If you are still a routine reader after all these years please let me know the maximum dose of chlorophyll considered to be safe for my 10 year old anemic (17%) CRF kitty or would appreciate anyone's advice on helping him to regenerate red blood cells naturally. Thank you all so much!
Marilyn & Lit'l Guy
My 15 year old indoor cat was sleeping a lot, thin, lethargic, not eating or drinking, sitting with her chin over the water dish a lot, had difficulty urinating/defecating. Previously the vet said her kidneys were failing and she had to have special vet-only kd formula food. After reading the ingredients in the expensive kd (they were of poor quality) I bought a no-grain food, which she did very well on for a few months. She regained energy and her coat became very fluffy and clean, she put on weight. A few new cats came to live with her and she got sick again, don't know if there's a corelation. I made her drink yogurt, aloe juice, garlic powder, turmeric, basil, a variety of MSM gel, apple cidar vinegar. I mixed the above variously into a couple tablespoons of yogurt and made her drink it from a medicine dropper. She resisted, but if you hold her on her back and press the dropper into the back corner of her mouth she has to swallow it. It didn't seem to do much other than keep her hydrated, so probably plain yogurt and MSM would be the only thing to give. I tried those things because I figured her digestion was messed up somehow, and she had the same symptoms the vet called kidney failure and dehydration. Additionally, I mixed a chlorophyll supplement I'd been taking into her water bowl, and some aloe juice with citric acid into another. She improved overnight. But she would sit with her chin over the water bowl and started getting an infection under her chin from the damp chlorophyll caking into her fur. I took away the chlorophyll water and her health declined again, so I started giving it to her mixed into tuna juice instead, so she drinks it all right away. I quit giving her the yogurt after I noticed the dramatic improvement from the chlorophyll (about 4 days). Once a day/every-other-day I break open a capsule and stir it into a dish of tuna juice, the water kind - not the oil kind, don't give the oil, they say it interferes with vitamin E or something... (Press the juice out of the tuna and set the tuna aside. Don't get the tuna that has broth in the ingredient list, broth is supposedly one of the ways they hide glutamic acid (think MSG) in things. You might want to get the low sodium kind, too. She's had both. She drinks almost a whole can's worth of juice.)She also turned her nose up at raw beef and chicken while she was sick, but she gobbled up raw chicken liver, especially the blood as if she was starving. Raw chicken liver is cheap. They say chlorophyll is like hemoglobin, so maybe that's why it works for her. She's been on the chlorophyll for a month or so now. Her eyes have that black crust on the inner corners, and one eye was watering tonight. But she's going about with her tail up lately (she never was perky, so the tail up is a vast improvement) and comes to the door when I arrive. She also seemed to have a soreness to her hips or lower abdomen which is much improved. I'm going to keep giving it to her for a while, but I have to figure out a way to get her to ingest it without the tuna juice, don't know if that much tuna juice is healthy. She may have been a victim of the tainted pet food, she first got sick shortly after that all happened. Her reflexes and allertness seem to have improved as well, better than before she got sick, even. They say only give raw liver a few times a week because of all the vitamin A in it, or something. She won't eat the chlorophyll if I mix it into gravy or chicken broth, so far just tuna juice.
Try Lysine 500mg from Vetriscience, helped with Herpes virus around eyes, which created dark crusts of tearing.
Chronic Renal Failure in Dogs
There are many posts offering remedies for cats with kidney disease but very few, if any, for dog remedies. Can you please tell me what info you have and where I might find this information?
LOVE THE SITE STARTED USING IT 16 years ago and was actually lucky enough to correspond with Ted. XOXO
Chronic Renal Failure Remedies
She threw up the next day and has not eaten since and when I took her to the vet they said she has pancreatitis and stage 4 kidney failure and said I should put her down but I could not do that since she appeared totally fine and her happy self before the day I made a huge mistake by giving her dry dog food. She has not eaten for 2 weeks. The vet said I would have to give her IV fluids daily for the rest of her life. She was throwing up but has stopped with 4 days of Cerenia medication. She is drinking water and keeping it down for now
Everything I have read pertains to cats only. I have not found anything on EC regarding dogs.
