The Benefits of Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

| Modified on Jun 30, 2024
Coconut Oil
Posted by North Cascadian (Portland, Oregon) on 01/13/2017

Editor's Choice I have been doing oil pulling since 2009, eight years. I began with Sesame Oil, but now use Organic Coconut oil. All of the drama of oil pulling happens at the beginning, when I started my sinuses had been clogged for most of my life, basically unable to breath through my nose. When I started op I coughed up so much phlegm! I basically stopped going to the dentist once I started op, my overall health and resilience is quite high. I feel it when I have to skip op for any reason. My technique is once in the morning, before my partner gets up for 15 to 30 minutes. After spitting it out in the toilet I take a glass of warm/hot water with about a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of baking soda mix and then alternate between swishing and gargling until I have gone through the glass, this part often takes 5 minutes.

This one health approach can help so many people! Please try it.

Coconut Oil
Posted by K Hagan (New Jersey, US) on 12/01/2014 1 posts

Editor's Choice I read about oil pulling about six years ago. At that time, I oil pulled with sesame oil for a few weeks but stopped because I read somewhere that it messes up your tooth enamel. I had a post nasal drip. It cleared my nasal passage and I coughed up mucus. About four months ago, I started experiencing joint pain in my hips. I considered going to the doctors but decided to explore earth clinic once again. I have been oil pulling for the past two months with organic coconut oil. My nasal passage is clear, I coughed up mucus, (my mucus went from green to clear in color), fresher breath, whiter teeth, gums are not as sensitive, joint pain in my hips is 90% better and I less back pain too. I plan to continue oil pulling and try different oils. I am so thankful for this website. It has saved me and my children money and time spent at the doctors office.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tracy (South Africa) on 09/19/2016

Oh, my word. I'm so glad I found oil pulling. I stopped smoking about 6 months ago and I think when you stop giving your body those chemicals, your body can finally try to rid itself from all the toxins, well my teeth started going yellow all of a sudden!

So, I searched for a remedy and found oil pulling. I decided to use coconut oil because of the added benefit of the antibacterial and anti fungal properties. I've been oil pulling with coconut oil for three months now and not only have my teeth started to whiten again, but I have noticed a decrease in eczema symptoms (which is probably also related to the smoking).

What I do is add a few drops of clove oil and lavender to help fight off any bad stuff (including germs that cause colds) and then before I use pop it into my mouth, I rub it on my face. My skin is looking amazing too!!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lydia (Dallas,texas) on 12/10/2013

Hi All. I started oil pulling 2 weeks ago, with coconut oil. when I began the end result when I spit out was very foamy and white. NOw when I spit out , it's not foamy or white, it's just like spitting out oil and saliva... Is this goood or bad? or normal? My teeth still feel very clean afterwards, and I've had the best poops EVER, since I started oil pulling. Anyway just wondering about why there is no more white foamy stuff. thanks.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 01/13/2017

I have not posted for a few days so you may be thinking I have died and gone to Heaven!? Not a bit of it. I have just had my blood pressure checked and YES, there IS some pressure there-yes indeed siree I Even though said BP was taken by a pretty, young nurse, I am 136 over 81 and you may be asking "What the heck has that got to do with me oh my gosh by crikey?". Nothing whatsoever maybe.

Well here's the thing, I used to be much higher than that! When I was working overseas I was in a fairly high-stress occupation in arduous conditions and not on an ideal diet. I had the occasional trip to see my favourite Indian Homoeopath, who lived on the tenth floor of this dilapidated, old building in which the lift had broken down way back in 197?, so I had to climb all the stairs. She insisted on taking my BP when I reached the top and started to tut tut her way through my diagnosis. She recorded my BP in a card system only she could operate. It was indexed by First names I think, like the telephone book in that country. I would have been listed as "Mr. Michael" had I had a land line. The Indians have a finely tuned sense of humour. I pleaded for ten minutes by her fan after braving such a climb and the 45 degree centigrade heat outside. Never mind.

