Article Q&A
due to RA I go tru a litle bottle in no time, I want to make a big batch If I multiply the ingrediens by10 and use immersion stick mixer will that work?
I have A-FIB 24/7 and declined the meds. as I think the body is self regulating.
Have used a maintenace dose of nattokinase for decades and kept the arteries clean, have since changed to 5 caps of 100mg and added 2 caps o 120000 SU d.r. sarrapeptase usully during the nite.
beenfollowing EC posts daily for decates when TED was giving most of the advice.
Too bad that never the blood type is mentioned.
take care
Gerrit at 95
Hi Gerrit,
Thank you for answering the question of, "does melatonin lotion (ML) help rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pain" as I wasn't positive whether it did or not as I have never had someone test it for that purpose until now! It worked for OA and PA, but I wasn't sure about RA. Can you tell me how you use it for RA and how it helps in your experience?
To answer your question, yes it will work, but always remember that you have to dissolve the melatonin powder in the gin, before adding the lotion or the finished product will be weak or not effective enough!
I don't mean to try and talk you out of using ML for your RA, but a potentially more effective and less expensive remedy for various forms of arthritis, in my experience, is borax, which has kept my psoriatic arthritis in remission for over 16 years and is a very inexpensive remedy that also offers potential to fend off osteopenia and osteoporosis.
Here is a link to the Earth Clinic (EC) Borax page :
The above EC link gives information on multiple uses for borax as well as dosing information for arthritis and much more!
Until you have completed a test of borax, you can use the ML simultaneously. Studies suggest that melatonin can help arthritis and even offer some joint protective effects, but for me borax was life changing keeping my joints pain free for all of these years. It doesn't work for everyone, but seems to work for the greater majority of people who test it. I gave it the full 3 to 4 months as suggested by Dr. Rex Newnham who originally discovered the use of boron or borax for various forms of arthritis back in the 1960s/1970s. My PA was severe and it took about three months for me to become pain free, but I already felt benefit within the first month.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do and thank you again for the feedback on ML for RA pain relief!
Thanks ART for anwsering my question. I did try borax in a 2/3 liter of leguet 1/4 tsp and filling the cup during the day .My best response is if I can keep the urine PH over 7 measured with a PH meter and keep on a alkaline diet I'm not doing too bad. I'm doing the gluten free diet and baking my own bread and being an asperger to boot witch is I believe 1 1/2 % of the population, very sensetive people VERY sensative to EMF. the main reason I like to go with TM the effect of sleeping better. Even with 150mg oral melatonen it did not help much, many times the orral MT would cramp my fingers espescially if it the surroundings are cool.and that would happen with a lower dose also.
Hi again, Gerrit, Interestingly melatonin is useful for some with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to help with sleep, but as discussed in the following link may also offer further benefit for other ASD symptoms, but I would expect those benefits would likely be most likely with extended use of both oral melatonin and ML together over an extended period of time :
Here is a relevant quote from the link:
' Melatonin is used to treat sleep difficulties associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). There are growing evidence that melatonin could have an effect on other symptoms than sleep, such as anxiety, depression, pain, and gastrointestinal dysfunctions. '
I do not understand the word you used, "league, "so I wasn't quite sure what you meant with that sentence. I have found that 360 mg of oral melatonin could not come close to the pain relieving effect of melatonin lotion (ML).
(Abbotsford BC Canada)
I was searching for the word liqaid as not solid. Been poor in splelling all my life in Holland, emigrated when I was 19.and here in Canada same thing.
By the way my son retired platoon chief at the fire dept. asked me if I ever looked up the word Asperger nice guy. I know I was different.
Thanks ART
Article Q&A
After I used high dose of melatonin for sleep problem for a while, I got joint pain on knees. I thought melatonin supposed to make pain better not cause pain. Then I searched internet, people review said melatonin cause them big deal of pain. website address is "" people were talking about serious joint pain all over their body caused by melatonin.
My question is if oral melatonin taking make my joint pain, what about melatonin lotion? can I still use melatonin lotion even I cannot take melatonin orally.