In reply to Bea (Ca),
Please ask your vet if they can try melatonin for your dog. Given that your vet is recommending putting your dog down, he/she may be open to melatonin. Melatonin is protective of the kidneys and is also helpful for pancreatitis while having a very good safety profile. The main problem is that most studies are rodent studies and dog studies are likely to be rare or non-existent so you only have the rodent or human studies to go from. Dogs can take melatonin, but your veterinarian will have to determine the dose. For such a small dog, you may be looking at the area of one or two milligrams or maybe even less. Here are a few studies which discuss melatonin:
Good luck with your dog, Bea!
(Franklin, Tn)
I had a similar situation. If your pet is having a bathroom issue with bowel movements, ask the vet to administer an enema first. Next, buy GRAIN-FREE canned dog food from a pet store or Whole Foods. Buy the best quality you can afford. If you understand all the ingredients, that's a good start to begin with. Mix the canned food with filtered water and a teaspoon of raw, organic apple cider vinegar to the consistency of slurried mashed potatoes. If the dog eats it, feed again on schedule. If the dog is unable to eat it, replace the food with a fresh batch on schedule. Consider not feeding dry food unless it's GRAIN-FREE and very high quality. There are LOTS of chemicals in conventional grains. Your dog's organs probably can't handle them any longer. Once I switched my very sick, beloved old pet over to the above regimen, it was a life-saver.
Chronic Renal Failure Remedies
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Reuven!
Sorry about your kitty.
Here are some general remedies for you to consider:
*Aloe vera juice – no preservatives - 2-3 ml dosed orally in the morning and the same dose at night. Use syringe to administer if your cat isn't drinking readily on his own.
*ACV in the water – 3 tablespoons per liter; use a syringe to administer if your cat won't drink it. Always dilute the ACV as full strength is unpalatable to your cat and may cause stinging or choking.
*Cold pressed virgin coconut oil - about 1/8 teaspoon, along with 1/8 teaspoon slippery elm bark - both in the wet food, morning and night. [Note; make sure the wet or canned food is a low protien or senior formula]
*Fresh dandelion - half of one small leaf from your garden chopped up fine and added to soft food three times a week, or in fresh is not available use 1/2 a capsule of dried dandelion root. If you can't get your cat to eat the fresh leaf, try putting about 5 drops of dandelion liquid tincture in 4 cups of pure drinking water. **Do not dose undiluted tinctures as they may sting and burn sensitive mouth tissues or cause choking.**
*Standard Process's "feline renal support"- needs to be prescribed by your vet
* Chitosan, a natural, non-toxic fiberous crustacean when given with a meal helps absorb phosphorous that is responsible for nausea with kidney-impaired animals.
* Fish Oil: helps with inflammation
* Dark Turkey Meat: (and the BARF diet) Dark meat has less phosphorous than white meat, so is easier on the kidneys. [Turkey is much easier on animals with CRF than chicken.]
* Phosphatidylcholine - Used clinically to regenerate the liver, kidneys, heart, brain, intestines. It's "important for normal celluar membrane composition and repair", occurs naturally in egg yolk and krill oil, and appears in small quatities in lecithin. (Phosphatidylcholine can be purchased as a supplement with 35% phosphatidylcholine with lecithin. ) Works best when taken with Vitamin C.
Please also check this out for additional ideas and support:
(Myrtle Beach, Sc)
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Butterflyrose!
If this were my cat I would certainly try the first two - Aloe Vera juice and ACV- as they are very easy to come by and not expensive; visit your local whole foods grocery or coop or health food store to find them.
*Aloe Vera juice – no preservatives - 2-3 ml dosed orally in the morning and the same dose at night. Use syringe to administer if your cat isn't drinking readily on his own.
*ACV in the water – 3 tablespoons per liter; use a syringe to administer if your cat won't drink it. Always dilute the ACV as full strength is unpalatable to your cat and may cause stinging or choking.
I would then go down the list and consider each remedy carefully; can you obtain it? Is it going to cost you half your paycheck? Does the remedy resonate with you? Sometimes if something doesn't feel right it isn't right - so consider each and go with your gut. Also consider the support forum for additional ideas on how to care for your baby during this next phase of his/her life.
(Myrtle Beach, Sc)
Theresa, Thank u for fast reply! I'm unemployed so things are very bad. I have ACV already tho because I've taken it for myself for a long time. Is there a particular brand of Alon Vera juice u can recommend. I used to drink it myself when I had horrible reflux. Do u know anything about Azodyl. Vet recommend fed it. It it's expensive. $50 for one month supply! Thank u so much. Ds
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Butterflyrose!
