The Benefits of Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sara (Rialto, California) on 11/10/2010

Hi everyone I am new to this site and the first thing I read about was all the benefits you get from apple cider vinegar and I tried it for heartburn that I had. For awhile I had a really bad stomachache from the heartburn so I did the Apple Cider Vinegar and it went away.

Well about a week later I came down with a really bad sore throat I had trouble swallowing I was getting paranoid cause I cant stand to be sick so I grabbed my Apple Cider Vinegar and did a mouthwash and gargle. Well lol I did it straight no water and after I spit it out I took a breath and couldnt so I held my breath with constant swalling till I could breath again. I guess maybe I should of drank something right after but I didnt. So anyways I was so relieved that my sore throat was gone. I was so happy so to get to the bottom of all this if you are op-ing and you have side effects can you use the Apple Cider Vinegar to clear some of the symptoms I want to do the op-ing but need to know if I can do other things to help with the symptoms thank you and good luck everyone.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cassie (Boston, Ma) on 10/20/2010

I tried this for 3 weeks before I had to go to the dentist on a lark because I hadn't been flossing and I was dreading the blood, pain, and lectures I'm used to at the dentist. I oil swish coconut oil while I'm showering every morning for about 10-15 minutes. Just got back from the dentist yesterday--she said, "Wow. You have really been trying hard! " She said there was virtually no plaque. Plus, when she flossed for me and cleaned and scraped what little plaque there was there was no pain and no bleeding! I'm never stopping! First pleasant trip to the dentist ever.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Iris (Los Angeles, Ca, U.s.) on 08/20/2010

I have been using coconut for oil pullin for 2 days. Today is 8/20/2010.

I was looking for a way to avoid root canals. I had pain in my teeth on both sides of my mouth and just did not want any more root canals. I read in a book written by a dentist that root canals allow bacteria to set up as soon as 24 hours after they are done. And that the bacteria can spread to other parts of your body and cause pain and disease that the medical doctor won't make the connection that the problem is stemming from a root canal whether it was done years ago or just recently. I am happy I found this site. My goodness how can swossing oil around your mouth have such power and allow you to reap such benefits? Here are some of mine:

The first night I found out about oil pulling I just used a cotton swab to massage my gums and teeth with olive oil. The next morning my gums were so sore. I wonder if the oil stirred up the bacteria in my gums. I started oil pulling that morning with coconut oil as I read it killed bacteria. Over a period of some time, my teeth had become yellow, I do not know why as they used to be white, white, white. I oil pulled for 20 minutes. Immediatly I saw that my teeth lightened up tremendously. I was elated. I had used tooth bleach but the procedure would have to be repeated). Mucous began to released as I was doing the oil pulling and continued afterward for probably over an hour (I didn't time it). My teeth are so smooth now (and whiter), only after 2 days of this. When I drink water now, I feel so hydrated and the water taste good just hitting my mouth. This is something I had never even thought of. I didn't know what I was missing until now. The pain in my teeth has lessened. I can still feel a little bit. But it is leaving.

I had pain, first in my right hip, then got tremendous pain in my left hip. Now both areas are almost pain free. Also, I had pain in my neck and shoulders, it is gone. I am feeling twinges of pain I believe in my lung area. I used to wake up practically craving junk food and would have to force myself to eat the healthy organic foods that I always buy. The cravings seem to be gone for the time being. Now I feel stable and want the healthy organic vegetables with no problem. I woke up this morning with a lot of energy and couldn't wait to get out for my morning job. I had gotten to the place where I felt exercise was something I "had to do". Now I am back to the pleasure of taking care of my body. And not only that, my joy of doing things and new ideas are returning. The feeling I have now is: What can I do today. I love this. The relief of these symptoms tells me that bacteria can cast a dreary veil over your life. I am thankful for the founders of this site. Oh, one other thing. My doctor said, I have high sugar but not high enough to be on medication. Sugar is an environment where bacteria can flourish. I believe the cocunut oil pulling has killed a lot of bacteria in internal environment.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Swanny (Swansea, West Glamorgan, United Kingdom) on 05/08/2010

Oil pulling with virgin coconut oil cured my ganglion cyst - I was oil pulling to help my receding gumline...the ganglion cyst (which I have had for many years and was very unsightly) was a complete and unexpected bonus.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Swanny (Swansea, West Glamorgan, United Kingdom) on 05/08/2010

I started Oil pulling with coconut oil about three weeks ago, mainly for receding gums. I haven't actually noticed any improvement yet there, although my teeth are now really white and my gums do look nice and pink, but the main thing I wanted to say was that my unsightly ganglion cyst (with which I have suffered for many,many years) has vanished. Previously I had been bashing it with a bible to get rid (I've also tried red clay mud and huge quantities of ACV with tumeric that made me quite ill).I have been putting cocnut oil in my daily porridge instead of butter (only about 1 tsp per day), and it's obviously done the business.

