Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice for Gallbladder Attack

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Susan (Westlake Village, Ca) on 12/04/2012:
4 out of 5 stars

Wow - I can't believe how fast this remedy works! I just took about 1/2 a glass of Apple Cider Vinegar. I didn't have apple juice, so put in some pear juice. It was a bit hard to swallow down, but 30 min. Later, my pain is greatly reduced. I've been feeling absolutely aweful for about a week - pain, a pressure/bruised feeling under my right ribs and a sharp pain through my back between my spine and right shoulder blade, gas, diarrhea, nauseau and some vomiting. I went in to see a specialist yesterday and he ordered blood tests (liver and thyroid too) and a fasting ultrasound which I just had this morning. But waiting days for a result has been aweful. He said if I get a fever or the pain is excruciating, go right to the ER. I took the drink about 30 min. Ago and I'm much more comfortable. I wouldn't say it's completely gone, but I definitely feel better.

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Emerson (Newton, Ma) on 12/02/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been having episodes with my gallbladder and scheduled for surgery. I am already regulating my diet even more but last night, felt another episode coming. I found this page before I was doubled up in pain. Unf it was too late and the stores open only had apple juice from concentrate and non organic apple cider vinegar. I started taking it before the pain was 100% (compared to previous episodes). I was careful to also stay upright the whole time.

The cocktail did work - pain subsided slowly over an hour. In an hour I was better but it had not completely subsided so I took another serving. It continued to subside but I had some stomach acidity. That said, the acidity was manageable (i.e. , wont keep me from going to sleep or not requiring Zantac). I would rather have that over the intense pain that emanates from underneath my ribs to all the way to the back. I will be going to stock up on organic apple juice/apple cider in case I need it again. Thanks ANN for sharing.


Sue (Flagstaff, Arizona) on 10/05/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Works like a charm!! Been having bad gallbladder pain for nearly 3 hours, and trying to sleep, I decided to check online for remedies. I found this and unfortunately didnt have apple cider vinegar, but used distilled white vinegar. Mixed the drink about 10 minutes ago, and still half of the cup left and my pain is going away!!! Thank you so much for this site and the testimonials... I can sleep!! =)

Denise (Santa Rosa, Ca) on 09/12/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Wow! I am so incredibly grateful to those who offered the apple juice/act remedy! Was in severe pain with my second attack and headed to a 24 hour grocery store to buy these items. Nausea was so bad that when I left the store I got sick in the parking lot. Drove home crying and in terrible pain and made the drink. That was a half hour ago. I'm now heading for a bubble bath and to sleep! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Jon (Oakland, Tn) on 08/27/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

This page and remedy is a lifesaver! I had two gallbladder attacks last week that put me in the ER two nights in a row. The first night night, I thought it was gas, and all the Dr did was give me narcotics until the pain stopped. I got 3 doses of morphine which took the edge off just a tiny bit if anything. Finally they gave me some dilauded which worked in about 30 seconds. They discharged me and I went home to sleep off the drugs.

The second night, I had a different ER Dr. He gave me a "GI cocktail" which was mylanta, mixed with viscous lidocain (to numb everything), and a third ingredient. It worked in about 10 minutes. Said I had GERD, gave me a prescription for Prilosec, and sent me home. The next day I saw a GI specialist, who properly thought it was my Gallbladder. The next morning I had the HIDA test and my gallbladder didn't even show up on the radiological camera photos.

Last night I felt the discomfort and pressure of another gallbladder attack coming on. I did some googleing and found this page. My wife had some apple cider vinegar and my kids had 2 100% organic apple juice left. I made the potion and in 15 minutes the symptoms were almost completely gone. In 30 minutes I was back to normal.

Thank You! I was worried this was a bogus remedy, but it works. Thank God!