I have no brand of aloe vera juice - so just what you can afford, as long as its pure and no preservatives; if you have a friend with a live plant, see if you can get 1 big leaf [or several] and then squeeze the juice out to see if your cat will take it.
For sure try the ACV.
As for the Azodyl - I am not seeing that it provides any kind of bang for the buck. I would skip it - JMHO.
(Santa Fe, Nm)
(Santa Fe, Nm)
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Ruth!
Try 1 gram a day - so if you have 500mg capsules give 1 capsule in both the am and pm meals.
Coconut Oil
I've started a regimen of a bit of coconut oil - about 1/8 teaspoon, along with 1/8 teaspoon slippery elm bark - both in her wet food, morning and night. I melt the coconut oil in her dish in the microwave for 11-12 seconds, mix with the slippery elm bark, then mix in with her wet food.
She's also on methimazole for the thyroid condition (ointment form applied to the inner ear flaps). Since I started the coconut oil, the blood in her stool has greatly diminished-almost gone! It's also helped her put on a little weight.
The slippery elm for her CRF has diminished the lip-smacking sounds of chronic dehydration (though she drinks a lot of water), also diminished is her desire to sit on her haunches (like a meat-loaf); now she'll lay on either side, sometimes even stretch out-it's wonderful!
The quality of the cold-pressed virgin coconut oil made a difference. It was pricey-but a 16 oz jar will last me at least 6 months, more than I could say for any chemical vet medication-meant to only treat the symptoms-just like human meds in the United States. Keeping us sick keeps us as a patient who will always be a return customer-our economy sadly thrives on this.
Regardless, my old friend is now a thriving geriatric feline-thanks to Earth Clinic and those of you who took the time to post!
Colloidal Silver
Dandelion Leaves
Our senior cat Pepper who is about 15 years old developed problems over a year ago, which started with listlessness, loss of appetite/drinking and vomiting. We took her to a Vet and was informed that she was not drinking enough and needed to be rehydrated, so she was kept overnight at the clinic for tests and was rehydrated by IV. The Vet later informed us that because of her age her kidneys were failing and tests showed they were in poor shape, he also said she would need to be on medication and a low protein diet which could only be purchased at the clinic.
After the awful ordeal of having to pop a pill down her throat every day, she showed no improvement and her symtoms actually got worse and she was deteriorating faster and was looking like a bone rack. I tried every kind of food to try to tempt her to eat but she would only eat about a teaspoon of food. It was very upsetting to see her so ill and thin so I returned to the Vet who told me that the kindest thing I could do was to put her to sleep. :( My family and I decided not to go that route and brought her back home.
After extensive researching on the net I found that others pets had gotten worse from this medication so I stopped giving it to her.
I also learned online that dandelion leaves were great for flushing the kidneys and body of toxins, so I started giving her a fresh one from the garden and chopping and mixing some through her soft food.
With the help of organic baby food and a fresh dandelion leaf daily, she slowly regained her appetite and stopped vomiting and was drinking lots of water.
A year later she has now fully regained her weight and is eating her regular crunchies and soft food and has a healthy appetite. The only thing now is she drinks huge amounts of water which I was told was the bodies way of flushing toxins out of the system which is due to her age and failing kidneys.
Two weeks ago she got a bladder infection and was straining to uninate but was only passing small drops, so I reseached the net and found EARTH CLINIC, after one day of giving her organic apple cider vinegar in her soft food and drinking bowl she started to unrinate and has been fine since.
"Another one of mother earths natural remedies"
We are now keeping Pepper on the apple cider vinegar perminately and our new kitten also.
Quess what? she is now also starting to drink normal amounts of water. :D
Thank you again for this wonderful site.
I hope my feedback also helps others.
P.S In winter I add dried dandelion root to Peppers soft food which I purchase in my health food store.
We add 1/2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to her soft food and 1/2 a teaspoon to two cups of her drinking water every day.
fresh dandelion half of one small leaf from my garden chopped up fine and added to soft food three times a week, in winter 1/2 a capsule of dried dandelion root.
If you can't get your cat to eat the fresh leaf, try putting about 5 drops of dandelion liquid tinture in a full bowl of drinking water.
Don't ever administer full strenth cider vinegar or dandelion root directly into your pets mouth.
This would choke them.
(Charlotte, NC)
Sorry.... Saw that you HAD written the ACV dosage in your post, I just missed it. But then another question: how did you decide on this dosage? Some ppl have tried 50:50, some say 5-7 drops in half a litre of water is safe coz too much can CAUSE kidney stones by pushing the urine's ph too far in the opposite direction... There is too much variation for me to know what might be beneficial for my cat. Anyone can clear this up for me?