Hi Lynn,
In my experience, people have reported on the internet that melatonin can worsen joint pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but on the other hand, I have gotten reports that it helped. As with most medications and supplements for specific health issues, it usually comes down to trial and error. For RA, studies seem to reflect this conundrum also, when it comes to RA and melatonin.
As far as oral melatonin, in my testing, I have not gotten any reports of pain relief of any significance, whereas, melatonin lotion (ML) has resulted in pain relief from many various pain issues as discussed here :
I would also add that that list of 40 has grown to 43.
ML is relatively inexpensive to make and test and doesn't seem to have many of the severe side effects that pain relieving NSAIDS can have as discussed here :
Here is a very relevant quote from the above link :
' Each year, the side effects of long-term NSAID use cause nearly 103, 000 hospitalizations and 16, 500 deaths. More people die each year from NSAIDs-related complications than from AIDS and cervical cancer in the United States.'
Keep in mind that is just for the USA and does not include the rest of the world! By comparison, see how many deaths you can find caused by melatonin each year and I can promise you that the two are not even comparable!
I'm not saying that ML can alleviate every kind of pain, it can't, but it certainly seems worth testing considering its known safety profile, at least for most people. As with anything else used to relieve pain, it will not be agreeable with everyone, but if it is, it offers many other potential health benefits whereas NSAIDS which are also used for pain relief, mainly only help for pain management and not much else.
If you prefer NSAIDS which are readily available and also relatively inexpensive, you might keep the following in mind. Acetaminophen, an NSAID, also known as Tylenol, among other names, is often used for pain reduction and is the number one cause of liver transplants in the USA and the number two cause of liver transplants in the world as discussed here :
Here is a relevant quote from the link :
' Acetaminophen toxicity is the second most common cause of liver transplantation worldwide and the most common cause of liver transplantation in the US. It is responsible for 56, 000 emergency department visits, 2, 600 hospitalizations, and 500 deaths per year in the United States. Fifty percent of these are unintentional overdoses. More than 60 million Americans consume acetaminophen on a weekly basis, and many are unaware that it is contained in combined products. '
If melatonin did the same as the above quote about Acetaminophen, it would be banned by the FDA immediately!
To answer your question, ' if oral melatonin taking make my join pain, what about melatonin lotion? can I still use melatonin lotion even I cannot take melatonin orally. '
I would say if oral melatonin causes you pain, then you might not want to consider ML among your pain relieving options.
Thank you answered my question. I am just wondering that you use high dose of melatonin for a while, did you ever have jointing pain after you take melatonin? I am ask this because I am still think maybe my joint pain caused not by melatonin, because before I do not have any problem for any my joints, after I changed melatonin pills to melatonin gummies. is something in gummies made my joint pain? I stoped melatonin gummies from Saturday night, today is Tuesday noon, I feel a little bit better on my knee pain. I hope after 2 weeks I will be normal.
Hi Lynn,
Yes, I have used higher dose melatonin for many years. I have not experienced joint pain from taking melatonin, but I have seen reports on the internet that some people with rheumatoid arthritis have. On the other hand, I have seen reports that melatonin does not increase joint pain for people with RA, so that is a bit puzzling to me. I've gone as high as 180 mg, but I am now very likely higher than that amount because I take melatonin orally and topically everyday.
Article Q&A
Hi Mary P,
So the one quarter teaspoon is all melatonin and it equals approximately 750 mg of melatonin. You have to consider that melatonin capsules contain a significant amount of fillers so it will take much more than a 1/4 teaspoon of these capsules to get to 750 mg of actual melatonin. It will take the amount of capsules that it takes to equal 750 mg of melatonin. So if you have 10 mg capsules, it will take approximately 75 of these 10 mg capsules to get to that 750 mg area and you can see that 75 capsules is going to be way more than a quarter teaspoon.
