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Gabi (TORONTO, CANADA) on 02/12/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Insomnia remedy. Hi all Insomniacs! I discovered my remedy a few years ago by accident. I just turned vegan and was looking for something raw to sweeten up my food and desserts. It is KAKAO (cacao). Raw Chocolate nibs. You will find them in health food store. Take 1-2 teaspoon in the evening and chew it. I put mine in a coffee grinder.God, how well I sleep! I am not insomniac but used to have sleepless nights time to time and my friend with sleeping problems is already on it and sends me his blessings every morning so I hope it will help you also. Don't ask me if there is caffeine. I don;t know.It works. I use it when my schedule is craze and I sleep 2-4 hr every night and this is going for months sometimes.Being "on cacao" I fall in a sleep in seconds and wake up well rested. I just feel in the morning like a baby again! Please send me email if it works for you.

Replied By Susan (Vancouver, Canada) on 08/25/2009

Yes, I started using cacao (Cocoa) in the powder form. It is very healthy. I have researched it on the internet and it has the most flavanoids (immune booster) of any food. As well it is a pure protein. Do not mix with dairy as they block many of these nutrients.

Replied By Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl) on 04/21/2012

Cacao is rich in magnesium, which helps to promote sleep. That is why some people also have relief from insomnia from taking magnesium orally or taking epsom salt baths. :)