Shanny (Wheat Ridge, Co) on 07/18/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I'm in the middle of a gallstone attack and was reading this trying to find a home remedy for the pain. I'm pretty suspicious when reading cures online but out of desperation I went and bought ACV and apple juice. Now this is after taking two vicodins. About an hour and a half after taking the 2nd vicodin I was still having pain. So I tried the ACV and apple juice - about a 1/2 cup of ACV and the rest apple juice to make it taste better. Within about 20-30 minutes - the pain has subsided signifcantly enough to make me want to share this. For me, it may be a combination of the pain medicine and the ACV but the pain medicine wasn't cutting it after being in my system for at least 2 and a 1/2 hours total - I took the 1st pill, waited about an hour then since pain was getting worse, took another pill. As I mentioned - about an hour and a half later the pain was still bad - but I was able to drive to the store. So glad I did. If you're having a gallstone attack - give this easy remedy a try - it's worth the $7. Apparently ACV has all kinds of other benefits too if you drink it daily.

Patrick (Boynton Beach, Florida /usa) on 07/08/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I was scheduled to have my Gall bladder removed approximetely six months ago, unfortunely I have COPD and hardening of the Arteries and the Surgeon did not get proper clearence from my Pulmonist and cardiac doctors so that day, the Hospital cancelled my appointment until I went through a series of tests, now remember I have been in serious pain for six weeks and the the ultrasound showed my Gallbladder full and I could get no relief but to eat beets and beet juice very little relief but it did help, until I read about Apple cider Vinegar three tablestones with six ounces of water or apple juice three times a day. I have been pain free for four months now and refuse to get the gallbladder removed because the surgeon and my doctor knew that the ACV does work but never told me about it. I found it on the Web, thank goodness I never miss taking my ACV three times a day. I feel like a new man gained a few pounds because now I can eat, I'm still careful with my fat intake but Pain Free
REPLY   2      

April (Toronto, Ontario) on 06/29/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV and Apple juice so works cant believe it- bought german cider vinegar with mother ( Cloudeness) timed it. After an hour pressure and nagging pain 90% diminished. Thank you Ann so much, so afraid of an iodine injection CT scan just to see the problem, will try this for awhile to see how it goes.

Ann (Midland, Mi) on 06/13/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I was in a great amount of pain yesterday and today that radiated from under my ribs into my mid-back. Horrible!!! I googled "immediate gall bladder pain relief" and this site came up. I drank 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar (Organic) with 8 oz 100% apple juice. I experienced relief within about an hour. Whew!! I'm going in the morning to have an ultrasound of my gall bladder. I do not want to have it removed. I'm very happy the pain is gone for now. Very thankful!

Ann Midland, MI


Amber (Sacramento, California) on 05/30/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have suffered from gallbladder attacks for a couple of years now. A vegetarian diet does minimize my attacks to about once a year ( I do indulge in goodies on occasion)

I had my first attack in over a year tonight and it was so severe. I came across this site and have raw ACV about an hour or so later I am 90% pain free. First 10 minutes I felt relief. Thank you so much for this information. I am truly grateful.

Grateful from Sacramento, Amber


Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice for Gallbladder Attack

5 star (137) 
4 star (3) 
3 star (2) 
1 star (3) 

Susan (Westlake Village, Ca) on 12/04/2012:
4 out of 5 stars

Wow - I can't believe how fast this remedy works! I just took about 1/2 a glass of Apple Cider Vinegar. I didn't have apple juice, so put in some pear juice. It was a bit hard to swallow down, but 30 min. Later, my pain is greatly reduced. I've been feeling absolutely aweful for about a week - pain, a pressure/bruised feeling under my right ribs and a sharp pain through my back between my spine and right shoulder blade, gas, diarrhea, nauseau and some vomiting. I went in to see a specialist yesterday and he ordered blood tests (liver and thyroid too) and a fasting ultrasound which I just had this morning. But waiting days for a result has been aweful. He said if I get a fever or the pain is excruciating, go right to the ER. I took the drink about 30 min. Ago and I'm much more comfortable. I wouldn't say it's completely gone, but I definitely feel better.

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REPLY   4      

Emerson (Newton, Ma) on 12/02/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been having episodes with my gallbladder and scheduled for surgery. I am already regulating my diet even more but last night, felt another episode coming. I found this page before I was doubled up in pain. Unf it was too late and the stores open only had apple juice from concentrate and non organic apple cider vinegar. I started taking it before the pain was 100% (compared to previous episodes). I was careful to also stay upright the whole time.