To-day I have just returned from a visit to the A & E Department of our local hospital which is an hour away from here. Although there were only a few people waiting (I made sure I got there at opening time) we had to wait almost two hours to get as far as the Good Doctor. In the mean time the nurse had checked my BP and filled in the usual form. She seemed genuinely surprised to see that my BP was 136/81 for an older guy who might be expected to be above that. Not the BP of a twenty year old but still not too bad. The two hour wait, reading articles on the British Royal Family's scheming and in-fighting, as well as the various and many latest disappointments of Jennifer Aniston, must have served to calm down my fevered brow from my usual agitated state. Tough love is the story Jennifer.... if I may be so bold. I was a naughty boy and tossed my dummy and my BP pills away about a year ago and vowed to henceforth lead the Monastic Lifestyle to boot. Although not World Famous for being consistent (more like a butterfly really), what I have done is the Oil Pulling with Coconut oil in the morning first thing for many months now. That and doing the early flush with Lemon / Lime juice, the ACV, then the ACV AND Bicarbonate of Soda, Molasses drink, MSM, Alfalfa, a broad-spectrum Multi-Vitamin, plus occasional Magnesium Chloride Liquid and two or three Vit. C tablets (1000mg) per week and Ted's Borax Protocol.

I usually take weekends off to give the bod a rest......!! ( I was tempted to change to Sesame Seed oil instead of CO but all they had at the local health food store was toasted stuff so I steered clear of it). I too have suffered from Sinus problems my whole life. I seem clear at the moment but I am waiting for the wet weather, when I might have to use the Nettie Pot again. Alfalfa tabs have really helped "unclog me". Try them for a week. Sensational relief for me. I was interested to learn about the swishing with Salt and BS. Might try that one. Is there any harm in just swallowing the CO after one has been doing this pulling for a few weeks I sometimes wonder? Pity to waste such good stuff!

Moral to convoluted diatribe above? None! Only (1) that the CO may have helped to lower the BP. I admit to taking a spoonful whenever I remember to do it. Also, (2) thanks to M to M for the Turmeric poultice recipe and I tried Avocado oil, Turmeric and Black Pepper as a paste. Gave relief on the knee overnight. Whoopee! I will be running soon. And (3) Try the Alfalfa to unclog the Tubes. Hooray. More from Down Under from one who is not yet "Down Under"!

Cheers, Michael

Coconut Oil
Posted by John (Averill Park, Ny) on 01/26/2018

I have been oil pulling with coconut oil for almost four years every morning and at night for 20 minutes each time .

I discovered oil pulling on this website in 2014. I am so very thankful for the countless people around this world who are generous with everything they share on here. A woman in 2014 wrote about O.P.. She advised everyone to thoroughly rinse their mouth after O.P.. She also advised everyone to wait one hour before brushing their teeth . She said the oil softens the enamel on your teeth from O.P.. She said you should wait one hour after you're done oil pulling to let the enamel harden before you brush your teeth . I've been following her advice since I started O.P.. I wonder now if it's necessary . Please tell what you think .

Thank you!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Barb (Indiana) on 08/21/2015

I started oil pulling about 3 weeks ago. I can't believe the result already. I'm using organic coconut oil. What are thoughts about OP at night instead of in the morning? Any commentary would be appreciated. Thanks.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Amy J (Oregon, US) on 01/26/2015

I have no negatives when it comes to oil pulling.

I have been doing it with coconut oil for nearly one month, and while I do not have any miraculous things going on, there are a few major differences I noticed after a couple weeks of doing it, and if I miss a day, I notice things start to regress in some areas.

Being that I am a singer, the biggest change I have noticed, though I didn't realise until a few days ago it was related, was the regaining the lowest parts of my low register. I lost it some time ago due to allergies, occasionally I'd get glimpses of it, but it never quite came back for good.

Over the last few weeks, I noticed my voice deepening a lot. Now, I have a huge vocal range spanning close to 4 octaves, but I lost a good octave due to the allergies, maybe more than that. I still haven't regained the highest parts of my upper register, but we'll see if over time, oil pulling helps that as well.

It has certainly helped with gum inflammation, I had some inflamed areas, and they are now normal and my gums don't look red anymore either, but healthy and pink. :)

I got frequent sinus infections, and while I may get some sinus pressure every now and then, for the most part, my sinuses are pretty cleared up and I don't get massive sinus headaches anymore.

For me, those 3 things are enough to keep oil pulling, even if I never see any new benefits down the road.

God Bless ~Amy

Coconut Oil
Posted by Art (California ) on 08/30/2016 2227 posts


You didn't mention how much DE you were taking per day and that would be very useful information for people who are thinking of taking or are currently taking DE.

In a clinical study that used only 750 mgs per day, DE was shown to lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and have lasting effects, so the multiple tablespoon dosing that is typically seen on the internet may be a little over the top for some people.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Bee (New York, NY, US) on 10/02/2014

Hi Gail ;; (U.S.)