Well pleased.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Amy (Sugar Grove, Va) on 05/05/2010

I've been taking the Virgin Coconut Oil softgels for about a month now. I am type o blood type & have had no problems at all. I also use the Extra Virgin Coconut Oil as a mosturizer, my skin looks great! My cellulite is all but gone my spider veins are even disappearing! I use Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a mosturizer for my face though because I suffer from bad adult acne. The Olive Oil cleared up my acne , took away the begins of all wrinkles & almost all of my acne scars I've had for years are gone. I love it! I'll be 36 next month & I look 10 yrs younger! I love this site! I wash my face with baking soda & water & use Lemon Juice as an astringent.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sis (Camp Zama, Japan) on 03/20/2010

After being told about oil-pulling om 5 Mar, I decided to do some research on the morning of the 6th and it led me to your site. After reading the basic information on how to, I started that morning. The immediate effect for me: my teeth clean a lot better after op. I thought that it would be a lot harder with the oil in my mouth to get them clean. I have reflux and some of my tooth enamel has eroded over the years. My teeth were getting dirty a lot faster in the day and were a lot harder to get clean. Sometimes even after brushing three times, I still had spots that were not squeaky clean. Now I can run my fingers over my teeth after brushing and can actually hear the sound of my fingers slipping over my teeth after one brushing and they stay cleaner longer. That has not happened in years.

One thing I need you to clear up for me though:

On your site you say to do the op before brushing, but the site you have as a reference ( says to do it after brushing. I have tried both, and once again to my surprise, it was just as effective. I thought my teeth would be oily, but that was not the case, and they stayed clean most of the day as well.

If you get some of the benefit from the added lubrication of the membranes in the mouth, would it not be contradictory to op first and then brush? I actually have also done op before and then again after brushing.

I mostly use extra virgin organic coconut oil. Have used avocado oil twice. My measurements are not all that exact. It usually is about a table spoon. Sometimes more or less. I started with about 15 minutes but have gone as long as 30 or 40 as I was doing research on my lap top. However, doing op while doing something else is not necessarily good as you may not concentrate on doing it right for effect. I usually op in the am, but have done it three times in the pm also. Usually what gets in my way of the pm session is the time I eat dinner and then would have to stay up too late to op. Since I don't have to wait to eat after op, I may chance my eating habits and make sure I have four hours after my lunch meal, then op and eat dinner after wards.

While in the US for a conference, I will bring back a gallon of sunflower and sesame oil each as it seems to have to most benefits for most of the reader on your site.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jen (Salt Lake City, Ut.) on 10/27/2009

I have been oil pulling with Coconut oil for about 6 months now and have noticed a lot of great results including increased energy and clarity of toughts. However the most significant is the improvement of my skin. I was haveing frequent adult breakouts of acne patches all the time, that I never had as a teenager, when one breakout would begin to clear another would begin. After oil pulling for about a month, my skin is clear and beautiful- no more breakouts. I also use Coconut oil as my primary moistureizer for my entire body and for cooking! I would like to say- if you begin to breakout a little more than usual in the beginning, don't stop, give it time- your skin will clear out! Good Luck and Thanks EC!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Michael (Grand Bay, AL) on 06/05/2009

I recently have started oil pulling with coconut oil(6th day) listed below are my problems and the effects so far. I would like to mention that for me oil pulling is relaxing so I do it several times a day while I am going about

1.obese(400lbs) cravings for continual eating gone. Appetite suppressed, eating much lighter meals, energy levels up
2. pinched nerve in neck. pain reduced by half
3. knees pain in knees reduced while walking reduced
4. lungs (have three inorganic spots in lungs,asthma symptons)
5. breathing easier while laying down less snoring

will keep informed on progress

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rainidaze (Lakewood, CA) on 05/11/2009

Coconut Oil Pulling: I used 1 tbl of CO 20 minutes in the morning first thing for a week straight then on and off for 2 more and I am amazed that I have no more morning breath or mid-day yucky mouth any longer after 2 days and my teeth are even whiter than before. My mouth always feels fresh teeth very dentist clean. So glad I found this site. Thanks so much!

Coconut Oil
Posted by ECM (Concord, NH, USA) on 05/07/2009

Oil Pulling (w/ coconut oil)

Honest to God, this stuff would be considered a miracle cure if I believed in miracles!

I started taking a TBSP of this about 10 days ago just to experiment with it because I'd read so many good things about it. At first, the only thing I noticed was that, after each 20 minute pulling session, I'd be coughing up stunning amounts of phlegm (mainly coming from the back of my throat where the nasal cavity empties into your throat. I also noticed, immediately, that I was having an easier time breathing all day long.