There will also be a problem with the solubility of the fillers which may not dissolve in gin and will make the lotion feel gritty. Another potential problem is that some of the fillers may dissolve in the gin, but that may preclude the melatonin from fully dissolving in the gin in which case you will essentially have a diluted mix which may not be effective at all.
I recommended melatonin powder because that is what my friends used and found effective. Since those first three friends reported their results, many other friends and acquaintances have also reported significant benefits from using that same mix.
I highly recommend following what they did in order to make an effective melatonin lotion.
A few friends have reported that mixing all three ingredients together at once by mistake, produced a lotion that gave little to no pain relief. You have to thoroughly dissolve the melatonin in the gin first and then add the lotion to that mix, otherwise the lotion will offer little to no benefit.
Melatonin Gel Recipe
And Here :
In several other posts I mentioned about using Melatonin Gel (MG) mainly for my face because Melatonin and Aloe Vera Gel are both very good for the skin. Aloe Vera Gel products generally have way less "extra ingredients" than the Cetaphil Lotion I use for the ML and now I consider that another plus for MG over ML. ML can not be used near the eyes because of all of those other ingredients in the Cetaphil lotion can cause blurry vision and burning in the eyes if you apply it to close to the eyes.
In another recent post I mentioned how a friend had found ML to be very effective for her hemorrhoids with fast relief of pain after applying as well as longer term shrinkage of the hemorrhoids.
I wrote that friend back to suggest that she use the MG instead of the ML for her hemorrhoids because the rectum can have high absorption characteristics for certain molecules and perhaps absorbing all of the other ingredients in Cetaphil may not be optimal for the person using it. I explained to her how to make the MG by doing the following:
1. Use a 3 oz. bottle with a flip top lid or similar for dispensing the finished gel.
2. Add 1 oz. of gin to the bottle.
3. Add 1/4 level baker's measuring teaspoon of melatonin powder to the bottle, replace the lid and shake the bottle until the melatonin is fully dissolved and then remove the lid.
4. Add two ounces of Aloe Vera Gel to the bottle, replace the lid and shake the bottle very well until the gel is well mixed. The gel is now ready for use.
Please note that I am only using one ounce of gin in this mix and two ounces of aloe vera to try and reduce the gin to the absolute minimum and allow for more of the skin beneficial effects that the aloe vera gel has to offer.
I have mainly been using this MG mix now because I can use it in all the same places that I used the ML as well as other areas such as the face and for hemorrhoids as well as other sensitive areas if ever needed and I find the MG at least as effective as the ML. I do not have to keep two bottles around any more and the MG also has a very modest scent that should be tolerable for most people, while having less "extra ingredients" than the ML, which is better for some people who prefer less ingredients.
Several articles and studies have suggested that Aloe Vera Gel itself is quite good for the skin as discussed here :
Here is a relevant quote from the link :
' Its regenerative properties are due to the compound glucomannan, which is rich with polysaccharides like mannose. Glucomannan affects fibroblast growth factor receptors and stimulates their activity and proliferation, which in turn increases the production of collagen. Aloe vera gel can not only increase the amount of collagen in wounds but also change the composition of collagen, increase collagen cross-linking and thereby promote wound healing.11 Scientific studies have shown that the gel can increase the flexibility and reduce the fragility of the skin since 99% of the gel is water.4 Additionally, mucopolysaccharides along with amino acids and zinc present in Aloe vera can lead to skin integrity, moisture retention, erythema reduction, and helps to prevent skin ulcers.12 Several studies have shown the positive effects of Aloe vera to treat wounds such as psoriasis, mouth sores, ulcers, diabetes, herpes, bedsores, and burn wounds.1, 4, 6, 13-15 Aloe vera is known for its anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, skin protection, anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antiseptic, and wound healing properties.6 '
Melatonin is also quite protective of the skin as discussed here :
Here is a relevant quote from the link :
' However, over the last two decades, research has elucidated a range of effects associated with the compound, including anti-inflammatory, both direct and indirect antioxidant activity, tissue regenerative benefits, and preservation of mitochondrial function. Melatonin's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant support, coupled with its mitochondrial support, make it an intriguing target for use to support skin health. Human skin and hair follicles express functional melatonin receptors. They also engage in substantial melatonin synthesis. By supporting cutaneous homeostasis, melatonin and its metabolites are thought to attenuate carcinogenesis and possibly other pathological processes, including hyperproliferative/inflammatory conditions. The primary extrinsic driver of aging has been considered to be exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, which is well-established to contribute to sunburn, immunosuppression, skin aging, and carcinogenesis. Topically applied melatonin has been shown to reduce markers of reactive oxygen species formation and to reverse signs of skin aging. As the global population continues to age, photo-damage remains a significant cutaneous concern. While use of sunscreens and UV avoidance strategies are essential to mitigate skin cancer risks, the potential to protect the skin and improve the appearance of photo-damage through the use of topical antioxidant support is appealing. The evidence suggests that melatonin deserves consideration for topical use as an anti-aging and skin protective agent. It is shown to be both safe and effective when topically applied. J Drugs Dermatol. 2018;17(8):966-969. '
If any one decides to try this newer Melatonin Gel, please send your feedback! Even better if you have already tried the melatonin lotion and have a basis for comparison.