The cocktail did work - pain subsided slowly over an hour. In an hour I was better but it had not completely subsided so I took another serving. It continued to subside but I had some stomach acidity. That said, the acidity was manageable (i.e. , wont keep me from going to sleep or not requiring Zantac). I would rather have that over the intense pain that emanates from underneath my ribs to all the way to the back. I will be going to stock up on organic apple juice/apple cider in case I need it again. Thanks ANN for sharing.


Sue (Flagstaff, Arizona) on 10/05/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Works like a charm!! Been having bad gallbladder pain for nearly 3 hours, and trying to sleep, I decided to check online for remedies. I found this and unfortunately didnt have apple cider vinegar, but used distilled white vinegar. Mixed the drink about 10 minutes ago, and still half of the cup left and my pain is going away!!! Thank you so much for this site and the testimonials... I can sleep!! =)

Denise (Santa Rosa, Ca) on 09/12/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Wow! I am so incredibly grateful to those who offered the apple juice/act remedy! Was in severe pain with my second attack and headed to a 24 hour grocery store to buy these items. Nausea was so bad that when I left the store I got sick in the parking lot. Drove home crying and in terrible pain and made the drink. That was a half hour ago. I'm now heading for a bubble bath and to sleep! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Jon (Oakland, Tn) on 08/27/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

This page and remedy is a lifesaver! I had two gallbladder attacks last week that put me in the ER two nights in a row. The first night night, I thought it was gas, and all the Dr did was give me narcotics until the pain stopped. I got 3 doses of morphine which took the edge off just a tiny bit if anything. Finally they gave me some dilauded which worked in about 30 seconds. They discharged me and I went home to sleep off the drugs.

The second night, I had a different ER Dr. He gave me a "GI cocktail" which was mylanta, mixed with viscous lidocain (to numb everything), and a third ingredient. It worked in about 10 minutes. Said I had GERD, gave me a prescription for Prilosec, and sent me home. The next day I saw a GI specialist, who properly thought it was my Gallbladder. The next morning I had the HIDA test and my gallbladder didn't even show up on the radiological camera photos.

Last night I felt the discomfort and pressure of another gallbladder attack coming on. I did some googleing and found this page. My wife had some apple cider vinegar and my kids had 2 100% organic apple juice left. I made the potion and in 15 minutes the symptoms were almost completely gone. In 30 minutes I was back to normal.

Thank You! I was worried this was a bogus remedy, but it works. Thank God!


Shanny (Wheat Ridge, Co) on 07/18/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I'm in the middle of a gallstone attack and was reading this trying to find a home remedy for the pain. I'm pretty suspicious when reading cures online but out of desperation I went and bought ACV and apple juice. Now this is after taking two vicodins. About an hour and a half after taking the 2nd vicodin I was still having pain. So I tried the ACV and apple juice - about a 1/2 cup of ACV and the rest apple juice to make it taste better. Within about 20-30 minutes - the pain has subsided signifcantly enough to make me want to share this. For me, it may be a combination of the pain medicine and the ACV but the pain medicine wasn't cutting it after being in my system for at least 2 and a 1/2 hours total - I took the 1st pill, waited about an hour then since pain was getting worse, took another pill. As I mentioned - about an hour and a half later the pain was still bad - but I was able to drive to the store. So glad I did. If you're having a gallstone attack - give this easy remedy a try - it's worth the $7. Apparently ACV has all kinds of other benefits too if you drink it daily.

Patrick (Boynton Beach, Florida /usa) on 07/08/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I was scheduled to have my Gall bladder removed approximetely six months ago, unfortunely I have COPD and hardening of the Arteries and the Surgeon did not get proper clearence from my Pulmonist and cardiac doctors so that day, the Hospital cancelled my appointment until I went through a series of tests, now remember I have been in serious pain for six weeks and the the ultrasound showed my Gallbladder full and I could get no relief but to eat beets and beet juice very little relief but it did help, until I read about Apple cider Vinegar three tablestones with six ounces of water or apple juice three times a day. I have been pain free for four months now and refuse to get the gallbladder removed because the surgeon and my doctor knew that the ACV does work but never told me about it. I found it on the Web, thank goodness I never miss taking my ACV three times a day. I feel like a new man gained a few pounds because now I can eat, I'm still careful with my fat intake but Pain Free
REPLY   2      

April (Toronto, Ontario) on 06/29/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV and Apple juice so works cant believe it- bought german cider vinegar with mother ( Cloudeness) timed it. After an hour pressure and nagging pain 90% diminished. Thank you Ann so much, so afraid of an iodine injection CT scan just to see the problem, will try this for awhile to see how it goes.

