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Michelle (Penryn, CA) on 09/29/2006
1 out of 5 stars


I started using earplugs about 5 years ago to drown out the sounds of a snoring husband. This worked great for a while. But now I am DEPENDANT on them in order to sleep. I used to be able to fall asleep with noise, with some lights on, with the television on, but now I am ONLY able to sleep in complete silence and darkness, and with my EAR PLUGS. It would be so nice just to fall asleep whenever I am tired. Now I have insomnia problems I feel because I can't just fall asleep whenever I want to-- only when I have my EAR PLUGS. Not to mension, my ears always ache now and have sores in them, probably due to the ear wax build up. EAR PLUGS do work for a while, but please try them at your own risk!

Replied By Lightawake (Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand) on 05/08/2010

hi, thank you for this warning! i just tried it for the last week and though it has worked very well for a week (though it`s slipping back now...well 4 years insomnia is a tough one to beat i guess), i was wondering about the possibility of getting dependent on them, and also noticed that my ears are already a bit sensitive. it`s good, but ill be wary of that, thanks!
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Replied By Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/09/2010

Hi again, I hadn't seen your earlier post..... I also wear earpluggs and I have gotten dependent on them. I suppose that my sleep is very light therefore without them I wake up easily. I have worn them for a number of years now with no side effects (even thought we live in a very peaceful place, at least at night....). I do pannic a bit if we go away and I forget them...... Other than that no problems!

Replied By Stacy (Tampa, Florida) on 07/20/2011

I have been using earplugs every night for at least a year. Yes, you become dependant. I even have to use one or two during the day if I need a nap. However if you do become dependant on them I'd like to give a few tips that will change your life.

#1 is baby oil. Swab lightly with it every night/every other night before bed. Also drop in into your ears several times a week during the day. You'll want to leave a small piece of cotton in your ears so the oil doesn't drain out onto your face (causing blemishes) for a few hours after using baby oil as a drop. The baby oil softens the ear wax and will sooth your sensitive ears.

#2 don't allow water in your ear. It may cause infections because the earplugs don't allow your ears to dry out after a shower. Use baby oil to keep the water out.

#3 use peroxide once or twice a month to get rid of earwax unless you have a ruptured eardrum. It will be shockingly cold and make some crazy noise, but unless it hurts leave it in for as long as tolerated. DO NOT do this often as it will agitate your ears. I've also stopped ear infections from coming on by using peroxide. So... Never put anything deep into your ear (ei a cotton swab) except baby oil and peroxide. Let them dry out on their own.