Thank you
(Durban, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa)
Hi there
I'm from South Africa. My dog had a blood transfusion on Monday 21st November 2011. The vet says she is very pale & perhaps she is anemic & can't produce much red blood cells. This could be a cause from tick bite fever as well. She lost weight, gums became whitish yellow & she also lost her appetite, her belly staryed to swell as well.
Due to her being old, 11 years old the vet say her kidneys are failing & heart is under so much strain.
Can dandelion resolve any of the above? What can help produce or increase red blood cells, what can reduce the high ammonia levels for liver damage?
SOS, please help & please provide your contact numbers and country so I can call you, this can help us all.
Regards, Prishen
27325358081 (H)
27828533730 (M)
South Africa, Durban
(Asheville, Nc, Usa)
I should begin by expressing my gratitude for this site as I have been using it for months. This is my first entry.
I have a terrific kitty, now 18. He is basically in good health for his age with only a few mouth/tooth problems expected with age. My fears of an official teeth cleaning with anesthesia was understood by my great vet who's manually scraped off chunks of tarter at office visits. "Meaty" was however throwing up every morning with his first meal and sometimes even without food, gagging up stomach fluids which had settled over night. (He ate normally afterwards. ) He has shown signs of kidney weakness. (throwing up, urinating outside the box, thirst, etc.)
Having used herbs myself for years, I began adding aprox. 1-2oz of an herbal tea infusion I drink daily with nettles, dandelion leaves, nettles, oatstraw, red clover and a couple of tea bags of raspberry-green tea to his water bowl. (aprox 1 cup). All are gentle herbs which cleanse and strengthen and the diluted taste isn't an issue at all. Nettles are amazing. (Read about them) Oats settle the stomach. Red Clover has been even known to help and cure cancers.
I can also attest to slippery elm which saved a very small sweet cat I had who had an anal prolapse at age 15. She had survived the dramatic surgery but a hernia prevented bowel movements. She was given very costly enemas at the vet for several months. At first the vet used a soapy water but another hollistic vet suggested slippery elm to be used with the water which would not only empty the bowels but heal the intestines. She was then known as the "miracle cat" at the hospital as she began pooping on her own with ease and lived another 2 years comfortably. (bone cancer got her) I have also given tiny amounts to her, and now Meaty with catfood occasionally. (1/8-1/4 teas.)
(Tucson, Az)
I dont mess around, my cat gets ACV and water twice a day in large eye dropper...I simply explain to him it is going to make him better and live happier, give him a big we go, then praise him and tell him how good he did...then I flush 2 eye droppers of water to flush...tell him again , good boy...done deal..movin on
Diatomaceous Earth

Recommending diatomaceous earth is not a good idea for any animal in renal failure. Specifically, it is a natural diuretic, so if the animal isn't drinking enough water, it will dehydrate the animal more and will increase BUN and Creatitine values. Also, it is known to cause kidney stones in animals that do not drink enough water. Plus, if the animal is already on a blood pressure medication, it will interact with it.
Dietary Changes
This is the combination:
1 cup cooked white rice, 1 lb cooked ground beef with a higher fat content, 1 cooked boiled egg, 1 slice of white bread. Mix together. For my choc lab who is about 75 lbs, I give 2 cups twice a day. I also give him one omega 3 fish oil capsule once a day. I have also now started to incorporate cut up green beans with the mix.
When he started out, his breath smelled of urine and his coat was dull and the hair was coming out in clumps. 8 mos later, he no longer smells of urine, his coat is shiny and no hair loss. He eats like a horse and plays with his toys again. He has shown no signs of kidney failure up to this point when he should be starting to show signs of the disease according to the vet. I am hopeful that continuing on this diet will keep him healthy. This is my experience and I hope it helps others as well.
(London, England)
@Gail from Colorado Springs, Colorado
Well done for taking such good care of your dog. I just wanted to say please look into the benefits of wholegrain brown rice and bread. White rice and flour/bread are so refined there is no nourishment in them and they will do more harm than good in anyone's diet.
Best wishes, Fi
(Evergreen, Co)
Brown rice and whole grains are too high in phosphorus for kidney pets. Certainly they are more nutritious, but we are dealing w/ kidneys that cannot process phosphorus. Phos is shown to advance kidney disease more than anything else. Hence, the "white" breads and grains.
