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Michelle (Kanab, Utah) on 01/30/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I had a kidney stone and was having a hard time passing it.I started taking apple vinegar cider in red raspberry tea after the second cup almost all my pain was gone. It also helps clear up bladder infections. Thanks
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Replied By David Hay (Lititz, PA) on 05/05/2009

After having surgery 15 years ago for a kidney stone, I was hit with one again yesterday and had almost forgotten the pain that comes with it. After a trip to the hospital to confirm it, I was sent home with a screen funnel and some pain pills. They didn't work, but I remembered using apple cider vinegar the last time. So I took an 8 OZ cup and put two ounces of apple cider vinegar and 5 ounces of cold water. Stirred and chugged it down. The pain stopped within ten minutes and I passed the stone pain free within two hours. I was on the road eleven hours today totally pain free!