I am oil pulling and the first few days I felt like I had the flu.... Its def. detox or die off symtpoms.. They are less now and I have been oil pulling for a month....A lot of plague came off my teeth... gums are better and teeth are whiter. I use organic safflower oil.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Gail (Defuniak Springs, FL, US) on 10/02/2014

I guess I have a yeast problem and heavy metals . I'm looking forward to feeling better I just hope it doesn't take a month . Thanks for the encouragement and I hope OP continues to help you too.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rama (India) on 11/19/2014


I had done OP off and on from the time I heard about it, which was more than 20 years ago. Sometimes , due to certain reasons I might have stopped for a short while , and would have totally forgotten about this therapy.

Then few years back again I started it, and did it regularly 3 times a day, and that was the time got so many blisters in my mouth. I still continued with great difficulty , thinking it was okay, as it must be all the toxins coming out and they would go away, as Sesame oil is also good for treating ulcers anyway in India.

But then I could not even open my mouth it was so painful, that I had to visit a doctor and get medicines to get rid of the blisters. After that, I decided I will not try OP.

Now again I suddenly remembered it and as I am in my 50s with all the associated problems related to this age, I thought I would start again.

So I started with once a day early in the morning and slowly as the week progressed I have started doing it twice a day.

Till now I have had no problems and I really like doing it.I also have not noticed any positive changes in me, but that is okay, we have to give time to healing to see results. I am willing to wait. I feel I must have got too excited and had started doing 3 times previously, that is why too many toxins were released and caused the blister problem. This time I am more sensible, if I see some problem, I would reduce it to once a day, and see when I can re start it to twice a day, or even stop it for a while I have no doubt in my mind regarding its goodness. I have done it both with sesame oil as well as coconut oil. I don't like sun flower and olive oil. I would keep alternating between Coconut and sesame oil.

I will soon get back with my updates.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bruco (Washington) on 06/30/2024

I used Coconut oil pulling and one of my fillings fell out after 6 days. After 9 days of CO pulling 3 times a day at 20 minutes each time I woke up coughing one morning, and hacked out 3 tar chunks about the size of a Tootsie Roll. They each had a little blood on them as they were adhered to the side of my lungs. When I got home that day my wife told me "you look good, your skin looks pinker more healthy" I showed the picture of the 3 tar balls which if rolled up together would have been just a bit bigger than a golf ball. I used to smoke, and also smoked marijuana. True story.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Nora (Kentucky, Usa) on 08/10/2014

I tried organic virgin coconut oil for oil pulling which I had never heard about until now and I love it! It actually solved my oral issues when not even commercial mouth wash would, including my toothpaste! Unbelievable, if I hadn't tried it I would not have believed it, but I told myself, (what can I lose, so , I tried it and after about a month to a month and a half, great results, my mouth has totally healed! ) . I even read the website "wellness mama" and the other health benefits of extra virgin organic coconut oil and wow, even changed my toothpaste from flouride to the same mixture on this lady's website to try it out and it works! I am also looking into anti-inflammatory foods and detox foods to aid in better over-all health and flush out the toxins for myself and my family. I've always tried to watch what I eat and eat healthy, but there's always room for improvement. I do what I can, though, given a very tough economy still right now, so this coconut oil pulling is really helping and I think I'll stick with it.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Julie (Clarksburg, Md) on 04/21/2014

I have been oil pulling for approximately one month and my teeth feel wonderful and the cleanest they ever felt. My skin is so clear and my brown spots on my hand and arm are fading. I no longer get headaches. My nasal passages are always clean - no allergy headaches this spring! The arthritis in my knees are so much better. I am also sleeping better. I will continue to do this. Its the best thing ever!!!!!! LOVE IT!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Layla14 (San Jose, Ca) on 03/11/2014


I am 28 yrs. old, female at around 148 lbs., 5'5". I am pretty healthy overall, with minor skin concerns. I made a choice to start trying different types of Ayurvedic therapy and to start using more organic body products without all the chemical/parabens. I firmly believe that I can be healthier (along with a clean diet & exercise of course) without relying on medicine/chemical crap, so that is the reason why I have taken it upon myself to do research on Ayurveda & holistic health :)

Currently suffer from certain things: occasional dandruff, some scalp psoriasis, oily skin, keratosis pilaris (upper arm), fatigue, unhealthy weight (in my opinion, I want to be at 130 lbs.), occasional mood and mild depression. Also my knee joints will start hurting if I put too much stress on them (i.e running more than 5 miles). I also feel that I drink too much alcohol/usually social binge drinking weekends and sometimes weekdays. I know, it's bad!