Ann (Midland, Mi) on 06/13/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I was in a great amount of pain yesterday and today that radiated from under my ribs into my mid-back. Horrible!!! I googled "immediate gall bladder pain relief" and this site came up. I drank 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar (Organic) with 8 oz 100% apple juice. I experienced relief within about an hour. Whew!! I'm going in the morning to have an ultrasound of my gall bladder. I do not want to have it removed. I'm very happy the pain is gone for now. Very thankful!

Ann Midland, MI


Amber (Sacramento, California) on 05/30/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have suffered from gallbladder attacks for a couple of years now. A vegetarian diet does minimize my attacks to about once a year ( I do indulge in goodies on occasion)

I had my first attack in over a year tonight and it was so severe. I came across this site and have raw ACV about an hour or so later I am 90% pain free. First 10 minutes I felt relief. Thank you so much for this information. I am truly grateful.

Grateful from Sacramento, Amber


Susan (Westlake Village, Ca) on 12/04/2012:
4 out of 5 stars

Wow - I can't believe how fast this remedy works! I just took about 1/2 a glass of Apple Cider Vinegar. I didn't have apple juice, so put in some pear juice. It was a bit hard to swallow down, but 30 min. Later, my pain is greatly reduced. I've been feeling absolutely aweful for about a week - pain, a pressure/bruised feeling under my right ribs and a sharp pain through my back between my spine and right shoulder blade, gas, diarrhea, nauseau and some vomiting. I went in to see a specialist yesterday and he ordered blood tests (liver and thyroid too) and a fasting ultrasound which I just had this morning. But waiting days for a result has been aweful. He said if I get a fever or the pain is excruciating, go right to the ER. I took the drink about 30 min. Ago and I'm much more comfortable. I wouldn't say it's completely gone, but I definitely feel better.

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REPLY   4      

Emerson (Newton, Ma) on 12/02/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been having episodes with my gallbladder and scheduled for surgery. I am already regulating my diet even more but last night, felt another episode coming. I found this page before I was doubled up in pain. Unf it was too late and the stores open only had apple juice from concentrate and non organic apple cider vinegar. I started taking it before the pain was 100% (compared to previous episodes). I was careful to also stay upright the whole time.

The cocktail did work - pain subsided slowly over an hour. In an hour I was better but it had not completely subsided so I took another serving. It continued to subside but I had some stomach acidity. That said, the acidity was manageable (i.e. , wont keep me from going to sleep or not requiring Zantac). I would rather have that over the intense pain that emanates from underneath my ribs to all the way to the back. I will be going to stock up on organic apple juice/apple cider in case I need it again. Thanks ANN for sharing.


Sue (Flagstaff, Arizona) on 10/05/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Works like a charm!! Been having bad gallbladder pain for nearly 3 hours, and trying to sleep, I decided to check online for remedies. I found this and unfortunately didnt have apple cider vinegar, but used distilled white vinegar. Mixed the drink about 10 minutes ago, and still half of the cup left and my pain is going away!!! Thank you so much for this site and the testimonials... I can sleep!! =)

Denise (Santa Rosa, Ca) on 09/12/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Wow! I am so incredibly grateful to those who offered the apple juice/act remedy! Was in severe pain with my second attack and headed to a 24 hour grocery store to buy these items. Nausea was so bad that when I left the store I got sick in the parking lot. Drove home crying and in terrible pain and made the drink. That was a half hour ago. I'm now heading for a bubble bath and to sleep! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Jon (Oakland, Tn) on 08/27/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

This page and remedy is a lifesaver! I had two gallbladder attacks last week that put me in the ER two nights in a row. The first night night, I thought it was gas, and all the Dr did was give me narcotics until the pain stopped. I got 3 doses of morphine which took the edge off just a tiny bit if anything. Finally they gave me some dilauded which worked in about 30 seconds. They discharged me and I went home to sleep off the drugs.

