Ionic Foot Detox: A Simple Cleansing Routine

Modified on May 05, 2024

The Ionic Foot Detoxification idea is a controversial one. Defenders are amazed at the evident toxins expelled from the body and the positive effects on their overall health. Detractors say that the same "toxins" will be seen after running the foot bath with no feet in it at all!

So what is the truth about the many ionic foot detox baths available out in the marketplace? The idea is that the device emits negative ions into the water. WIth your feet placed in the ionically charged bath, the feet are said to shed heavy metals and other toxins. Additionally, the negative ions entering the body at the feet bind with and neutralize positively charged heavy metals and toxins, which are thus neutralized and can be evacuated by the body's excretory system.

Natural Remedies: The therapy is thought to be good for overall detoxification of the body, improved joint health, improved circulation, reduced fatigue, and a stronger immune system among other positive health effects.

Are the positive claims about Ionic Foot Detoxification cures genuine? Find out below!

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    List of Remedies for Ionic Foot Detoxification