I started oil pulling 3 days ago with coconut oil for 10 mins. first thing in the morning. The side effects of detoxing did not start until this morning (third day), I woke up feeling hot (flu-like symptoms), groggy, and just moody. Throughout the day I have been feeling somewhat nauseated as well. I've noticed that after my first OP, I've had really deep sleep accompanied with vivid dreams!

Positives haven't been significant, since it's still too early to tell...but just like with other people... I have seen that my skin looks somewhat smoother, teeth are whiter, my vision seems a lot clearer too (colors are more vibrant), good quality sleep, and I have also been leaning on to craving healthier foods. My cravings for salt & sugar seem to be decreasing as well.

I am going to continue with OP and I'll check back in within a few weeks! Hopefully will see more benefits :)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ana (Homestead, Fl) on 01/17/2014

I started oil pulling with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil last month and although I have yet to see improvements, I remain hopeful. I started oil pulling after reading about the health benefits of doing so, and hoping to help my teeth and strengthen my gums since they bleed a bit when I floss sometimes.

I also take 1 teaspoon of fish oil, sometimes flaxseed oil and pulverized egg shells in a glass of V8.

DO NOT spit out the coconut oil in the sink, IT WILL CLOG YOUR DRAIN!! Spit it out in a plastic bag and toss it after, then rinse your mouth with warm water, then swish a mix of baking soda and a bit of hydrogen peroxide for just a minute, spit it out, then brush your teeth as usual. Remember to "clean" your toothbrush after brushing your teeth, with some hydrogen peroxide to get rid of any bacteria.

Love this website!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Nordlanding1 (Uniontown, Alabama) on 08/12/2012

I've been oil pulling with organic extra virgin coconut oil for about 2 months now. I literally ran from the dentist over a year ago when my hygienist cleaned my teeth and told me that I have gingivitis, bleeding gums and what not. When I brush my teeth, my gums would bleed. Almost immediately I started oil pulling, I noticed that my teeth felt tighter. When I brush, it doesn't bleed anymore so I scheduled me a dentist appointment. The same hygienist from a year ago asked where I had been and she remembered that my teeth were jacked up so to speak. So she asked have I been flossing everyday. Of course not was my response so to make a long story shorter, when she finished with my cleaning she was flabbergasted at how well my teeth are now compared to last year. I had a second cleaning a week later. She said, "Mr. Nord, your teeth are great, you've been doing something". that's when I told her about oil pulling.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Iris (Los Angeles, Ca, U.s.) on 08/20/2010

I have been using coconut for oil pullin for 2 days. Today is 8/20/2010.

I was looking for a way to avoid root canals. I had pain in my teeth on both sides of my mouth and just did not want any more root canals. I read in a book written by a dentist that root canals allow bacteria to set up as soon as 24 hours after they are done. And that the bacteria can spread to other parts of your body and cause pain and disease that the medical doctor won't make the connection that the problem is stemming from a root canal whether it was done years ago or just recently. I am happy I found this site. My goodness how can swossing oil around your mouth have such power and allow you to reap such benefits? Here are some of mine:

The first night I found out about oil pulling I just used a cotton swab to massage my gums and teeth with olive oil. The next morning my gums were so sore. I wonder if the oil stirred up the bacteria in my gums. I started oil pulling that morning with coconut oil as I read it killed bacteria. Over a period of some time, my teeth had become yellow, I do not know why as they used to be white, white, white. I oil pulled for 20 minutes. Immediatly I saw that my teeth lightened up tremendously. I was elated. I had used tooth bleach but the procedure would have to be repeated). Mucous began to released as I was doing the oil pulling and continued afterward for probably over an hour (I didn't time it). My teeth are so smooth now (and whiter), only after 2 days of this. When I drink water now, I feel so hydrated and the water taste good just hitting my mouth. This is something I had never even thought of. I didn't know what I was missing until now. The pain in my teeth has lessened. I can still feel a little bit. But it is leaving.

I had pain, first in my right hip, then got tremendous pain in my left hip. Now both areas are almost pain free. Also, I had pain in my neck and shoulders, it is gone. I am feeling twinges of pain I believe in my lung area. I used to wake up practically craving junk food and would have to force myself to eat the healthy organic foods that I always buy. The cravings seem to be gone for the time being. Now I feel stable and want the healthy organic vegetables with no problem. I woke up this morning with a lot of energy and couldn't wait to get out for my morning job. I had gotten to the place where I felt exercise was something I "had to do". Now I am back to the pleasure of taking care of my body. And not only that, my joy of doing things and new ideas are returning. The feeling I have now is: What can I do today. I love this. The relief of these symptoms tells me that bacteria can cast a dreary veil over your life. I am thankful for the founders of this site. Oh, one other thing. My doctor said, I have high sugar but not high enough to be on medication. Sugar is an environment where bacteria can flourish. I believe the cocunut oil pulling has killed a lot of bacteria in internal environment.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Gail (US) on 10/02/2014