The second night, I had a different ER Dr. He gave me a "GI cocktail" which was mylanta, mixed with viscous lidocain (to numb everything), and a third ingredient. It worked in about 10 minutes. Said I had GERD, gave me a prescription for Prilosec, and sent me home. The next day I saw a GI specialist, who properly thought it was my Gallbladder. The next morning I had the HIDA test and my gallbladder didn't even show up on the radiological camera photos.

Last night I felt the discomfort and pressure of another gallbladder attack coming on. I did some googleing and found this page. My wife had some apple cider vinegar and my kids had 2 100% organic apple juice left. I made the potion and in 15 minutes the symptoms were almost completely gone. In 30 minutes I was back to normal.

Thank You! I was worried this was a bogus remedy, but it works. Thank God!


Shanny (Wheat Ridge, Co) on 07/18/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I'm in the middle of a gallstone attack and was reading this trying to find a home remedy for the pain. I'm pretty suspicious when reading cures online but out of desperation I went and bought ACV and apple juice. Now this is after taking two vicodins. About an hour and a half after taking the 2nd vicodin I was still having pain. So I tried the ACV and apple juice - about a 1/2 cup of ACV and the rest apple juice to make it taste better. Within about 20-30 minutes - the pain has subsided signifcantly enough to make me want to share this. For me, it may be a combination of the pain medicine and the ACV but the pain medicine wasn't cutting it after being in my system for at least 2 and a 1/2 hours total - I took the 1st pill, waited about an hour then since pain was getting worse, took another pill. As I mentioned - about an hour and a half later the pain was still bad - but I was able to drive to the store. So glad I did. If you're having a gallstone attack - give this easy remedy a try - it's worth the $7. Apparently ACV has all kinds of other benefits too if you drink it daily.

Patrick (Boynton Beach, Florida /usa) on 07/08/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I was scheduled to have my Gall bladder removed approximetely six months ago, unfortunely I have COPD and hardening of the Arteries and the Surgeon did not get proper clearence from my Pulmonist and cardiac doctors so that day, the Hospital cancelled my appointment until I went through a series of tests, now remember I have been in serious pain for six weeks and the the ultrasound showed my Gallbladder full and I could get no relief but to eat beets and beet juice very little relief but it did help, until I read about Apple cider Vinegar three tablestones with six ounces of water or apple juice three times a day. I have been pain free for four months now and refuse to get the gallbladder removed because the surgeon and my doctor knew that the ACV does work but never told me about it. I found it on the Web, thank goodness I never miss taking my ACV three times a day. I feel like a new man gained a few pounds because now I can eat, I'm still careful with my fat intake but Pain Free
REPLY   2      

April (Toronto, Ontario) on 06/29/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV and Apple juice so works cant believe it- bought german cider vinegar with mother ( Cloudeness) timed it. After an hour pressure and nagging pain 90% diminished. Thank you Ann so much, so afraid of an iodine injection CT scan just to see the problem, will try this for awhile to see how it goes.

Ann (Midland, Mi) on 06/13/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I was in a great amount of pain yesterday and today that radiated from under my ribs into my mid-back. Horrible!!! I googled "immediate gall bladder pain relief" and this site came up. I drank 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar (Organic) with 8 oz 100% apple juice. I experienced relief within about an hour. Whew!! I'm going in the morning to have an ultrasound of my gall bladder. I do not want to have it removed. I'm very happy the pain is gone for now. Very thankful!

Ann Midland, MI


Amber (Sacramento, California) on 05/30/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have suffered from gallbladder attacks for a couple of years now. A vegetarian diet does minimize my attacks to about once a year ( I do indulge in goodies on occasion)

I had my first attack in over a year tonight and it was so severe. I came across this site and have raw ACV about an hour or so later I am 90% pain free. First 10 minutes I felt relief. Thank you so much for this information. I am truly grateful.

Grateful from Sacramento, Amber

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