These studies seem off. "99% of the gel is water.4 Additionally, mucopolysaccharides along with amino acids and zinc present in Aloe vera can lead to skin integrity, moisture retention, erythema" That teeny 1% of "mucopolysaccharides along with amino acids and zinc" must be quite powerful? UV light causing immunosuppression? I had read the opposite, it is the UV which boosts the immune system. No disrespect, Art. Just scratching my head.
Hi Confused,
I have mainly switched to melatonin gel because it works at least as well as the lotion, has much less "extra ingredients", has the same pain relieving effects and it can be used in sensitive areas which are questionable for the lotion. I really like the fact that I can use it around my eyes without irritation and the fact that the aloe gel, like melatonin, can help fractures heal faster.
I'm not telling people not to use the lotion, just updating as the science continues to expand and the melatonin gel seems like a natural evolution to melatonin lotion.
Psoriasis and Hyperpigmentation
Here is a relevant study quote :
' Also a significant decrease of 35% (mean (SD) of 2.67 (0.98) to 1.74 (1.12)) and 51% (mean (SD) of 2.67 (0.98) to 1.31 (1.13)) in PASI score, and 40% (mean (SD) of 5.00 (1.58) to 3.00 (1.76))and 61% (mean (SD) of 5.00 (1.58) to 1.92 (1.71)) in DSS score on days 30 and 60 with melatonin cream, 5% w/w (P < 0.001) compared with baseline were observed, respectively. In each of the melatonin or rosuvastatin groups, DLQI improved significantly on days 30 (P < 0.0001) and 60 (P < 0.001) while the changes in the control group were not significant. '
I had already reported that it was synergistic with certain psoriasis medications in the list of 40 items (#34) and helped eczema of the scalp (#6) while other studies suggest it can be useful for atopic dermatitis and other skin conditions, as discussed here :
Here is a relevant quote :
' It has cytoprotective, immunomodulatory, and anti-apoptotic effects. Melatonin is also one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, directly acting on free radicals and the intracellular antioxidant enzyme system. Furthermore, it participates in antitumor activity, hypopigmentation processes in hyperpigmentary disorders, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulating activity in inflammatory dermatoses, maintaining the integrity of the epidermal barrier and thermoregulation of the body. Due predominantly to its positive influence on sleep, melatonin can be used in the treatment of sleep disturbances for those with chronic allergic diseases accompanied by intensive itching (such as atopic dermatitis and chronic spontaneous urticaria). According to the literature data, there are also many proven uses for melatonin in photoprotection and skin aging (due to melatonin's antioxidant effects and role in preventing damage due to DNA repair mechanisms), hyperpigmentary disorders (e.g., melasma) and scalp diseases (such as androgenic alopecia and telogen effluvium). '
It seems that we are just scratching the surface of what melatonin lotion can do!