I started oil pulling with coconut oil 5 days ago . After my first pulling, I was nauseated, but my teeth were whiter and less sensitive . The next morning I awoke with a dull headache that lasted for 3 days , and I was nauseated again after my second op with co . The 3rd day I broke out with blisters around my mouth and I felt very hot but not like a hot flash kind of hot also the third night after I did the op I was getting ready for bed and I started feeling very stressed and depressed . The next morning when I woke up I felt okay . I then read on this site that it could of been because I was detoxing copper from my brain which made me feel relieved . Also on the 3rd day my jaws started hurting and on the 5th day I notice my tongue has turned white not coated white but actually my tongue is white . My jaws still hurt . Will continue although I think I will try sunflower and olive oil I will still use co too . Like this site so very informative . It's nice to hear from people who have some of the problems I do .

Coconut Oil
Posted by Timh (KY) on 11/20/2014 2063 posts

I have found that walking around or even sitting upright in a vertical position is not ideal for Oil Pulling. Recline your body 45 degrees and the pull is much more effective.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Janine (Perth, Western Australia) on 01/23/2015

I'm not sure how I can contribute to this site. But obviously I can't send a message to you. There are so many people that dont believe this. I am not normally an alternate person but I have been trying this for 3 days only. I was due for a dental appointment but the plaque on my teeth is becoming lesses and lesser. I originally googled this for a throat mucous problem which I have had for 12 years and no doctors prescription has been able to fix. 3 days later my throat feels fabulous apart from being quite dried out which makes it hard to swallow but I just buy lozengers. I disagree with the dentists clean and scale treatment that we have here in oz as I think that it thins your teeth down. I am totally amazed by what coconut oil has done so far. I'm sorry to bother you but thank you.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 01/23/2015

Hi Janine,

We are grateful that you have taken time to contribute your findings on the recent oil pulling. It is with joy that we hear it is working out. You will never bother us with any comment, good or bad, on your experience with a remedy or question about a problem. We all enjoy learning from each other at Earth Clinic! Thanks.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Liz (Boston, Massachusetts) on 03/25/2014

It's supposed to be solid, so the answer to your question is yes. It will liquefy once it is in your 98.6 degree mouth. :) The entire jar will become liquid when the weather is warmer.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Caitlin (Austin, Tx) on 09/20/2013


Oil Pulling REALLY does cleanse as well as make your teeth whiter and improve your oral health. When I started with coconut oil, it did a number on my eczema skin, making it worse. So... I stopped! But going back to it after a couple of weeks also brought another kind of detox I did not go through the first time - i.e., headaches, backaches, blurry vision, but, better skin. Now, the heavy detox symptoms (3 days) are wearing down; skin is definitely looking better, and more importantly, if I oil pull for 15 minutes before bed, I sleep like a baby. Finally deep-sleeping through the night! Getting enough sleep by oil pulling has really improved my mood, my foggy brain, and my dark, under-eye circles -- they have all but disappeared. So, a big YES that oil pulling works where nothing else natural that I tried, did.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Billie (Washington State, Usa) on 09/12/2013

I started oil pulling with coconut oil about three weeks ago. I have a stubborn fibroid, and after being on six month herbal regiment to shrink it, while it helped, I just didn't want to take all those herbs anymore. It did help reduce my period from heavy and seven days to about five days, and lessened the flow -- sorry if that's TMI :)

Anyway, I researched oil pulling and what caught my attention was that a person who had a problem with shifting teeth, once they started oil pulling, their teeth stopped shifting. Mine have been shifting since I got my braces off 8 years ago. I have to wear my retainer at night. So I started oil pulling and I have not had to wear my retainer since; my teeth have stayed straight and are whitening beautifully.

Even better though, my most recent period only lasted three days, and it was extremely light. I don't have any joint pain, I feel refreshed. I am hoping that it helped shrink my fibroid a bit more, as I am combining this with Chaste berry and serrapeptase, as well as drinking ACV water.

I feel better than I did when I was in my 20s. I love oil pulling; it's easy, I do it in the shower, and after I spit out the oil I gargle with salt water to loosen the little bit of oil from my mouth and then brush. If you haven't started oil pulling and are still trying to decide, give it a try for about a week, especially if you are suffering from arthritis. A week won't hurt you, and sparing fiftheen minutes before breakfast to do this -- you won't regret it.