Anyone needing support is welcome to join my group for CRF dogs and cats on FB:
(Pueblo Of Acoma, Nm)
I too have a CRF dog, Blue, my blue heeler whom I rescued 10 years ago. She had a hard life and as a result, developed kidney problems. The vet wanted her to go on the Hill's KD diet, but she would not eat the awful smelly gray stuff, so I did my own research and now I home cook for all 4 of my dogs. Most vets claim that a low protein diet is necessary for CRF dogs, however, it is actually the phosphorus, not the protein that needs to be low. Low phosphorus protein sources include poultry and fish. It is also important to increase the calcium so I add either eggshells or bone meal to the mix. I use a recipe very similar to Gail's, but I add some oats instead of the bread. I also add green beans and fish oil. We also harvest a free range buffalo every year and so I include some of the organ meat in the mix every so often. They love this! Anyway, all my dogs have benefited from this diet, which included losing excess weight, curing allergies, and they all have shiny coats, bright eyes and lots of energy! I hope this is helpful. Mom of Flower, Lady, Blue and Buddy
Dietary Changes, Supplements
I wrote this same experience on a site that I signed up for when I first started researching CRF. I began receiving at least 25 to 40 emails a day, all incredibly depressing. I kept my mouth shut, or keys still since November, but yesterday, shot off my own email telling my experince with the Vet, K/D, and all the information above. My email was censored and I received a firm slap on the fingers/wrists for "bashing" K/D. I'm beginning to wonder who is behind this website. I'm adding organic apple Cider Vinegar to my kitty's water today, and hope to hear other helpful tips on keeping my kitty's at a high quality of life. I know they don't live as long as us, so while they are here teaching me all of the lessons of life I learn from them, I want to do right by them Thank you, Lyn
(Myrtle Beach, Sc)
Please tell me exactly what was in your cats food.... Raw what? How much?
I struggle hard with depression and am easily overwhelmed. Getting the CRF diagnosis for my baby cat is killing me. Please write back if u can.
Fish oil given how? What dosage?
She's lost 2.5 lbs at least now. Hates taking pills. I hope someone will see this and help me. Thanks greatly. Ds
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Butterflyrose!
The post about RAW diet you are responding to is nearly 1 year old; chances are slim the original poster will reply.
Please read up on making a home made renal diet for your kitty here:
(Melbourne, Victoria)
I mirror your experience... let love win x
Digestive Enzymes, Easy to Digest Food
I now want to help her joint pain from her Pit Bull Attack. She was in it's mouth it shook her- and no internal bleeding one puncture wound that was only her skin layer and she was in shock when I got to her ( I was at work) but I think I will try a ACV bath with a Hydrogen peroxide rinse.
If anyone knows any more body pain I can help her with that would be great.
She is my best friend Hi have had her since i was 19 she is 13 now. She is a grey Korat.
Thanks Everyone who posts here I hope this helps.
Thank you for any help you can offer.
(Baltimore, Maryland Usa)
You might want to try adding wheatgrass (1 scoop of Powder) the product is called "Amazing Grass". This powder is like non other and kept in the freezer. Also add 2-3ml of organic aloe vera to very good food (the best you can get in your location) mix with about a half can of the best food in the morning. Then get the best dry food and leave in the dish for your dog. This has made an incredible difference in our dog, I hope it helps for you.
(Amsterdam, Nh Netherlands)
I can ship dmso to anyone who needs it. just drop a line to mail(at)
Lyme Disease Connection
Raw Food Diet and Miscellaneous Supplements
This is what we did: raw lamb (warms kidneys) and turkey. Mostly lamb 3/4, and boneless turkey 1/4. 1 1/2 or so tbsp of pumpkin daily.
RENAL ESSENTIALS 2x/day (wrapped in a little raw meat..eats like a candy). This product is by Vetriscience. Please try to buy directly through a vet.
Reversed osmosis water only. 3 soups a day of 1/4 cup water with 1 tsp Ziwi Peak (lamp) canned...add treats or raw to get excited.
TONS of massage, esp, in the kidney area...many times a day. (THE BOOK 4 paws and 5 directions is great to learn accupressure etc)
We did a few sessions of acupuncture and will continue. Watch the constipation carefully...if dry poos, add more soups and oil. (olive is ok sometimes, fish depending on the vitamin D situation).
Oh and lots yoga nidra sessions with kitty laying on top.