Here's a suggestion for all those folks who write, "What if I go out to dinner with friends- How can I have my ACV/ Baking Soda or other concoction close to hand? I guess I'll just have to run home!
You can make up a tiny travel kit or "night out" kit.
If you are male, check with your women friends about what they use for travelling with makeup, etc. Tell them what you need to carry and ask for suggestions how- We ladies are quite resourceful with this kind of thing :).
I have travelled with a 1-ounce bottle of ACV and a baby food jar of Baking Soda. It takes up almost no room, and is right there when you need it. You don't have to lug a quart jar of ACV out to dinner with you.
It may work for you to place your small kit in the glove compartment of your car on your way out the door (Maybe not a good idea to leave it in there 24/7), or in a manpurse if you carry one. Or in the pocket of your parka.
Just put enough pre-measured in the container for one or two applications. That alleviates the need for measuring.
There are small, flat liquid and solid containers in the cosmetic department of Walmart, other department stores or beauty supply stores which you can use for things like this.
You can use empty, cleaned baby food jars from the grocery for powders. That's just an example. Stick one of baking soda in your glovebox so thsat it's there when you need it.
It's quite possible to get creative and come up with a tiny little, one-or-two application kit which will meet your specific needs.
Just sit down and work it out once and the problem is solved.
Hope this helps someone-