazy with too many supplements and getting dependent on them. This can stress you out, which can make you wonder when or if ever will I control this candida overgrowth, because it seems like you make 1 foot of progress only to drop back and lose 2 feet.

This is something new I've had for the past 2 years since I was on a antibiotic treatment for about 2 to 3 weeks after a motorcycle accident, this along with the stress I had, was the trigger. Things got worse with the fungal treatment and steroid creams, which I then hit my zenith, and then it had spiraled out of control and I was really stressed out. But now today, I know what is the cause and protocol procedures, at least I am not lost in space like 2 years ago when this hit me all of a sudden and had me scrambling for answers, as to why the food sensitivities, skin rashes, bloated feeling and hives breakout in my forearms and neck.

I strongly feel that sharing good information from experience, with trial and error and being truth full is key here at this forum. Some have more experience like yourself, others have a different approach, etc. etc., but the bottom line here is controlling the Candida overgrowth which has spiraled out of control and is making our health and daily lives' miserable. Thanks for all your information, support, shared information, knowledge and the time to answer not only my questions and concerns, but the many others who write to you as well.

Cheers, GOD BLESS and keep up the good work, since its all about sharing information from our experiences. Nicholas


Replied By Nickyg (Panama City, Panama) on 08/14/2014

Mr. Bill: What time of the day is the best moment to take the once a week turpentine protocol, (1tsp organic diamond turp/2tpsns. of CO/1tspns. CVO). Before dinner, after dinner, a few hours after dinner, or maybe an hour before bed? How do you react or feel after you take your turp protocol - okay?

cheers, Nicholas


Replied By Nickyg (Panama City, Panama) on 09/07/2014


Mr. Bill, I just bought your book okay, want to clarify 3 things about the turps/ castor oil/ evco protocol. Best time to take it, frequency to take it and proper ratio of Turps/ castor oil / EVC oil. This is what I am doing at the moment unless you specify otherwise. Every 10 days ( 3 times a month ), 1 tspn of diamond turps, 2 tbspn Castor Oil, 1 tbspn EVC oil, followed by 2 glasses of spring water. Taking a good multivitamin, kelp, MSM, kelp morning at evening take 250mcg molybdenum chelated and jarrows milk thistle, before bed 1 1000m L-Glutamine / 1- Garden of life ultimate probiotic.

Awaiting reply, cheers, Nicholas


Replied By Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/08/2014

Hi Nickyg...I would take the multivitamin and kelp with breakfast. The MSM and molybdenum should be taken together on their own outside meals because molybdenum gets absorbed into the blood better with MSM and water.

Take the Turps + CO + VCO about 20 minutes before eating some food. I normally take 1 teaspoon of turps with 3 tablespoons of CO and one tblspn of VCO -- but I'm nearly 200 lbs in weight. So if you weigh less then you should perhaps adjust down the CO and VCO accordingly.

It's best to initially take turps this way because turps is not very soluble or miscible in water and you initially need it to act in the intestines. And the CO and EVCO with the food helps to carry and spread the turps remedy deeper into the intestines where it can do the most good killing pathogens there.

Later on, when you are relatively clear of pathogens in the intestines, you might consider taking turps with some water only -- this time taking it outside mealtimes. This way, on an empty stomach, the turps gets rapidly absorbed directly from the stomach into the blood -- and this is where the turps will help to get rid of any further pathogens that are in the blood, organs and tissues.This turps method is particularly useful as a remedy if you have any serious bloodborne infectious diseases.

For a long time now, on a daily basis, I also take about three or four drops of turps in my mouth and just hold it there, spreading it around. Turps will kill all the bad stuff in the mouth and is also absorbed quickly into the gums and roots of the teeth to act as a disinfectant in these regions. You should hold the turps in your mouth for at least 2 minutes -- longer if possible -- and its ok to swallow it. I cured a wobbly and painful capped tooth root infection this way and the tooth still remains healed and firm to this day.

I normally advise taking the turps + CO remedy once or twice a week for serious candida problems-- but if 10 days suits you better that should be OK.

The milk thistle and glutamine can been taken at any time -- but usually best to take these supplements with meals.

If you find that you aren't making much progress or headway with your protocol after a few months, I would also seriously consider adding lugol's iodine(higher dose), borax and alkalizing to your protocol as well as per my book. This threesome has also worked very well for me against candida problems in the past.


Replied By Nickyg (Panama City, Panama) on 09/08/2014

Mr. Bill thanks once again sir for your prompt, professional and courteous reply. This my routine, first thing out of bed, I rinse my mouth with spring water and spit it out, then do 10 minutes oil pull with EVCO, and spit it out, rinse my mouth out with salt water 4 ounces, then I take half a lemon with 6 ounces warm water, then I take my 1- 1000mg pill l glutamine with 1 probiotic pill, after 10 -15 minutes I have my breakfast, and after my breakfast, in the morning I take, 1 men's one multivitamin, 1 kelp 150 mcg, 1 omega krill oil 500mg.

For lunch I take just 1 teaspoon of organic ACV with lunch, in the evening meal I take another teaspoon of organic ACV and after dinner I take 1 milk thistle. 2 to 3 hours later before bed I take L glutamine, probiotic, and now I will add the molybdenum and MSM okay upon your advice, will this interfere with my L glutamine sport (now foods) / probiotic (primal defense ultra).

During the day I make sure to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water okay. The only fruit I eat is at breakfast where I make a daily shake of 2 small cups of orange juice, 1 banana, cup of papaya, 1/4 granola, 1/4 walnuts for the fiber. I am 63 years old 6 feet tall and now weight 154lbs I lost 15 lbs after my motorcycle accident back 2012, and have not been able to gain it back, due to this new restricted diet okay. The idea is be stress free as much as possible and not worry about taking too many pills and supplements . On the turps protocol ( turps/ CO/ EVCO ), I will stick with the 10 day revolving time frame and later on try the turps with water to clean the blood. I greatly appreciate what you do for myself, others and the earth clinic community. Just for curiosity how old are you, are you Filipino?, I am a great fan and follower of my favorite boxer Manny Paquiao. Awaiting reply, take care and cheers, Nicholas