Anyway, that was a nice benefit: clearing out the pipes and easier to breathe, can't complain but hardly shocking stuff.

Then, about 5 days ago, I was checking out my teeth after brushing one morning. (During the last few years I've had some trouble with gum recession and nothing really seemed to work and I had resigned myself to, at some point, having some serious dental work done.) However, looking at the upper right side of my mouth I noticed something shocking: a gap between two teeth that had widened substantially for the past several years was CLOSING. In fact, I started probing the gap with my tongue and was shocked to discover I couldn't get my tongue very far up into the gap where, not too long ago, I could pretty much touch the gum tissue between the teeth. At first I didn't believe it: I mean, I'd only been doing this for five days and I started to question whether I was remembering correctly, so I just sort of made a note of it and then went about my day.

Now, over the last five days, the gap has grown so small that the two teeth in question are virtually touching one another again--I can't get my tongue into the gap at all anymore and, at this rate, it'll be gone by tomorrow morning! In all seriousness, each subsequent day it has improved, almost in real-time! I am now dying to go to my next dental appointment and see what the good dentist has to say about the state of my teeth now!

I also want to note again that I went into this not expecting some of the amazing things I've read on here and on the internet but, really, this stuff is the real deal and I can only imagine if it's having this much of an effect on my gums (and this quickly!) what it's doing internally. Talk about a 'miracle'!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jennie (Fort Wayne, IN) on 04/05/2009

For several weeks now i have been oil pulling in the evening with a teaspoonful of organic coconut oil followed with a tooth brushing of sea salt and baking soda. Immediately, my teeth were several shades lighter, and my tongue is now pink instead of white - and much hairier than it used to be. As a result, I found that my taste sensation is heightened: sweets now taste *really* sweet to me, and any kind of processed food tastes even worse than before - canned soups, boxed mixes, and especially awful are artificial sweeteners. I have lost 7 or 8 pounds over the last month or so as a result of refining my eating habits.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Brenda (Alexandria, VA) on 02/07/2009

Coconut Oil is an anti-fungal oil. The detox effect from using this oil can be pretty strong. I did oil pulling two years ago, then I let life get in the way. Lets just say I am back to where I started (so, tip . . . keep it up. Anyway, I used coconut oil after swishing with Olive Oil for a few months. Within a few hours I was coughing up lots of mucous. I remember searching all over my purse while waiting for a train to blow my nose. the Needless to say, I started oiling pulling again this morning. My oil of choice is Coconut Oil (1TB). I will post the detox effects if I have any.

If the detox effects of Coconut Oil is too strong switch oils.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Susan (Stroudsburg, Pa) on 01/25/2009

Oil pulling got rid of my tooth pain in just 3 days. I had a very painful toothache, my whole jaw and ear hurt from the pain. I could not get into see a dentist for two weeks. For several nights I could not sleep due to the pain. I tried several things first like splitting raw garlic and applying to both sides of tooth and gum area, it relieved it somewhat. I also tried rubbing with oregano oil I had in the medicine chest. I then found info on oil pulling on earth clinic. I was disparate, and tried it. I'm not sure if the garlic kicked in or the oregano....but soon I drifted off to sleep in much less pain. I used organic pure extra virgin coconut oil, unrefined, unbleached. I remember reading that this oil has antibacterial properties somewhere. I woke up the next morning and did it again. I also rubbed raw honey on he area, as I have read that has antibacterial properties as well. It was still hard to chew food for two days...but the pain was subsiding dramatically. By the fourth day I stopped oil pulling. And the pain continued to diminish and go away. I can chew good now and absolutely no pain. I am amazed! I'm curious as to what the dentist will find when I go to see him next week. Now today I did oil pulling again...going to do everyday to see if it whitens my teeth. Will keep you posted!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Doris (Orange County, CA USA) on 01/06/2009

VERY thorough water rinsing permanently ended my terrible worse-before-better flare ups. Once I realized OP pulled years of concentrated toxins from ALL my health issues, if ANY of that was re-absorbed, recovery was stalled with a bad flare up. To stop the cycle of taking 2 steps backward to take 3 forward with OP, I rinsed more carefully. Cautiously, I also weaned into OP, for a week or 2 only toothbrushed with a dab of oil, rinsing well. Immediate whiter teeth, better health, no flare ups. Terrific health results encouraged my focus to work up to full OP process (not as disgusting as I thought it would be). All-over health gained, energy like a 20 year old, cleaner internal feeling and body function, more mobility and agility, vigour - all are from OP. My dental amalgam pain was horrible. Now being fixed. Read,

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