Michelle (Penryn, CA) on 09/29/2006
Replied By Lightawake (Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand) on 05/08/2010
Replied By Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/09/2010
Replied By Stacy (Tampa, Florida) on 07/20/2011
#1 is baby oil. Swab lightly with it every night/every other night before bed. Also drop in into your ears several times a week during the day. You'll want to leave a small piece of cotton in your ears so the oil doesn't drain out onto your face (causing blemishes) for a few hours after using baby oil as a drop. The baby oil softens the ear wax and will sooth your sensitive ears.
#2 don't allow water in your ear. It may cause infections because the earplugs don't allow your ears to dry out after a shower. Use baby oil to keep the water out.
#3 use peroxide once or twice a month to get rid of earwax unless you have a ruptured eardrum. It will be shockingly cold and make some crazy noise, but unless it hurts leave it in for as long as tolerated. DO NOT do this often as it will agitate your ears. I've also stopped ear infections from coming on by using peroxide. So... Never put anything deep into your ear (ei a cotton swab) except baby oil and peroxide. Let them dry out on their own.