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Peggy (Hanover, Pa) on 02/03/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I probably have more stones than anyone I have heard of. I produce them almost at the speed of light. I watch my diet, filter my water, ect. Nothing seems to work. I recently started drinking organic apple cider vinegar with water three times a day. Use two tablespoons of vinegar to equal amounts of water. You can add honey if it helps. I noticed the color was different when I passed it. I get about one a week. The pain is just awful. I hope this helps.

Replied By Allan (Hki, FI) on 05/16/2008

A good vegetarian diet that includes nutrients with low protein is also a great way to prevent and dissolve kidney stones.

Replied By Joshua (Oakwood, GA) on 05/31/2009

Also, a good diet of meat and veggies in moderation and little to no fried foods and junk is a great way to live too! But keep up with the ACV!
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Replied By Donna (Miami, Fl) on 08/03/2010

I have had them as frequently also and the doctors did a 24 hour urine sample on me discovering my calcium kidney stones were due to lack of Potassium (which Apple Cider Vinegar naturally has!! ). No matter how much calcium I ate, due to the lack of potassium my body wasn't absorbing it. I am now taking 2 teaspoons full of ACV in 8oz of water 3x a day and not only do I not have kidney stones, but I get less premenstrual cramps, my face has cleared up, I have more energy and I just feel better all around :)
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Replied By Kfort (Livonia, Mi) on 03/22/2011

If you have a reoccuring problem with kidney stones have your parathyroid hormone levels checked. My doctor just told me that my kidney stones may be a result of a benign parathyroid gland. The parathyroid controls the amount of calcium in the blood and when it malfunctions it strips calcium from the bones and dumps it into the bloodstream where it can collect in the kidneys, heart, gall bladder, etc. There is a whole list of symptoms and information about this disease at

A simple blood test can determine if you have this and a simple surgery to remove the gland can give you your health back. If your doctor doesn't know about this get another doctor. I'm getting my blood tested next week.

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Replied By John (Columbus, Oh) on 07/31/2011

I was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism a few years back. Apparantly one of my four parathyroid glands has been enlarged since I was a teenager (or earlier). The overactive gland instructed my body to pull excess calcium from my bones and put it into my blood stream, thus forming dozen calcium stones into both of my kidneys. At age 38, the doctor finally diagnosed it after years of passing stones. They removed the gland and my calcium levels are normal again; however, I have been passing the calcium stones ever since. My doctor said all the stones are 5mm or less, so they are passable. He said anything over 5mm is not typically passable.

I'm anxious to try one of these remedies, but I'm confused if ACV is the right remedy for calcium stones. I'll keep reading.

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Replied By Ms (Livonia, Mi) on 01/15/2012

To Kfort of Livonia, MI - Did you have your blood test done? What is the result? Did you have your surgery? We need recommendations of doctor? Will appreciate a reply. Thanks!